after losing heart

Chapter 291 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【015】

Chapter 291 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【015】

Su Mo was taken aback, not understanding why she became emotional so quickly, and was about to pick up steps to follow when she heard a voice coming from the gate of Fengqi Palace.

"My lady, slow down!"

He followed the prestige to look over, and a lady in palace attire with exquisite makeup was holding the hand of a palace lady, and slowly came out of Fengqi Palace.

Su Mo's eyes narrowed slightly.

Xiling Snow!
Isn't she arranged in Penglai Pavilion?How did you get here?
At this time, Qiancheng also heard the movement and turned around.

Su Mochen saw that she wasn't shocked in the slightest when she saw Xilingxue, but just stayed for a moment, then looked away and looked at him.

Their eyes met, as if they were waiting for his explanation.

At that moment, he finally realized that it was because of this, and he couldn't help but twitch his lips, and looked at the woman who climbed down the steps, "Xue'er!"

The woman lowered her eyebrows and looked at the steps under her feet. When she heard his voice, she was slightly startled, and the tip of her eyes slightly raised to look at them.

After Qiancheng clearly saw the slight flicker in the woman's eyes, he returned to calmness, that kind of indifferent calmness.

She was a little surprised that Xilingxue was this reaction.

While he was wondering, Xilingxue had already walked down the steps and came to them.

Xi Lingxue bowed slightly to Su Mochen, and said lightly, "Your Majesty!"

At the end, he looked slowly towards Qiancheng again, and nodded slightly to her as a signal.

Qiancheng smiled as a return gift, but was even more confused in his heart.

"I have already sent someone to welcome His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Dongmo, and I guess they will arrive soon. Today, for lunch, I will hold a banquet in Weiyang Palace to welcome His Highness the Crown Prince. Xue'er should also attend at that time!"

"Yes! Xueer thanked the emperor for his kindness on behalf of my brother!" Xilingxue nodded slightly at Su Mochen, and finally said: "If there is nothing else, Xueer will go back to Penglai Pavilion first."

"Well, let's go!"

Su Mo raised his hand.

Xilingxue turned around calmly and walked away slowly.

Qiancheng was so shocked that she couldn't react for a long time. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, if Su Mochen hadn't called her Xueer, she would have thought that this woman was just a twin sister who looked exactly like Xilingxue.

Why is it like a different person?
Looking at her reaction, Su Mochen smiled lightly, stepped forward and put his arms around her shoulders, "Let's go, join me for lunch later."

Qiancheng didn't say a word, waiting for him to continue.

But after walking for a while, the man had no intention of explaining at all, so she finally couldn't help but ask, "Xilingxue, she..."

"She's going back to Dongmo soon."

"Back to Dongmo?"

She was a little stunned. In ancient times, there was no reason to return the water thrown by a married daughter, let alone a princess of a country.

"Xue'er is the only princess of Dongmo. Perhaps the emperor of Dongmo was afraid that his precious daughter would suffer, so he wrote a book to ask me to release Xue'er to return to China. I went to see Xue'er in Lenggong and found that she had changed a lot in the past two years. She has already figured out a lot of things, and she has been kind to me before. Although she is wrong, she is only guilty of staying in the cold palace for a lifetime. It just so happens that Emperor Dongmo has this request. Why don't I be a favor and fulfill their wish? In this way, it is the real six palaces without concubines, isn't it?"

Qiancheng was shocked, not because of Xilingxue, but because of this man's last sentence.

No Concubine in Six Palaces!

He wants to have no concubine for her.

"Su Mochen..."

She stared blankly at the man in front of her, not knowing what to say.

It is true that she has always wanted to be a couple for life, but she also knows the responsibility of being an emperor.

Seeing her infatuated look, a touching smile slowly bloomed on Su Mo's thin lips. He raised his hand and pinched her face, his black eyes sparkling, "Woman, don't use this in broad daylight." Looking at me with this kind of eyes, I want to see..." He suddenly leaned over to her ear, blowing hot air ambiguously, "I want to see, I will see it at night!"

Qiancheng was taken aback for a moment, but immediately understood, his face blushed, he was ashamed and annoyed, "Su Mochen!"

The man already laughed and walked ahead quickly.

That afternoon, Xilingxue and Prince Dongmo set off to return home together. Su Mochen and Qiancheng both went to the gate of the city to see her off.

Looking at the figure who turned his head three times a step at a time, and at the carriage gradually disappearing in front of his eyes, Qiancheng felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

She knows that some things can be figured out, but some things can never be let go.

The greatest helplessness of a person is that he has to, has to love, has to hate, and has to let go.

She thought, Xilingxue's heart is far less indifferent than the expression on her face?

Otherwise, she wouldn't have appeared in the courtyard of Fengqi Palace, right?

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been looking back at the Nine Layers Palace?
But what if you can't let go?Could it be that he will live alone in the cold palace for the rest of his life?
In fact, thinking about it now, she didn't make any big mistakes. If she had to say something wrong, it might be because she met the wrong person at the wrong time, fell in love with this person by mistake, and made mistakes again and again in her obsession.

Seeing more wishful thinking and being trapped by love around me, I feel that it is so difficult for two people to be happy.

"Su Mochen..." Gently embraced the waist of the man beside her, leaned her face against his chest, listening to the steady and powerful heartbeat, she felt that her happiness was so real, "Thank God for letting me meet you !"

Su Mo was stunned, gently lifted her shoulders, and stared at her face with black eyes.

The wind on the city tower was very strong, and the wind blew through the sleeves of the clothes, and the clothes of the two were entangled, and he raised his hand to grab the messy hair on her forehead.

Looking at each other, she suddenly kissed his lips, the first time she took the initiative to kiss his lips in such a public place.

The entanglement of lips and teeth deepened bit by bit.

In the eyes, there is no one else.

Three months later
Although it was early spring, the palace was already full of spring and bright.

Youmei Palace

Emperor Wen sat at the stone table and sipped tea, while Mei Ping sat opposite him holding Jin'er, peeling lychees one by one, and feeding them to Jin'er.

There were no lychees in this season, they were sent as a tribute from the border country, and Su Mochen ordered someone to send some to Youmei Palace.

"Jin'er, is it delicious?" Afraid that Jin'er would choke, Mei Ping patiently divided the peeled lychees into several pieces and fed them.

"It's delicious!" Jin'er's voice was childish, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she couldn't be more congenial.

Mei Ping's heart trembled.

"Eat more if it's delicious!"

"Grandfather eat!" Jin'er took the lychee from Mei Ping's hand and handed it to Emperor Wen. Although he couldn't see it, Emperor Wen still felt it. He smiled slightly and leaned down, "Okay, grandfather eat!"

He opened his mouth, and Jin'er stuffed the litchi in his hand.

"Grandfather, is it delicious?" Jin'er imitated Mei Ping's tone and said solemnly.

"Well, it's so delicious!" Emperor Wen pretended to be extremely intoxicated.

Seeing the long smile on the corners of the man's eyes and eyebrows, Mei Ping couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

It turns out that happiness is really simple.

When Qiancheng walked in, she saw such a harmonious picture of the three of them. She couldn't bear to disturb her, and stood at the door for a long time, until Jin'er spotted her with sharp eyes, slipped down from Mei Ping's arms, and happily walked towards her. Run over here, "Mother, mother!"

Qiancheng stretched out his arms, hugged Jin'er in his arms, and kissed her face fiercely, "Is Jin'er good today?"

"Jin'er is very good. If you don't believe me, mother can ask grandpa and grandma? Besides, Jin'er feeds lychees to grandpa! Isn't that right, grandpa?"

Emperor Wen laughed loudly, "Yes, yes! Jin'er is amazing."

Mei Ping beside her couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What's so happy?" With a low-mellow male voice, a bright yellow figure walked in quickly.

When Jin'er saw it, she cheered again, "Daddy, Daddy!"

While shouting, he stretched out his small arms towards him.

Su Mo stepped forward with a deep smile, and took her from Qiancheng's hands, his black eyes fell on Qiancheng's face, "The imperial doctor asked you to rest, why did you come out?"

Emperor Wen and Mei Ping were taken aback, "What's the matter? Qiancheng isn't feeling well?"

"No!" Su Mo shook his head with a deep smile, the light in his black eyes was shining like stars, he hugged Jin'er, and at the same time helped Qian Cheng to walk to the stone table, let her sit down, and then spoke to her in secret. The two said with doubts on their faces: "She is happy!"

"Really?" Both Mei Ping and Emperor Wen showed delighted expressions.

"What is joy?" Jin'er tilted her head, blinking her big black eyes at Su Mochen.

Su Mochen laughed, raised his hand and scratched her little nose, "You are going to be my sister!"

"I want to be an older sister..." Jin'er frowned, thinking about it, but still didn't understand.

Everyone laughed.

Qiancheng looked up, the sky was blue, the orange-red spring day was round, and the snow-white clouds refracted various colors of light, making the sky radiant.

It was really the most beautiful scenery she had ever seen.


This is the end of Shen Hecheng's episode, please believe that their happiness is still going on in that time and space.

There may be a few chapters of their epilogue later, of course, that is later.

Then I will write three and fourteen, and they will not be too long. If you like it, you can continue to accompany Suzi!
Suzi's new article has already taken up "Ye Weiyang: A Woman Waiting for the Emperor", the link is in the author's announcement on the left, and I will wait until the end of this episode to fill it in. Dear friends, you can keep it first.

Bow again and thank all of you who met Shen Cheng!love you!

Thank you [xiaoyudianGOOD] for your wallet~~
(End of this chapter)

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