after losing heart

Chapter 292 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [001]

Chapter 292 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [001]

[How many relatives are there to accompany Suzi?Before the start of the episode, Suzi said a few words first. First of all, the episode is written for those who want to read it. You can choose to watch it, and you are not forced to subscribe. In addition, dear friends, don’t think Suzi when you see the style of writing. If you want to force the pairing, you will be excited, everything is unknown until the end of the story! 】

When Su Mofeng and Su Moyi came out of Longyin Palace, the night was already very deep.

The autumn night wind was very cool, blowing towards his face, he couldn't help shivering, looking up, the autumn moon was boundless, and the brilliance was long.

night, so deserted.

"Third Brother..." Seeing him looking at the sky in a daze, Su Moyi beside him called him softly.

He returned to his senses in a daze.

"My carriage is at the gate of the palace, how will third brother get back to the house?" Su Moyi asked.

"I ride a horse!"

In order to take the guards up the mountain to pick up Qiancheng from Hanye Nunnery today, he set off before dawn last night, riding a horse.

"Well! Then let's go together!"

"it is good!"

Su Mofeng looked back at Longyin Palace again, the gate was not closed, and the red candles in the room of Longyin Palace were flickering.

Tonight is the wedding ceremony between that woman and another man, should they be drinking at the Hebei bar at this moment?
Although the two of them had already been married, were together, and had Jin'er, for some reason, he still felt so much pain tonight.

Maybe it's because I witnessed this moment with my own eyes?

He blesses them, he lets them go completely, but blessings are blessings, it doesn't mean he doesn't hurt, and letting go is letting go, it doesn't mean he doesn't care.

Emperor Wen, Concubine Mei, him and Su Moyi, all witnessed the consummation of the two of them, and he was the only one who chewed the sadness in his heart alone.

The most ironic thing is that today is still his birthday, but he didn't know it, oh no, it should be said that no one mentioned it, even Emperor Wen seems to have forgotten it.

The woman also forgot.

Now her eyes are full of another man, how can she think of him?How could he remember what she had said to him?
"Brother Feng, from now on, Qiancheng will accompany Brother Feng every year on his birthday."

The memory is so clear, just like what happened yesterday, when I think about it carefully, it turns out that several years have passed.

Smiling wryly, he walked down the steps and walked side by side with Su Moyi in the night wind.

Xu knew what was on his mind, Su Moyi didn't say much all the way, the two walked silently on the quiet palace road, the dim palace lanterns stretched their shadows long and thin.

When they arrived at the gate of the palace, Su Moyi suddenly said, "Third brother, can you accompany Jiudi to have a drink?"

Su Mofeng was slightly taken aback, and said, "Okay!"

"I know there is a wine shop not far ahead, and it closes every day until four o'clock, or you can go there, you don't need to ride a horse, just walk a few steps, and you will be there after turning the corner."

Su Mofeng still said, "Okay!"

The night is already deep, many shops have already closed, and few pedestrians are seen on the street. The sparse lights make the night more quiet and desolate.

The two walked side by side without making a sound, Su Mofeng pursed his lips slightly, lowered his eyebrows, wondering what he was thinking, Su Moyi looked sideways at him from time to time, with his eyebrows slightly drawn together.

The two of them walked to the corner of an alley, and suddenly a person rushed out.

To be precise, I don't know whether it is a human or a ghost, oh no, it should be said to be a ghost.

With disheveled hair, white clothes, a ghostly face, and a terrifying face, he ran straight towards the two of them. Su Mofeng lowered his head and thought about something in his heart. Su Moyi was the first to notice it. His heart was shocked. Small towards the other party.

Unbiased and unbiased, right on target.


The ghost seemed to be caught off guard by his attack, took a hit, groaned, and fell to the ground.

Su Moyi was stunned for a moment, ghosts don't know how to dodge?
Shouldn't it be invisible?

Why was the touch of his fist just now so real?

"Are you a human or a ghost?" He asked in a deep voice.

The female ghost who fell on the ground seemed to be seriously injured, grinning her teeth in pain. The eyes behind the ghost's face looked at Su Mofeng. Su Mofeng seemed to know what happened at this moment, and looked at the female ghost who was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment. After only a moment, it flied away again, thinking it was some silly prank, and didn't bother to pay attention to it, just walked over to the wine shop not far ahead.

"Hey, third brother...wait for me!"

Seeing Su Mofeng leaving like this, Su Moyi was about to pick up steps to keep up, but just after taking a step, he found that the female ghost was still lying on the ground and hadn't gotten up. It seemed too inhumane to walk like this.

And it's already very certain that the other party is not a ghost, but just a person with a ghost mask pretending to be a ghost.

So, he stopped again, bent down, and helped the man on the ground up, "In the middle of the night, what are you pretending to do?"

The man seemed to have sprained his ankle, and with his support, he stood up on one foot unsteadily, and said angrily, "Then Master Jiu can't just talk with his fist regardless of 21!"

Ok!At this moment, Su Moyi was shocked and confused!
The female ghost spoke, and the voice was still familiar to him.

"Fang Fang?"

He tentatively called out to the other party.

The man angrily removed the ghost mask from his face, stared at him resentfully, and said through gritted teeth: "Master Jiu still knows that I am Fang Fang? You are so ruthless!"

Well, Su Moyi is messed up again!

It turned out to be her.

And her appearance at the moment, although she has revealed her ghost face, but her disheveled hair, coupled with the glaring red at the corner of her mouth, may have been hit by his fist just now, making her look no different from just now, still like a A ghost walking in the dark night.

"Yes... sorry, I didn't know it was you!"

Su Moyi felt a little embarrassed, "Why are you dressed up in the middle of the night?"

Fang Fang lowered her head and tried to move her ankle, then grinned her teeth in pain again, turned her head to look in the direction Su Mofeng left, felt bitter for a moment, and looked at Su Moyi with hatred, "I want you to care!"

Su Moyi was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, he said, "Then what should we do now?"

He didn't want to care about it, but he was the one who beat people, so he didn't care.

"How about, I'll help you to sit inside for a while, and after a while, my third brother and I will take you back!"

It is rumored that this woman has a good relationship with Su Mofeng, isn't she?
Fang Fang bit her lip, looked back at the wine shop that Su Moyi was pointing at, and said nothing.

When Su Moyiquan silently agreed, he carefully helped her to walk up.

Even though it was late at night, the restaurant was brightly lit and there were quite a few guests inside.

When Fang Fang walked in with Su Moyi, he instantly attracted everyone's attention, including that man, of course, the man sitting by the window, dressed in white, drinking in silence.

The man slightly raised his eyes and looked at her. When he saw her, his eyes paused for a moment, but after only a moment, he looked away again, lowered his brows and eyes, and went straight to drink.

Fang Fang bent her lips.

Even if she didn't look in the mirror, she knew that she was in a mess at the moment. She really looked like a female ghost, right?
However, even though she was so embarrassed that she managed to attract everyone's attention, that person hardly moved her eyes.

Is the half -silk shock!
No pity at all!

She thought, what people often say is that you can't get into a person's eyes, so that's probably the case.

Pursing her lips, she smiled at Su Moyi, "I'd better not go in, so as not to spoil Jiu Ye and San Ye's drinking pleasure, farewell!"

After saying that, she gently broke away from Su Moyi's supporting hand, turned around and walked out.

Panicking and running away is how she described it at the moment.

When she was crossing the threshold, suddenly, she tripped, she staggered, and fell straight to the ground with a "plop".

Everyone's eyes focused on her again with interest, Su Moyi's expression changed, and he hurriedly stepped forward, reaching out to help her up: "Are you alright?"

At that moment, she smiled, but her heart was extremely sad.

She said to herself, Fang Fang, can you be more embarrassed?

"Thank you Jiu Ye, I'm fine!" Gently brushing off Su Moyi's hand, she turned around silently and walked out.

Looking at the shambling back with a straight back, and looking back at the man who was drinking one after another, Su Moyi frowned slightly, sighed, and walked out quickly.

Haha, there is a reason why Fang Fang is like this, I will explain later~~Wai Shen and Qiancheng are important supporting roles~~
Thank you [xialuoyi2linyisen] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [Fengwu Tianjiao], [The Quiet Place], [Qiqinglei], [Yi Nuanhuakai], [415509356] for the monthly pass~~ I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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