after losing heart

Chapter 293 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [002]

Chapter 293 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [002]

Looking at the shambling back with a straight back, and looking back at the man who was drinking one after another, Su Moyi frowned slightly, sighed, and walked out quickly.

Hey, it's all about.

He also saw that Su Mofeng was in a bad mood, and he kindly wanted to drink with him, but he didn't want to cause such a disaster.

"Fang Fang, wait here for a while, I'll fetch the carriage and take you home."

The woman ignored him, as if she didn't hear him, she walked straight forward, limping very fast.

Su Moyi couldn't figure out what the situation was.

On weekdays, he seldom interacted with this woman, and the few times he met was only on the spot, he had no idea what she was singing tonight?
It was his fault that he beat her up, but it's not that...

He yelled again, but seeing that there was still no response, he pursed his lips, sighed again, passed her, and walked quickly towards the palace gate.

When he got the carriage back, the woman had already gone for a long time.

The carriage stopped beside her, and he jumped down, "Let's go, I'll take you home!" He reached out to help her, but was suddenly waved away by her, "No, thank you Jiuye for your concern, I am You can go back!"

Su Moyi didn't know what she was trying to do, but felt that this woman was a little unreasonable.

If he hadn't hurt her by mistake, he wouldn't bother to care about her.

Seeing the woman still stubbornly walking forward, no matter how good-tempered he was, he eventually lost his patience, his eyes narrowed, he quickly stepped forward, and directly hugged her horizontally.

Fang Fang was startled, frightened by his actions, but before she had time to react, the man had already pushed her into the carriage.

"Hurry up! Go to Fangfu in the city!"

Su Moyi himself also jumped onto the carriage, but instead of entering the carriage, he just sat on the carriage frame and told the driver next to him.

Fang Fang hadn't had time to protest, the coachman had already whipped his horse, the wheels were rolling, and he was galloping.

Swallowing the bitterness in his heart, Su Mofeng raised his neck and drank the wine in the glass again.

Alcohol can relieve sorrow, but now it passes through the intestines like white water, the pain has not been numb, but it has become more clear.

Memories flooded in like a flood, and all that swayed in my mind were the eyebrows and eyes of a person, whether smiling or angry, and I couldn't get rid of them no matter what.

Throwing down a piece of silver, he propped himself up on the table, stood up, and walked out.

"Young master, the emperor and empress are getting married today, and the whole world celebrates it, so today's drinks are not charged!" The waiter in the wine shop raised his face with joy, and handed over the money he had put down with both hands.

There was a painful frown between his brows, Su Mofeng closed his eyes, as if he didn't hear Xiao Er's words, he kept walking, stepped over the threshold, and went straight out the door, regardless of the shop Xiao Er yelling behind him.

The tip of his toes bumped into something, he glanced very lightly, the thing under his feet was a piece of paper, like rice paper, but not as thin as rice paper, red, green and green...

Slightly startled, he didn't pay much attention to it, and walked towards the old road.

In the dead of night, at the door of the closed restaurant, a lantern was lit, and it swayed slightly with the movement of the owner or the waist of the cat, or stomping his feet.

That's right!This person is Fang Fang.

After being sent back to the mansion by Su Moyi, she wanted to wash up before going out to find Su Mofeng, but when she was taking off her clothes, she realized that the birthday card she was going to send to Su Mofeng was gone!

She hid it so tightly, she thought, she didn't fall when she was hit by Su Moyi's fist, or she must have fallen out at the door!
However, she searched these two places no less than ten times, and she couldn't even see a scrap of paper!
How to do?What if I lose it?
It took her three days to make it, certainly not enough time to do it again.

She also heard from Xiao Cui, the maidservant, that here, if you pretend to be a monster and send birthday blessings to people, the person who receives the blessing will be very happy, because even the blessings from the three realms have been received.

However, she was so deliberate here, but she didn't see the happiness of the other party, and some of them were just indifference, that indifference without a trace of emotion.

She knew he was in a bad mood.

Because the person on his heart is going to have a wedding ceremony tonight?

she knows.

That's why she dressed up like this regardless of her image. She not only wanted to give him blessings and surprises, but also hoped to make him happy.

But she failed in the end.

He didn't see her, couldn't see her.

Although he was indifferent to her on weekdays, at least he still had basic etiquette, such as saying hello or something. Tonight, even these were omitted. She thought, how painful is his heart?
Now, she even lost the card.

It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Gritting her teeth and greeting Su Moyi's ancestors, she stooped down and searched carefully...

next day
At the end of the morning court, Su Mochen left all the officials behind, saying that Prince Dongmo, who came to take Xilingxue back home, would arrive in a while, and asked everyone to follow him to the gate of the palace to greet him later.

The officials saw that it was still early, and the emperor hurried back to Longyin Palace to meet his precious queen who had just come down from the west mountain yesterday, so they all suggested that they should go to the back garden first. Chrysanthemums are in full bloom.

A hundred calls.

Everyone walked to the back garden together.

Fang Fang was dressed in an official uniform and walked among them. Although her ankle still hurt a little, she could still bear it.

During Emperor Wen's period, she was made an official and ranked third rank, and she was specially allowed to go to the court if she had something to do, and she could not use it if she had nothing to do.

At the beginning, she basically didn't attend, but this year, like other officials, she was unshakable and never missed a day.

Only she knows why?
Because he is.

In the days when Su Mochen was absent, he sat on the Golden Luan Hall, but now that Su Mochen came back, he stood among the crowd.

Although she never had anything to say when she went to court, as long as he was there.

If you go to him on weekdays, you have to find all kinds of excuses, all kinds of reasons, and you don't need to go to court.

Without any excuses or reasons, he stood in the seat obliquely in front of her, and she quietly looked at his silhouette.
Only she knows that heartbeat.

"Is your foot okay?"

A male voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

Fang Fang raised her eyes, and saw Su Moyi's handsome face, looking down at her soft shoes.

Fang Fang shrank her feet subconsciously and smiled, "It's okay, good morning."

Last night, she wished she could kill him.

"It's fine!"

Su Moyi felt that his heart was finally at peace.

The two walked side by side for a while, and Su Moyi felt that he had nothing to say, so he smiled at her, and quickly caught up with Su Mofeng who was walking in front silently.

Although it is late autumn, the back garden of the palace is not bleak at all, it is still colorful and beautiful, especially the golden chrysanthemums, which are even more beautiful and fascinated people's eyes.

On the evergreen lawn not far away, the nanny was playing with Jin'er, and there were clear and childish giggles from time to time.

All the officials were startled, and were hesitating whether to go forward to salute the little princess, but Jin'er had already spotted Su Mofeng and Su Moyi walking in the crowd with sharp eyes.

"Third Uncle, Ninth Uncle..." Leaving aside the nanny, Jin'er ran towards me waving her little hands.

The nurse was so frightened that she hurriedly followed behind to protect her, "Princess, slow down, slow down..."

Like a spring breeze blowing, Su Mofeng's cold and serious brows slowly relaxed. He smiled, took two quick steps forward, opened his arms, and caught the little figure running happily.


All the officials saluted.

Seeing so many people, Jin'er only felt it was novelty, she giggled brilliantly, her crooked eyebrows and flowery smile looked very much like that woman, Su Mofeng couldn't help feeling a pain in her heart.

Su Mofeng asked everyone to stand up on behalf of Jin'er. Jin'er lay on his shoulders, and seeing Su Moyi standing beside him, she mischievously reached out to grab the beads on his court clothes. Seeing this, Su Moyi quickly reached out and grabbed the little ancestor "Jin'er, don't pull this one, Uncle Jiu has something interesting here!"

As he spoke, he took out something from the wide sleeve of the court robe.

It is a folio paper, the size of the scroll is wrong, it is harder than paper, it seems to be many sheets of paper glued together, with red, green and green paintings on it.

Jin'er took it suspiciously, opened the paper with her chubby little hands, and suddenly, a strange music sounded.

Everyone was shocked.

Jin'er was also startled, the paper fell from her little hand and fell to the ground, but it still rang.

Fang Fang's expression changed.

Thank you guys for being with Suzi all the time. Believe in Suzi, Fanwai is just as exciting!These two days will be updated once, and the day after tomorrow will be updated~~
Thank you [13925056463] dear purse~~
Thank you [15305791331] dear, [13925056463] dear, [Yixiang Suibuyou] dear, [Yao Shang Yaoyao] dear monthly ticket~~~ I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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