after losing heart

Chapter 298 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [008]

Chapter 298 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [008]

After he finished speaking, he opened his eyes, and suddenly saw a person standing in the hall.

He was startled, if it wasn't Fang Fang, whoever it was.


When did you come in?How much did she hear what he said?
Su Moyi's mind buzzed, completely confused.

Fang Fang was raising his eyes to look at him. Although he just glanced at him quickly, he clearly felt the sharpness and indifference in her eyes. After sweeping past Su Mofeng, he bowed slightly to Su Mochen in front of him, "See Your Majesty!"

Su Mo smiled lightly and raised his hand, "Sit down!"

Fang Fang straightened her waist and looked around for a while. There were four soft chairs in the hall, two on the left and two on the left. Su Moyi and Su Mofeng sat facing each other, and there was an empty chair beside each of them.

Fang Fang lowered her eyes and said, "It's good for me to stand!"

Several people were startled.

Su Mofeng raised his eyes and glanced at her lightly.

Su Moyi looked at her, his heart was beating wildly, and his palms were dripping with sweat.

Only Su Mochen always had a smile in his phoenix eyes, looked at her probingly with his deep eyes, and then meaningfully glanced at the two men sitting on the left and right, and joked: "You are standing alone, how about us three big men?" Can you sit comfortably?"

Fang Fang pursed her lips, without saying a word, lowered her eyes for a moment of thought, then went straight to Su Moyi and sat down.

No one knew Su Moyi's mood at the moment, the kind of heart that was beating wildly to the extreme, almost jumping out of his chest.

Staggering, surging!
Panic and chaos!

He has grown so big, which has never happened before.

"I don't know what orders the emperor summoned?" Fang Fang, who was seated, spoke first.

Perhaps it was because of drunkenness and high fever. Her voice was a little hoarse and broken, and Su Moyi couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He saw that Su Mofeng, who was opposite him, also gave her a light glance.

"Fang Fang is not feeling well?"

Su Mo lowered his eyes and asked while searching for something in a pile of memorials.

"No! Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern." Fang Fang smiled lightly, and finally added, "I'm fine!"

Out of the corner of her eye, she quickly glanced at Su Mofeng on the opposite side. She lowered her eyes, caressing the folds on her sleeves inadvertently.

"Well, let's get down to business!"

Bai Bi's slender fingers slowly opened a letter, and Su Mochen raised his eyelids, "The people who sneaked into the border country sent news that although the border country has been peaceful and peaceful in the past two years, it has been secretly To reserve strength, to prepare for the shame of Yixue's defeat in the past, the monarch of the border country even sent weapon experts to study the new weapon made by Fang Fang. It is said that it has been cracked and the same weapon has been manufactured. I call you here today. I would like to hear your opinions, although the other party has not taken action yet, we must take precautions before they happen, and if necessary, we must act first."

Su Mochen's face was stern, his voice was sonorous, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his deep phoenix eyes.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would associate this calm and cold young emperor with the man who just watched Su Moyi's joke with interest.

The three of His Highness also froze.

After all, they are all people who don't want to see war.

"What is the third brother's good plan?"

Su Mo looked at Su Mofeng deeply.

Su Mofeng thought for a while and said, "I don't think it's a last resort, so it's better not to fight lightly."

The three were startled.

Although these words were said modestly, they were still clearly contrary to the holy will.

Su Moyi looked at Su Mofeng, and then subconsciously looked at Fang Fang beside him, seeing Fang Fang's approving eyes hovering in Su Mofeng's direction, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Su Mofeng raised his eyes, seeming to catch Fang Fang's gaze. Before Fang Fang could catch it, he turned his eyes to Su Mochen in front again, and continued: "Prevention is fine, but if you strike first, it will become injustice." The side of the war is bound to be unpopular, and once a war breaks out, it will be the common people who will suffer, even if it is a victory, there must be casualties, what does the fourth brother say?"

Su Mo's deep eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his lips were slowly raised, and the corners of his lips were slightly curved.

Why is this so familiar?

A woman once told him that wars need reasons, wars are divided into justice and injustice, and those that defend the dignity and territorial integrity of the country and protect the interests of the people are just wars, and forcibly occupy other countries’ territories or some personal grievances. Other countries are unjust wars.

In fact, he only asked that question today, and tried it that way, he is not a belligerent person.

"Third brother is right, what about Lao Jiu, what do you think?"

Su Mo smiled lightly, and looked at Su Moyi.

But I saw Su Moyi looking at the ground in front of him, his eyes were misty, and he looked absent-minded like never before. He was startled, and shouted twice in a row, "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother", Su Moyi was shocked and turned around. Come on.

"What?" With a dazed look on his face, he obviously didn't hear what everyone was saying at all.

Su Mochen laughed, "Ninth Brother, are you thinking about the girl from Yihong Courtyard?"

While talking, his black eyes glanced at Fang Fang beside him inadvertently, and saw her complexion change slightly as expected, and he quickly retracted his gaze, falling on Su Moyi's face, his deep phoenix eyes lost interest.

Hearing about Yihong Courtyard, Su Moyi collapsed again, he was so mad that he wanted to hit the wall, his ears were hot and hot, he couldn't speak a word, and he didn't dare to look at the person next to him and Su Mofeng on the opposite side, but he still felt The air above his head weighed heavily, wrapping him tightly.

Fortunately, Su Mochen quickly diverted the topic away, "I'm asking you what you think about the border country."

Only then did he force himself to calm down and think about it.

"In fact, every weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses. No matter how lethal weapons are, they are just fakes. At best, they can use the existing power of weapons. And we have Fang Fang who is familiar with these weapons. , we can break through, we can make use of our strengths and avoid our weaknesses..."

Before Su Moyi finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted.

"Master Jiu, are you sure you're talking about me?"

A hoarse female voice, very cold.

It's Fang Fang.

She tilted her head slightly and looked at Su Moyi.

This is also the first time she has faced this man directly since she came in.

Everyone was startled, and Su Moyi's breath was choked in his throat, and he fell silent instantly.

Fang Fang sneered, "Jiuye praised me too much, I don't have that much ability. Don't you know that Jiuye? What I am best at is imitation. The difference is that Bianguo imitates my weapons, and I The imitation is just a weapon I have seen before, if you say it is a fake, mine is also a fake!"

She uttered the last two words heavily.


Su Moyi's heart skipped a beat, he suddenly realized something, and his expression changed.

God, how could he say these two words in front of this woman?

Regretted in his heart, but he didn't know how to apologize, so he subconsciously looked at Su Mofeng opposite, and sure enough, he frowned slightly.

And Fang Fang's words continued, "As for high-tech things such as breakthroughs, making use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses, I think Master Jiu is more suitable!"

"Me?" Su Moyi almost choked on his own saliva, and muttered in a low voice, "I... I don't know weapons."

"What does that matter, anyway, Master Jiu is very capable, isn't it?"

Fang Fang stared at him for a moment, her eyes were burning, especially when she saw his bitten lips, her pupils narrowed, and the eyes almost burst into flames.

At that moment, Su Moyi wanted to die.

His heart was flustered and chaotic, messy, as if someone had caught him for doing something shameful, he was so embarrassed that he couldn't even utter a single rebuttal.

Su Mofeng looked at the two of them and pursed his lips slightly.

Su Mo looked at the three of them with a deeper smile on his lips.

No one spoke for a long time.

The atmosphere is a bit cold.

In the end, it was Su Mo who broke the silence with a deep smile, "After listening to the suggestions of Third Brother and Ninth Brother, I thought of a way that might solve the problem."

Dear friends, at the end of the year, Suzi is a little busy at work, so I tentatively set a chapter a day for the extra episode, which is usually updated in the afternoon. Of course, more updates are not ruled out.

The episode won’t be very long, dear friends, don’t worry~~
Thank you [Jiamin LAO] for your purse~~~
Thank you [Namaste], [ygamj] for the monthly pass~~~Group~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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