after losing heart

Chapter 297 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [007]

Chapter 297 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [007]

The woman threw herself into his arms, crying like a child.

It was the first time for Su Moyi to see her like this, to be more precise, the first time he saw a woman like this, he felt flustered and flustered, and at a loss what to do. Apart from patting her on the back to help her calm down, he couldn't do anything. Knowing what to do, I don't even know where to start with a word of comfort.

Fang Fang cried for a long time, and while crying, tears and snot were wiped on his court clothes.In the end, she grabbed his hand and bit down on the back of his white hand.

Su Moyi groaned in pain.

But Fang Fang insisted on biting, and obviously used brute force, fiercely and bitterly, the pain made cold sweat ooze from Su Moyi's forehead, so she stretched out her other hand to gently pat her face, " Fang Fang, Fang Fang..."

Fang Fang was still unmoved, biting tightly, tears rolled down and fell on the back of his hand, scorching hot.

Seeing her like this, Su Moyi felt helpless, so he had to grit his teeth and endure it.

Fang Fang finally let him go after biting for an unknown amount of time, perhaps until the roots of his teeth ached.

Su Moyi lowered his eyes, there was a row of neat tooth marks on the back of his hand, blood was still oozing out.

Such a deep wound!

He frowned slightly, this woman can really bite!
The wine is so bad!
Looking away from his hands, he looked up, and saw that the woman in front of him had stopped crying, was looking at him with blurred eyes, and kept tilting her head to look at him, as if she didn't know who he was. Trying to see him clearly.

"Fang Fang..." He cleared his throat, only feeling dry in his throat.

It's very strange, obviously he helped her, obviously she bit his lip, and now he bit his hand, but for some reason, facing her gaze, he felt a little guilty.

The charming scene just now flashed across his mind again.

"That...Fang you feel better?"

He didn't know if she was awake, and such staring made him feel terrified. Just as he was at a loss, he suddenly heard the woman chuckle, "Su Mofeng, your lips are swollen, so ugly!"

After speaking, she leaned her head into his arms, then fell unconscious and fell asleep.

Su Moyi was speechless again.

It seems that alcohol is really harmful!

Fang Fang didn't wake up until Fangfu.

Su Moyi carried her off the carriage and sent her directly to the bed in the wing room, and ordered the maid Xiaocui to invite the doctor.

If he hadn't helped this woman take off her shoes, he would never have known that she sprained her ankle that night and it still wasn't healed.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it was true, because she had been walking like a normal person for the past two days, and she didn't look like she was injured at all.

But the fact...

Her ankle was swollen like a fermented steamed bun.

And what shocked him even more was that there were still scars on her calves, as if they had been scratched by branches. At a glance, she knew they were fresh wounds, one by one, and some were still oozing blood, tearing the leg of her white fur pants. stick together.

At that moment, he was shocked and a little angry.

What kind of woman is this?
Don't you even understand the simple truth of healing and applying medicine when you are injured?

In my impression, she always looks carefree, without the restraint of a daughter's family at all, so that even after being an official in the same dynasty for so long, he didn't think of her as a woman.

Who would have thought that a woman who could make the world's rare weapons would be such a person.

The doctor came after a while, and Su Moyi explained Fang Fang's situation carefully to him, and asked him to prescribe some antipyretic medicine, cold medicine, sober medicine, bruise medicine, and cut and scratch medicine .

So, at this moment, the doctor was also confused.

Looking at Su Moyi, then at Fang Fang, those eyes, those eyes are clearly asking, can it be worse?

After the doctor finished checking and prescribed the medicine, Xiao Cui went to grab the medicine back, and it needed to be fried, and it was already two hours later.

Fang Fang still didn't wake up.

Su Moyi personally rubbed the medicine on her ankles and calves, fed her the antipyretic and cold medicine, and instructed Xiaocui carefully, before leaving Fangfu.

The sun was just right outside, and the orange-yellow autumn sun was pouring down on the head, which was unexpectedly warm like never before.

Su Moyi walked to the side of the carriage, and opened the curtain to enter. There was still a faint smell of wine and the vague smell of someone in the small carriage.

He was in a daze.

Until the coachman in front asked, "Jiu Ye, are you going back directly to the residence?"

He came back to his senses in a daze, and said, "Yes!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, his lips hurt, he frowned, and raised his hand to caress the slightly swollen lip that had been bitten by someone.

Looking down at his already messy court clothes, he couldn't help but become slightly absent-minded again.
When Fang Fang woke up, it was already dusk, and the sun slanted in from the window sill like blood, and the room was full of red colors.

She tilted her head slightly, her eyes were scattered in the red glow on the ground, she was a little dazed, feeling like she didn't know where she was.

She remembers going to drink and then...

Then I don't know...

No, she seemed to see that man.

He holds her.

His embrace was so warm, so warm.

Then, she borrowed the courage to kiss him, and he didn't push away.

Is that right?

Is that right?

Her heart was beating uncontrollably, she suddenly turned over and sat up, shouting, "Xiao Cui, Xiao Cui!"

Xiao Cui thought something was wrong, and went straight in, "Girl, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Fang Fang couldn't hear what she asked, grabbed her hand, and asked impatiently, "Did the third master send me back today?"

When Su Moyi stepped into the Dragon Palace, Su Mochen was sitting beside the dragon table, with lowered eyebrows, reviewing the memorial. When he realized that he was coming in, he didn't lift his head, but just waved his hand to signal him to sit down.

Su Moyi didn't even salute, he walked to the soft chair beside him silently, sat down, and waited for him.

Summoned into the palace suddenly, he thought, something must have happened.

After a while, Su Mofeng also came, and Su Mochen also asked him to do it first.

Perhaps it was because of a certain person, Su Moyi suddenly felt a strange, indescribable feeling when he saw this man.

Su Mofeng smiled at him, nodded, and sat down in the seat opposite him.

At this time, Su Mochen just finished approving the paperwork in his hand, and put the imperial pen in his hand on the pen stand, then raised his eyelids and looked at the two of them.

When he saw Su Moyi, his gaze paused, and a slightly astonished expression appeared on his handsome face. For a moment, the corners of his lips curled up again, and the pitch-black phoenix eyes slowly lit up with interest. .

Su Moyi was naturally aware of his strangeness, and seeing his deep gaze on his bitten lip, he was embarrassed for a moment, and quickly turned his face away, but he found that Su Mofeng's gaze also fell on that place, The black eyes were smiling with deep meaning, his cheeks became hot suddenly, and he subconsciously raised his hand to stroke his lips, "This, this is..."

He wanted to find a random reason to explain, but found that Mingming had dug his own grave, because he couldn't find it at all, so after a long time, he didn't finish a sentence, but because of the action of raising his hand and touching his lips, he successfully separated the two The person's gaze shifted to the back of his injured hand.

On the back of the white hand, a row of deep teeth marks.

Anyone would think too much.

Not to mention the bitten swollen lip first.

As a result, the eyes of the two men became more and more serious.

They didn't speak, just looked at him, as if waiting for him to explain.

Su Moyi was surprised, this urgently called them into the palace, not talking about business, but still staring at him leisurely.

"I don't know why fourth brother called us into the palace?"

He wanted to divert the topic away, but a certain emperor refused to let him do so, and smiled brilliantly, "No hurry, there is one person who hasn't arrived yet!"

At the end, the eyes still hovered vaguely on his lips.

Su Moyi collapsed.

Are you planning not to let him go today?

"Okay, okay, I've convinced you!" Su Moyi closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "This is done by the girl from Yihong Courtyard."

After he finished speaking, he opened his eyes, and suddenly saw a person standing in the hall.

He was startled, if it wasn't Fang Fang, whoever it was.

Dear drips, sorry, update the nightbird, forgive me ~~~
Thank you [cecilia1739] dear, [scented matcha] dear purse~~
Thank you [sier-h], [13915998070], [21832178], [yuuko], [wany1971], [penyajie] for the monthly pass~~~ I love you all~~
(End of this chapter)

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