after losing heart

Chapter 305 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [016]

Chapter 305 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [016]

Su Mofeng drank a glass of wine quietly, then got up suddenly, bowed slightly to the emperor of the border country, and said with a faint smile: "I wonder if you can bother your majesty to send someone to the side hall to have a look, Fang Fang has gone halfway to change clothes It's time, why haven't you come out yet?"

The emperor of Bianguo's eyes flickered slightly, he nodded with a light smile, waved his bright yellow sleeves, and a court lady led away.

"Everyone in the world knows that the Third Prince and Miss Fang Fang have a deep friendship. It seems that the rumors are true. Miss Fang Fang has not been seen for a while, and the Third Prince is so worried."

The emperor of Bianguo looked at Su Mofeng with a smile and joked.

Su Mofeng smiled lightly, lifted the corner of his robe lightly and sat back on his seat, accepted his gaze calmly, and said with a smile: "She is a girl, she is away from home, unlike us men, she should take care of her more. "

"Yes, yes," the Emperor of Bian Kingdom quickly echoed, "Who doesn't know that the Third Prince of Xi Cang is as gentle as jade, a modest gentleman, and even more so kind-hearted..."

Before the emperor of Bian Kingdom could finish his words, there was a lot of rustling at the door.

Several maidservants ran in with pale faces and panicked, kneeling in front of the hall together.

When they saw that these were the maidservants who accompanied Fang Fang to change clothes in the side hall, everyone was shocked, not knowing what happened.

Su Mofeng's eyes flickered slightly, and he pursed his thin lips lightly.

The emperor of the border country looked condensed, raised his hand and waved the singing and dancing girl away.

The huge Moon Picking Palace suddenly fell silent.

"Say, what's going on? Where's Miss Fang Fang?"

Several maids hooked their heads, their bodies were shaking like chaff, and one of them timidly replied: "Miss Fang Fang is gone!"

gone? !

Everyone changed their faces.

"What do you mean by missing? Did you go out for a walk, or where did you go? I asked you to serve her, and you should follow her wherever she went. Why did you come here? Miss Fang Fang came to our border palace for the first time. I don’t know the place well, what if something goes wrong? Can you take care of it? Hurry up and go and serve you!”

"No... not..."

"No?" The Emperor of Bian Kingdom raised his eyebrows and asked sharply, "What is that?"

"Miss Fang Fang, she...she..."

"Her what?"

"She turned into a butterfly and flew away!" One of the maidservants closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

Everyone was stunned, and the emperor of Bian Kingdom almost choked on his own saliva.

Turn into a butterfly?

Did you hear it right?
A big living person turned into a butterfly?

It's a joke....
"Say it again!" Focusing on the few people kneeling on the ground, he slowly narrowed his eyes, and a cold voice burst out from the depths of his throat.

"Slaves... Slaves dare not lie. Slaves really saw it with their own eyes. Miss Fang Fang... Miss Fang Fang turned into a butterfly and flew away. Not only Slaves saw it, everyone... everyone saw it."

The speaking maid was dripping with sweat.

"Have you seen it?" The Emperor of Bian Kingdom snorted coldly, stood up abruptly, walked to the front of the maidservants, stretched out his hand to pinch one man's neck, forcing him to raise his head, "You saw it too?"

The servant girl's face was as pale as paper, she shook her body, and said in a trembling voice: "Yes!"

"Have you all seen it with your own eyes?"

Several people hooked their heads, not daring to vent their breath.

"Say!" The border emperor roared.

Several people were so frightened that they nodded quickly and said, "Yes!"

During the banquet, there was a suppressed sigh from the officials.

"Ridiculous!" The Emperor of Bianguo sneered, his expression extremely ugly. "It's absolutely ridiculous!"

He originally sent these few people to find out the reality of Fang Fang, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Crying incessantly in his heart, he raised his eyes to look at Su Mofeng who had been silent all the time, and saw that he had already suppressed his gentle smile, sitting there with a cold face, looking at him for a moment.

That kind of half indifferent, half deep look, obviously not sharp, but for no reason made people feel cold on the soles of their feet.

He was startled, and quickly apologized with a smile: "Don't worry, third prince, these lowly maidservants are probably in a daze, talking nonsense, how could such a good person become a butterfly? Where did Miss Fang Fang go? Immediately send people to look for it, my palace is only this big, and it is very safe, the third prince don't need to worry!"

Su Mofeng's cold face seemed to have calmed down a little, he raised the corners of his lips, and slowly smiled, "I don't believe in these nonsense, I believe in your majesty, and your majesty said that the palace is so big, it's safe Very soon, why is this king so anxious? Fang Fang is a girl who doesn’t know martial arts and doesn’t have wings, so she must have wandered somewhere in the palace. It’s okay, this king is waiting for her here.”

"Thank you, Third Prince, for your trust!"

The Emperor Bian Guo nodded slightly with a smile, then turned around and ordered a few people to go out to look for it. In a direction Su Mofeng couldn't see, the smile on his face slowly faded, and his eyes turned cold.

He finally understood the purpose of Su Mofeng bringing this fake Fang Fang here.

It's just to sing the song "Missing".

Everyone saw that Su Mofeng and Fang Fang had entered the palace as envoys, but one of them disappeared in his palace. Didn't this force him to hand over someone?
Once he can't find the missing fake Fang Fang, then he has to hand over the real one he offered in the palace.

What a vicious scheme!
It's a pity that he understood it later.

Turning into a butterfly in front of everyone... How did that fake Fang Fang do it?

There was silence in the hall.

All the officials also sat there and did not dare to vent their anger.

Su Mofeng lowered his eyebrows, reached out to pick up the teacup in front of him, brought it to his lips, and the corners of his lips hooked almost imperceptibly.

Half an hour later, the few people who went out to search came back one after another. Of course, the result was as expected.

No one found!
No one has seen her either!

The guards guarding the gate didn't see him leave the palace either!

The crowd was horrified.

What about that person?
A living person just disappeared out of thin air in this impenetrable palace?
Could it really turn into a butterfly and fly away?

How can this be?

"Your Majesty, now..."

Su Mofeng got up, and stopped there after speaking halfway.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, so what should we do now?
The Emperor of Bian Kingdom was really dumb eating Coptis chinensis, he couldn't tell what he was suffering, so he could only continue to appease him: "Don't worry, the third prince, I will send someone to look for it again!"

Su Mofeng nodded solemnly, "Yeah!"

At the end, I don't know what came to mind and said: "But I am worried that if someone hides someone deliberately, no matter how many people your Majesty sends, it may not be able to find him."

The emperor of Bian Kingdom bumped his heart, and his face became a little unnatural, "What does the third prince mean by this? Do you think I have hidden Miss Fang Fang?"

"Of course not!" Su Mofeng smiled slightly, "I definitely trust Your Majesty, but, there are so many people in the palace, maybe it's someone who hides evil intentions, and I can't tell for sure. What does Your Majesty say?"

The emperor of Bian Kingdom was stunned, and looked at Su Mofeng's black eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Does it mean something?

Or are you giving him a step down?

Suddenly, he also smiled, "That's right, what the third prince said is reasonable, maybe some servant who doesn't know how to live or die did it, don't worry, I will definitely investigate and find out the truth! It's not too early, otherwise, the third prince first Go to the Post Palace to rest, and I will give the Third Prince a satisfactory answer!"

"Okay!" Su Mofeng was also very straightforward, "I believe in Your Majesty! I just hope that Your Majesty will be faster. If Fang Fang is not found for a moment, there will be an extra moment of danger. I can't feel at ease! In addition, I only have three days. , I will set off to return to the country in three days, even if the king wants to hide it, I will know about it, and it will not benefit anyone!"

The conversation was lukewarm, but threats and temptations were all in it.

The big hands in the wide sleeves of the Emperor of Bian Kingdom clenched and clenched, but he couldn't get angry, so he could only agree, "Yes!"

three days? !
On a secluded mountain road, an unremarkable carriage gallops.

The curtain of the window was lifted by the mountain wind, Fang Fang looked at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, motionless, her eyes were misty, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Su Moyi took off the complicated women's clothes one by one, and changed back into his own clothes, raising his eyes from time to time to look at the woman sitting by the window.

This woman is very strange, sometimes fierce like a tigress, sometimes quiet like a rag doll.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

Fang Fang turned her head and gave him a cold look, but said nothing.

"Are you thinking, why didn't the third brother come to save you?"

Sorry for the late update, please forgive me~~
This chapter is too much, what will be there tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will be updated, it should be almost a bird~~
Thank you [coke—81] for your monthly pass, thank you [Lion’s Sorrow] for your purse~~~ I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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