after losing heart

Chapter 306 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [017]

Chapter 306 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [017]

"Are you thinking, why didn't the third brother come to save you?"

Su Moyi raised his hand, tore off the human skin mask with difficulty, and looked at her with a half-smile.

He is not a person who can't hold back, and he knows that he shouldn't say this, but for some reason, he can't control his mouth in front of this woman, especially when he sees him so enthusiastic, but she has such a cold face , I was angry and lost in my heart, and the words I said lost their importance.

"Su Moyi, are you going to die if you don't make fun of me?"

Fang Fang turned her head, and once again raised her eyebrows coldly.

Su Moyi frowned. This woman is really not gentle at all, so she stiffened her neck and gritted her teeth: "Yeah! You don't know, these days when you're not here, I don't have anyone to make fun of. Those days are so sad, don't you?" It’s that life is worse than death!”

"You—" Fang Fang was angry and looked at him bitterly, "You bastard!"

Yes, he is not an asshole.

For the first time, he met her gaze without avoiding it.

Four eyes collided.

Her anger, his deepness.

Slowly, her eye sockets turned red.

His eyes hurt, and he turned his face away first.

There was a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his lips, and he looked sideways out of the window on the other side, remaining silent.

Fang Fang was taken aback, unexpectedly he would be like this.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird.

For a long time, neither of them spoke.

It was quiet.

There is only the sound of wheels grinding on the sand and stones in the mountains, which is very clear and unusual.

The car body swayed slightly, Fang Fang quietly looked at the man's handsome and cold side face, and suddenly felt a little guilty.

What happened to yourself?
She was so eager for someone to save her, but when he came, she didn't know what to do.

Although this man's mouth is really a bit cheap, although what this man said is all about hurting her, but he came, when she was most desperate, he came, didn't he?
He is her savior!

Her lips moved, and she wanted to say a word of apology or thanks, but, maybe she was used to bluffing with him, those hypocritical words were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't utter them.

She lowered her brows slowly, and her eyes fell on his hand hanging by her side.

On the back of the white hand, there were old scars and new wounds, shocking.

At that moment, she realized how hard she had used.

Pursing her lips, she took out a small porcelain bottle from her sleeve and unscrewed it. At the end, she lightly took his hand again, and when both hands touched, his body froze, and he suddenly retracted his hand.

She was startled, and grabbed his hand again.

He drew back again.

So Fang Fang was annoyed.

"Su Moyi, what are you so hypocritical like a big man? If you don't cooperate anymore, believe it or not, I'll bite you again?"

Tolerable or unbearable!
Fang Fang shouted directly.

Sure enough, this sentence is still useful.

The man looked back at her, was silent for a moment, sighed, and stretched out his hand.

Fang Fang rolled his eyes at him, lowered his head and carefully sprinkled the medicine powder in the porcelain bottle on his wound, and said angrily in his heart, he really couldn't be gentle with this kind of man, and could only use the most primitive means.

The medicine powder covered the wound, and she heard the man's soft "hiss", she couldn't help but pause slightly, and raised her eyes, "Is it very painful?"

The man glanced at her, and muttered with a heavy face, "Let me take a bite too, and then apply the medicine to try!"

That aggrieved look is like a big boy longing for comfort.

When have you seen him like this?
Fang Fang couldn't help curling her lips, and said angrily, "You asked for it! If you don't mess with me, can I still bite you?"

"Then you can also vent in other ways! How can you just bite..."

It's not a dog!

"How direct the bite is! It's fast and labor-saving!"

Fang Fang picked up the maid's clothes that Su Moyi had replaced beside him, tore off a corner of the cloth, and gently wrapped it around the back of his hand.

"Then you can't bite a hidden place, causing me to be laughed at by the fourth brother."

"That's good! Next time, pick a place where they can't see..."

Fang Fang didn't even think about it, she blurted out the words, and as soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Why do these words sound so ambiguous?
As soon as her cheeks burned, she raised her head, and saw the man's hot eyes twinkling on her face, shining brightly.

The two were so close that they could hear their breath for a while.

Fang Fang was startled, quickly let go of his hand, and moved her body back, "What are you looking at? Look at it again, and I scratched your eyes!"

Someone is innocent, "If you don't look at me, how do you know I'm looking at you?"

"Su Moyi, you scoundrel!"

Someone smiled lowly, did not speak, just moved away the eyes that fell on her face, and turned to the window, her face was stained with a suspicious dark red.

For a long time, neither of them spoke again.

The atmosphere became weird again, but there seemed to be something strange in the flowing air?

What it is, I can't tell.

It was getting dark.

In order to get rid of the embarrassment of being alone, Fang Fang began to find something to say.

"Su Moyi, I didn't expect you to pretend to be a woman, and you look so good!"

"I pretend to be more like you!"

"Not serious!"

"You don't believe me? I entered the palace of the border country today as you."

Fang Fang was stunned.

Su Moyi then explained Su Mochen's plan from beginning to end.

To be honest, he really admired that man, it seemed that everything was within his expectation and under his control, every step of the way.

There is also the incense of Qiancheng Tiao, which is also unparalleled in the world. For the first time, he knew that spices have such a powerful effect, it can make people stay in place as if they have been tapped on acupuncture points, and can also make people have hallucinations.

At this moment, I am afraid that the border palace has exploded, right?
Butterfly leaves!

It's funny to think about it.

However, at this moment, Fang Fang's thoughts are not on one of his points.

"You mean, Su Mofeng is here too?"

She grabbed his arm suddenly and straightened her voice, but still couldn't hide the trembling of her voice.

Su Moyi was startled, and looked down at her onion-like fingers, which turned pale white due to the force. He bent his lips, "Yes, third brother is here too."

"Is he still in the border palace at the moment?"

Fang Fang hurriedly asked, completely oblivious to the man's desolate gaze and lonely tone.


"How can we do that? Let's leave like this, Bian Guo will definitely not let him go!"

Fang Fang grasped his arm even tighter, her face was full of worry, and she didn't hide it.

Su Moyi looked at her without saying a word.

She was like this, like he had never seen before.

So flustered and eager, just for another man.

"Let's go back!"

She raised her face slightly and looked at him with a little pleading.

"Go back?" Su Moyi smiled, with a lonely expression entangled in his eyes, "If we want to go back, why do we go through all this trouble?"

"However, if the emperor of the border country finds out that we are missing, it will definitely be against him."

"They dare not! The two countries are at war, and if they don't kill each other, what's more, they are facing our Xi Cang."


"Don't worry about it, third brother has his own way of escape!"


"But again, I just tapped your acupoints! You can't say a word!"


Frontier Palace
The emperor of Bian Kingdom looked at the maids and guards who were lying on the ground, his thin lips were tightly pressed into a cold straight line, and a cold and bloodthirsty light burst out from his falcon-like eyes.

Even the real thing is gone!
It seemed that he had finally underestimated the young emperor of Xi Cang and the man who was living leisurely in the post palace at the moment.

What Xi Cang wanted was not only Fang Fang who could make new weapons, but also their entire border country.

Otherwise, it would be enough to force them to hand over Fang Fang. Why should they be aggressive and refuse to give up after they have already rescued the truth?
That's because they couldn't hand over the missing messenger, so Xi Cang had a reason to attack, right?

"Come on!"

The accompanying eunuch bowed forward.

"Can you do what I asked you to do this morning?"

"Don't worry, your majesty, this servant watched the woman eat it."

"En!" The Emperor of Bian Kingdom narrowed his eyes, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

[-]D update tomorrow~~~
Thank you [shadowpy] dear monthly ticket~~~Love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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