after losing heart

Chapter 307 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [018]

Chapter 307 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [018]

Three days passed in a flash.

The emperor of Bian Guo searched wantonly in the palace in a decent manner, and secretly sent many people to investigate outside, but Fang Fang was not found.

When the three days come, it is impossible to hand over to anyone.

In the post palace, Su Mofeng gently closed the scroll in his hand, got up, looked at the sky outside the window, and then simply packed his luggage.

The reason why they stayed for three days was not only to complete the drama, but more importantly, to ensure that Su Moyi and Fang Fang left. According to the pace of the carriage, they had almost left the border of the border country in three days.

This task is also a perfect conclusion.

As soon as he packed his bags, the Emperor of Bian Kingdom came, with an apologetic and sincere expression on his face.

"Third Prince, I'm really sorry... this...or else, if you stay a few more days, I... I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

Su Mofeng looked at him, there was no warmth in his cold eyes.

"Three days have passed, how long will His Majesty keep the king waiting? The king said earlier in the morning that the king has important matters to attend to, so it is inconvenient to stay for a long time!"

"Then now... now... about Miss Fang Fang..."

The emperor of the Border Kingdom was trembling, looking terrified and frightened.

Su Mofeng glanced at him, pursed his lips and remained silent, as if he was very embarrassed, and after a long time, he sighed, "No one thought that such a thing would happen, Fang Fang came with this king, she disappeared Well, this king cannot escape the blame. After I return to the palace, I will try my best to explain to the emperor, but the person disappeared in the palace of your country, and your country must have an answer! All I can do is If it is to buy time for His Majesty, the most important thing is for His Majesty to find Fang Fang quickly."

"Yes, yes, yes! Thank you Third Prince for your help, I will definitely investigate and find out!"

The emperor of Bian Kingdom lowered his eyes and nodded, hiding the gloomy look in his eyes.

"I still remember that a few years ago, the envoy sent by your country to Xi Cang also disappeared. At that time, my father was also very anxious. He promised that your country would give you an answer within half a month. After that, within a few days, Your country will come and return to your country on your own, and this matter will be considered closed. This king will use this matter to convince me, Emperor Xi Cang, and give His Majesty half a month's time. However, if after this month, Your Majesty still wants to If Fang Fang cannot be sent back, or if Fang Fang has something wrong, then this king will not be able to help His Majesty, and I believe His Majesty will be very clear about the consequences."

After talking on the phone, Su Mofeng spoke impeccably, showing both kindness and power, and the emperor of Bian Kingdom could only nod his head and thank him again and again!
"Then the king will go back first, and His Majesty can do it for himself!"

Su Mofeng picked up his luggage and strode out. The corner of his lips twitched slightly in a direction that the border emperor couldn't see.

Half a month is enough for him to get away by himself.

Half a month is enough for everyone in the world to know that Xi Cang's envoy disappeared in the border country.

Half a month is more than enough for Xi Cang's soldiers to come to the city.

Behind him, the emperor of Bian Kingdom also slowly raised the corners of his lips, and a wicked smile flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

Half a month, it doesn't take so long at all!

Not surprisingly, there should be a good show within two or three days.

Looking at the graceful figure in white, he quickly retracted the look in his eyes, and chased after him with a smile on his face, "Third Prince, go slowly, I will see him off!"

Fearing that people from the border country would find out, Su Moyi took Fang Fang along small roads all the time, and even stayed in a carriage in the border country. There were no shops, and the food and drink were all prepared in advance, so there was no need to worry. .

Three days later, he finally left the border country.

The sun is just right outside, and the wind is beautiful.

Su Moyi's tense heartstrings finally relaxed. He stretched out his hand and hit the curtain to make the driver stop, and gently shook Fang Fang who was sleeping beside him: "Come on, let's go out to get some air!"

Fang Fang curled up on the cushion and slept soundly, her long eyelashes drooping slightly, her red lips pouting slightly, she looked lazy like an obedient kitten, she didn't wake up when Su Moyi shook her, she only frowned, resentfully Muttering, like dream talking, like coquettish.

That delicate appearance was completely different from the woman who let him die at every turn and bit him at every turn.

Su Moyi only felt that his heart was extremely soft, and couldn't help stretching out his hand. With his slender fingers, he gently brushed away the broken hair hanging on her face, allowing her small face to be presented in front of him without reservation.

Suddenly, his breathing stopped, and all the warm smiles froze in his eyes.

His eyes fell on the woman's eyebrows, not for a moment.

what is that?
Between the white eyebrows, there is a grain of cinnabar, bright red and dazzling, as enchanting as blood.

Cinnabar? !
Originally, she didn't have it!
Suddenly thinking of something, Su Moyi's face changed drastically, and he quickly reached out to brush the red sand, hoping that it was just some kind of red foreign matter that was accidentally contaminated, and could wipe it off.

However, it's useless, and it can't be wiped off at all, because it grows on it.

Xu was hurt by his strength, Fang Fang woke up, opened her sleepy eyes, and looked at him in a daze, "What's wrong?"

Su Moyi just looked at her with a pale face, and suddenly stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms.

"What's the matter?"

Fang Fang was baffled, and was very annoyed at his actions. Just as he was about to push him away, he let her go before her, jumped out of the carriage, and said to the driver in a deep voice, "Unload the carriage! This king wants to Use a horse!"

Fang Fang was even more confused. Just as she was about to ask, Su Moyi got into the car again, reached out to hug her out, and led her onto the horse.

The movements were swift and eager, with almost imperceptible tremors.

"Why did you change to riding a horse?" Fang Fang was completely confused.

"Horse fast!"

The man simply spit out two words, waved his long whip, and the horse neighed and galloped.

Fang Fang found that they were heading towards the rear of the car, that is to say, they were turning back, and secretly felt something was wrong, "Where are we going?"

"The Border Kingdom Palace!"

Fang Fang was stunned, and looked up at him, "To save Su Mofeng?"

"No, save you!" Su Moyi lowered his head and glanced at her, his brows were slightly drawn together, and after a while, he said in a deep voice, "You were poisoned by the border country!"

"Poisoned?" Fang Fang was startled, her eyes widened in disbelief, "I tested the food they sent with a silver hairpin before eating it, how could it be poisoned?"

"Not all poisons can be detected with silver needles!"

"However, I don't have any bad symptoms now."

"The cinnabar that suddenly appeared between your eyebrows is a symptom. As for the bad symptoms..." Su Moyi pursed his lips and sighed, "You will feel it soon!"

Fang Fang was slightly startled, "Do you know what kind of poison it is?"

The man hesitated for a moment before saying, "Three-day cinnabar!"

Of course, he wouldn't tell her that three-day cinnabar, also known as three-day execution!

Fang Fang thought about it, but she had never heard of it, but since this man said so, he must be sure.

The emperor here is indeed a treacherous villain, so despicable!

"Because of this poison, what will happen after the poison occurs?" Fang Fang bit her lip and paused for a moment, "Is it going to die?"

The man didn't make a sound, but just looked at her with deep eyes, then raised his eyes to look at the road ahead, and swung down the long whip in his hand.

More than death, it is a poison that will make life worse than death!
With the sound of the whip, the horse galloped wildly.

The scenery on both sides kept receding, Fang Fang leaned against Su Moyi's chest, only the whistling wind and the vibration of someone's chest cavity could be heard.

Maybe it was because she didn't feel uncomfortable yet, for some reason, she didn't feel afraid.

Although, they are going back to the border country now, the dragon's pool and tiger's den that just escaped; although, the emperor of the border country will definitely not give them an antidote easily; but at this moment, her heart is really stable.

"The wind is too strong, you close your eyes!"

The man's voice was hoarse and deep above his head. Obviously, he was far more impatient and worried than the client.

Seeing him like this, Fang Fang was also very obedient, and closed her eyes as she said.

Indeed, the wind was so strong that it made her eyes hurt. Moreover, she had a little windy eyes, and she was prone to tears when seeing the wind.

Su Moyi untied the cloak to wrap around her again, and covered her face with the hood of the cloak.

Angry horse gallops...

The first update, the legend will add an update today~~~
Regarding the disappearance of Zeng Bian Guolai envoy of the third theory, please refer to chapters [138], [139], [140] in the main text.

(End of this chapter)

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