after losing heart

Chapter 308 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [022]

Chapter 308 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [022]

Fang Fang tidied up her clothes, and slowly cleared up her chaotic emotions, got up and walked out of the cave.

The sun was dazzling outside, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and after a while to get used to it, she realized that the sky blue figure sitting alone on the boulder not far away, with his clothes fluttering, his black hair fluttering, the man was motionless, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

She pursed her lips and stood for a while before picking up steps and walking over.

Hearing the sound of her footsteps, the man also turned his head around, and seeing her, his eyes flashed, and complex emotions flashed from the bottom of his eyes, some flustered, some sorrowful, some surprised and cherished, and finally Turning into a light smile, "Are you up? How do you feel?"

As soon as he asked the question, he regretted it. The last sentence was ambiguous. What do you mean by how does your body feel?
Sure enough, Fang Fang was taken aback, and her face became a little unnatural.

I don't know if he was referring to the poison on his body, or last night?

She pursed her lips and thought for a while before saying, "Well, it's much better, your injury..."

"No problem!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Su Moyi took it. After finishing the sentence, he stood up from the boulder, jumped down lightly, and walked towards the white horse tied to the entrance of the cave, "Then let's go back to Xi Cang! Brother is going to worry."

Looking at the back of that lightly stepping footsteps, Fang Fang felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

She was silent for a moment and asked, "Is the poison on my body cured?"

The man's footsteps paused slightly, without turning back, only for a moment, he walked forward again, and responded lightly, "En!"

It seems that I don't want to say more.

But Fang Fang's heart is full of twists and turns.

The Emperor of Bian Kingdom said that Su Moyi knew the detoxification method other than medicine. At that time, she wondered, since she knew, why did she risk her life to force her into that palace? It turned out that the detoxification method was him and her...

No words can describe her complicated heart at this moment. She doesn't know what she is thinking, nor does she know how she feels towards Su Moyi.

Anyway, they're together!

They are together!

On the other side, Su Moyi had already got on his horse, and seeing her standing still, his eyes flickered slightly, and he called out to her, "Fang Fang!"

She regained her senses in a trance, and hurriedly walked over. He stretched out his hand to her. She was stunned, and gave it to him. He pulled her to sit down in front of her.

Wrapping the cloak around her body, he raised his hand, whipped the whip, and the horse galloped up with a neigh.

The warmth is the same, the posture is the same as when you came here, everything is the same, but Fang Fang suddenly feels something is different, but she can't say exactly where.

Whether it's a state of mind or a feeling, she doesn't know.

The man has been silent.

If he didn't say anything, she wouldn't say anything. The two of them seemed to have reached a tacit agreement, and they didn't mention a word about what happened last night.

Perhaps, she knew, what was his silence for?
In other words, she knew what he cared about.

Didn't she become popular last night?

She knew that any man would care, let alone an ancient man, and an excellent and noble prince.

With a wry smile, she found that her heart was a little suffocated.

In fact, she didn't ask him to be responsible, he was her savior, wasn't he?
She should be grateful to him.

The wind was very strong, and it made her eyes hurt a little, and she slowly closed her eyes just like when she came here, and her face hidden in the cloak and hat unconsciously leaned into his arms.

As if feeling her movement, the man's arm around her also tightened.

The faint breath of black bamboo lingered on the tip of her nose, that calming breath, she thought of her dependence on this man these days, and she was a little dazed...

As soon as the two returned to Kyoto, they entered the palace directly.

In Longyin Palace, Su Mochen and Su Mofeng were both there, discussing countermeasures against the border country.

Seeing the two returned safely, Su Mochen and Su Mofeng were overjoyed.

"Old Ninth, you are finally back!" Su Mochen stood up from his seat excitedly. He had already heard about the affairs of the border country. He thought that these two people were in danger, but he did not expect to appear in front of him like this. before.

Su Mofeng also bent his lips and smiled slightly, his smiling eyes lightly glanced at Fang Fang, Fang Fang was startled, and returned with a faint smile.

Su Moyi pulled up his robe and knelt down, "Fourth brother, my younger brother is not doing well, ruining the plan of the fourth brother..."

Originally, Su Mochen's strategy was to give Xi Cang the upper hand. Even if he started a war, he would have the upper hand and the righteous side, but now he ruined it, and he was also charged with killing the emperor of the border country.

Before he could finish his words, Su Mochen came to his side with a smile and helped him up, "We have already heard about the affairs of the border country, and we can only blame the treacherous and scheming villains of the country over there, who are scheming with nine people." Brother has nothing to do. What's more, Brother Ninth's move is justifiable, isn't it? I fully understand!"

Su Mo smiled brilliantly, lifted the tip of his eyes slightly, and looked at Fang Fang with great interest.

That day, the woman disappeared, and his ninth brother asked him, if the fourth sister-in-law disappeared, can the fourth brother calm down?

Of course he can't be calm.

Fang Fang felt embarrassed and blushed.

Seeing her like this, the smile on Su Mochen's lips deepened.

It seems that something has changed.

"I don't know what kind of poison Fang Fang has suffered this time? The poison has been cured now, right?"

His people in the border country only wrote to say that Fang Fang was poisoned, and Jiuye broke into the palace to seek an antidote, was framed by the prince, killed the emperor and blamed him, but did not elaborate on the poison.

However, judging by the state of the two of them now, the poison should have been cured, otherwise, not to mention that Fang Fang's complexion did not look like he was poisoned, Su Moyi would never stand here so calmly.

"Back to the emperor, it's three..."

Fang Fang was about to answer, but was suddenly intercepted by Su Moyi.

"It's March Lishang!"

Everyone was startled, including Fang Fang.

"Sanyue Lishang?" Su Mochen frowned slightly, "What kind of poison is this? I haven't heard of it. The third brother is proficient in Qihuang, but have you heard of this poison?"

Su Mofeng also shook his head, "No!"

Su Moyi smiled slightly, "I haven't heard of it before, so I hurried back to find the old emperor of Bianguo to ask for the antidote. Although I didn't get it, I met a genius doctor on the way, and he cured Fang Fang's poison."

"Well, as long as the poison is detoxified!" Su Mo nodded deeply.

Fang Fang's complexion was slightly troubled, her eyes lowered lightly, and her lips curled up.

She understands, she understands why Su Moyi called the three-day cinnabar as Sanyue Lishang.

Su Mochen and Su Mofeng must also know the poison of three-day cinnabar, and of course they will know how to cure it.

In the end, this man just didn't want people to know that he detoxified her. In other words, he just didn't want people to know the relationship between the two of them.

She should thank him, shouldn't she?
Thank him for saving his life to save her, for hiding it for her, for saving her face, isn't it?
Why is my heart full of sorrow at this moment?
"The frontier country accuses us of such a big crime, and they will definitely use this as an excuse to launch a war against me in Xicang."

Su Moyi distracted the topic without a trace.

"No problem! This battle will have to be fought sooner or later, it doesn't matter whether they attack first or we attack first!"

Su Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, regained his usual calm expression, turned to look at Su Mofeng, "Third brother, get ready for the battle!"

"Yes!" Su Mofeng nodded slightly.

He didn't advocate war at first, but the facts have proved that sometimes, iron and blood policies are necessary, otherwise some people will never know that the sky is high and the earth is too strong, and it is too aggressive.

"Let's all go back! Lao Jiu and Fang Fang have worked hard all the way, so it's good to rest!"

Su Mo raised his hand.

Everyone quit.

Suddenly, Su Mochen called to Su Moyi and Fang Fang again, Su Mofeng was startled, curled his lips, and left first.

Su Mochen waved away the accompanying eunuchs and maids again.

There were only three of them left in the hall.

"What's your order, fourth brother?" Su Moyi didn't know why, and so did Fang Fang.

Su Mochen smiled slightly, "I just want to ask Brother Jiu if there is a woman he likes in his heart?"

Both Su Moyi and Fang Fang were shocked, unexpectedly he would ask this suddenly.

"Why did fourth brother ask such a question?" Su Moyi frowned slightly.

"Because my people in the northern kingdom have heard that the emperor of the northern kingdom has plans to marry the princess to me, Xi Cang, and I heard that you are the one they are looking for."

"You also know that there are many responsibilities and helplessness in the emperor's house, and there are many things to do. But I don't want you to repeat the mistakes that Xilingxue and I made back then, so I'm asking you."

"If you have a woman you like, I will give you a marriage as soon as possible. If you already have a concubine, I think the emperor of the Northern Kingdom will stop thinking about it. After all, he will not let his precious daughter live under others. Be a concubine!"

After Su Mochen finished speaking, he quietly looked at Su Moyi.

Su Zihan da da, I originally said that this week's episode will end, it seems that there will be two or three chapters, hey~~~
Thank you【林木木1】for your monthly pass~~~Crazy~~~
(End of this chapter)

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