after losing heart

Chapter 309 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [023]

Chapter 309 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [023]

After Su Mochen finished speaking, he quietly looked at Su Moyi.

Fang Fang couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Su Moyi, she couldn't understand the feeling in her heart, Su Mochen asked Su Moyi, then asked Su Moyi, why did she stay?
Or maybe, she has some understanding.

Gently twisting the placket with both hands, she was thinking, what would she say if Su Mochen really proposed to let her and Su Moyi.

Sure enough, seeing Su Moyi remained silent for a long time, Su Mo turned to look at her again, "Okay, open the skylight and speak honestly, Fang Fang, I ask you, if I point you to Lao Jiu, would you be willing? There are no outsiders now , You can say whatever you have, whether you like it or not, but it doesn’t matter.”

He could see Su Moyi's thoughts on this woman.

It's just that he also understands his younger brother, and he doesn't know how to deal with it without love, and don't expect to be able to tell this woman himself.

Today, he took advantage of the Beiguo marriage to speak out, and it was considered to be a help to his stunned brother. If Fang Fang agreed, he would accomplish a good thing. If Fang Fang disagreed, he would end his brother's marriage as soon as possible. Think about it.

"I..." Although Fang Fang thought about it for a long time, Fang Fang still didn't know what to say.

Reject it, Su Moyi is her savior, besides, they have that kind of relationship.

And it was somewhat cruel to refuse in front of him.

However, it's not what she wants if she doesn't refuse. After all, the person she likes should be Su Mofeng, right?

"I..." She was about to say, but I thought about it, but suddenly I heard Su Moyi's voice.

"Thank you fourth brother for your kindness, let's take this matter slowly!"

Su Mo was startled, and so was Fang Fang.

Both of them looked at him in unison.

Su Moyi lowered his brows and eyes, pursed his lips and remained silent for a while, his beautiful sword eyebrows twitched slightly, he raised his eyes to look at Su Mochen, "To be honest, fourth brother, I have an important private matter to deal with right now, and I have to go out for a while Time, I don’t want to mention the affair of the children for the time being, please let the fourth brother complete it!”

"What's the matter?" Su Mo's complexion was slightly condensed, and his pitch-black phoenix eyes narrowed in search of research, and finally, he turned his eyes and cast a sidelong glance at Fang Fang.

Su Moyi also followed his line of sight, glanced at Fang Fang, his eyes flickered slightly, then quickly turned his head back, and nodded at Su Mochen, "It's a private matter, please forgive me for not being able to tell you temporarily!"

"Well, if you don't want to say it, I can't force you!" Su Mo sighed softly, "If there is anything to deal with quickly, if there is anything that needs help, just say it."

"Well! Thank you fourth brother! If there is no other order, then I will retire first."

Giving a slight bow to Su Mochen, without waiting for him to respond, Su Moyi quickly backed away, leaving Fang Fang standing there in extreme embarrassment.

Smiling wryly, Fang Fang also nodded slightly at Su Mo.

"Your Majesty, the subject also resigns!"

She pursed her lips and turned around.

Su Mochen suddenly felt that he seemed to have done something bad with good intentions, "Fang Fang!", he stopped her.

Fang Fang turned around.

"That... I didn't know that things would turn out like this..."

To be precise, he didn't know what happened between the two of them these days to make Su Moyi like this.

"It's okay!" Fang Fang smiled indifferently, "It just so happens that I am also planning to devote myself to the development of new weapons, and I have no time for personal affairs."

"Do you have an idea for a new weapon?"

"Yeah!" Fang Fang nodded, "Should be out in a few days."

"That's great! If you need my help, just say it!"

"Yes!" Fang Fang nodded with a smile, turned and left.

In a direction he couldn't see, the smile gradually turned into bitterness.

Who said that the only thing that can give women a sense of security is work.

A woman like her who lost her body doesn't deserve to be pampered by a man in this time and space, right?
Su Mofeng is, and so is Su Moyi!
In the early morning of the next day, Su Moyi was nowhere to be seen, and I heard that he had already left to go out.

For some reason, Fang Fang felt a little lost. In the past, she had been secretly watching Su Mofeng who was standing obliquely in front of her when she went to court. This day, she actually looked at the empty seat next to Su Mofeng, and lost several times. god.

She didn't know if he really had something urgent to deal with, but her intuition told her that he was avoiding her.

Are you afraid of her?
Still dislike her?
In the following days, she made herself very busy. In fact, she didn't make herself very busy, because she wanted to make the tank before the border country launched an attack. Reduce casualties.

In order to save time, she lived, ate, drank and stayed at the Hyogo Office directly. She hardly took off her clothes and slept without sleep. Finally, on the tenth day, which was the first day before Su Mofeng's expedition, she was done.

However, her body could no longer hold on and fell down.

When Su Mofeng stepped into the wing room, Fang Fang, who was suffering from a high fever, seemed to be haunted by a nightmare, sleeping very restlessly, fluttering her little hands, frowning and muttering in pain.

Although he couldn't speak clearly, he could vaguely hear the name of a person.

Su Mofeng was startled, walked forward slowly, sat down beside her bed, reached out and grabbed her wrist, trying to feel her pulse.

Fang Fang woke up suddenly, and suddenly opened her eyes, her misty eyes were full of fear, she stared at Su Mofeng in a daze, and it took a long time to recover.

"Su Mofeng"

Her heart was pounding and she could hardly believe her eyes.

He came to see her!
He came to see her, didn't he?
Just about to struggle to get up, Su Mofeng smiled slightly, like the breeze in April, the morning light in May, clean and warm, he reached out and pressed her shoulders lightly, "Don't move, just lie down!"

Fang Fang obediently obeyed her words, just looked at him, at his impeccably handsome face, and watched him focus on her pulse.

After a while, Su Mofeng put down her sleeves, and said softly, "It's because you haven't rested for a long time and are tired, there's nothing serious about it."

Of course, there are still some frustrations, which he didn't talk about.


"Just now Xiaocui also showed me the prescription prescribed by the imperial physician. You can take the medicine according to the above schedule and you will be cured soon!"


"Then you have a good rest, I'm leaving first!"

Su Mofeng got up and stood up. The moment he turned around, Fang Fang grabbed his sleeve, "Su Mofeng..."

Su Mofeng looked back at her.

But she suddenly didn't know what to say, she tried to search for words in her mind, but she still couldn't say a word, "I...I..."

Su Mofeng looked at her suspiciously, saw that her face was flushed, smiled slightly, turned around again, and stared at her solemnly, "Fang Fang, have you ever thought that you might not understand yourself?" where's the heart?"

Fang Fang was startled, her hands fell from his silky sleeves, she opened her eyes and looked at him in astonishment.

He smiled, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, turned around, and left.

Fang Fang was lost in that sentence for a long time.

When Su Mofeng walked out of the wing room, he bumped into Qiancheng at the door, apparently standing there for a long time.

He was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile, "Are you here?"

"Well, I heard that Fang Fang is ill, come and see her!" Qian Cheng nodded, his inquisitive eyes fell on his jade-like face.

"She just woke up, let's go in!" Su Mofeng paused, "I'm going out tomorrow, so I'll go first!"

While rubbing his sleeves lightly, Qiancheng suddenly called out to him, "Brother Feng!"

Su Mofeng turned his head, staring at her with breezy and bright eyes, waiting for her next words.

Qiancheng hesitated for a moment before saying, "Brother Feng, Fang Fang, have you ever regretted it?"

Su Mofeng was startled for a moment, then slowly curled the corners of his lips.

It seems that this woman has indeed been here for a long time.

he asked himself.

The answer is no.

"I don't regret it later, for Fang Fang, it's not important anymore!"

In fact, what he wanted to say was, Qiancheng, I won't regret it later, don't you know?Of course, he won't talk, he won't put any pressure on this woman.His obsession has nothing to do with her.

"Brother Feng..." Qiancheng felt a pain in his heart.

"If it wasn't for the deep roots of love, how could Fang Fang call the name of the ninth brother in his dream?" He smiled and shook his head, "Go in, go in and persuade her!"

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Qiancheng stared at the back of the white-clothed figure, and was stunned for a moment.

Loneliness, she saw a deeper loneliness, like a person walking alone in the universe.

After regaining her senses, she turned around and saw Fang Fang standing at the door of the room, holding the door frame with plain hands, her face turned pale.

Dear friends, happy reading~~~
(End of this chapter)

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