Chapter 113 A strong opponent

"Hey hey, now you still have time to look outside and take good care of yourself,"

After Scar finished speaking, his figure flickered instantly, and he was actually holding a machete in his hand. It was covered with rust, and it was dotted with star red. I don't know how many people he had slaughtered.

The blade was full of gaps, but he never abandoned his weapon,

The next moment a strange thing happened suddenly, and I saw the same red arrogance emerging from Scar's body,
At the same time, the red halo wrapped the worn-out machete in his hand,
"You are also a warrior!"

Wu Jianfeng looked at Scar in disbelief. Xu Tian's attack just now almost crippled his whole body.

The terrifying healing ability made him think that Scar was also a warrior, but he only mastered the art of healing,
But now it seems that Wu Jianfeng thought too much of himself, and Xu Tian just stood in the air, looking down at the man in the suit, his face full of disdain and sarcasm,
He felt that the man in the suit seemed to be in a trance. Just after he showed his true strength, there was a trace of jealousy in the man's eyes.
It seems that this trace of jealousy in this life will definitely become a stumbling block on his growth path in the future, and even become a demon in his heart, unable to step through this threshold in his whole life,
But then the man in the suit suddenly let out a long sigh, and the melancholy and jealousy in his eyes were swept away.

Xu Tian couldn't help but feel very surprised, with such a strong self-control ability, he never thought that he could perfectly suppress and directly obliterate the evil thoughts at the moment,

This straightforwardness and decisiveness really made Xu Tian admire,

"Your potential is really strong, and your talent is absolutely crushing everyone. I believe you will have more room for growth in the future,"

The man in the suit suddenly cupped his fists, bowed slightly, and said in a very respectful tone, "Thank you for your encouragement, I was negligent just now, my name is Sun Qitian, if I'm fine, I'll leave first, and I will definitely come to challenge you again in the future! "

After finishing speaking, Sun Qitian actually took the clothes from the assistant's hand and put them on his body, and disappeared from everyone's sight with a smile on his face.

What the hell is this all of a sudden?

Xu Tian looked confused, and the others were even more surprised. This peerless powerhouse who suddenly appeared, who thought he was his accomplice, was about to arrest Xu Tian very soon.
But seeing the fat in the mouth, he ran away like this, came to fight, and then left directly with fists in his hands, what kind of weird way is this,

But they didn't dare to say anything, just because Sun Qitian's powerful aura and the terrifying strength he showed just now all surprised them,

They don't have the strength to go head-to-head with a warrior. If you say ordinary warriors, they still have the ability to fight, but if you are a warrior, let him go.
On the contrary, Xu Tian always felt that his chest was full of anger, and he wanted to have a good fight. After all, warriors at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage are not common.

The defense just now just aroused the desire to fight in his heart,

"Oh, why don't you just leave?"

Xu Tian directly wiped off the Indestructible Vajra Body on his body, and summoned his divine sword again. He didn't need to waste too much time fighting these garbage,
A sword aura suddenly swung forward, "The third form of the sword soul god record!" I saw a seemingly very small sword aura, even only more than half a meter high, and there was not even a trace of pressure on it.
What a strange attack this is, several warriors stood there in amazement, but their eyes were full of disdain,
They thought that Xu Tian was underestimating his own strength, but they had to know who was not a master in the Nascent Soul stage who could come to the scene to carry out the arrest task.
Afterwards, these warriors displayed their abilities one after another, but they didn't even bother to make defensive postures in the face of this lifeless sword attack.
Randomly raised an earth wall, and a person beside him set up an ice wall to form in front of him,

The other two stood with their hands behind their backs like this, as if they were very confident in the defensive barrier on their bodies,
Puff puff puff! !
Four voices sounded at the same time, and these four warriors went straight from their waists.

After being chopped off in the middle, blood spurted the audience, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The earth wall and the ice wall that have been standing are slowly sloping, and the neat fracture is shocking.
These four warriors at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage never imagined that their deaths would be so strange and sudden.
If you want to blame them, they blame them for not really considering Xu Tian as their opponent, and for underestimating Xu Tian's ability.

You must know that Xu Tian has the strength to transform into a god. Don't look at this mediocre sword energy, but the energy contained in it is simply unimaginable.
I saw the bodies of these warriors who had been chopped off suddenly floating in the air, as if there was an invisible vortex that completely harvested them,

Then the minced meat all over the sky slowly fell, and the stomachs of other warriors who watched were filled with
a tumbling,
Although these overseas employment organizations have a lot of blood and human lives on their hands, they still have a headache for such cruel killing methods.

once acquainted,
Xu Tian noticed from the corner of his eye that Wu Jianfeng was being besieged by three people and had many wounds on his body, looking a bit embarrassed,

And there was a fatal wound on his leg, which obviously made him lose the ability to run, so he could only defend on the spot, unable to launch an attack at all.

"Rong Nianbing! The three of you go over there to help, you can rest assured that I am here!"

Swish swish!
The three figures flew directly towards Wu Jianfeng, and saw that Bing Wushuang summoned an ice crystal barrier out of thin air to condense on Wu Jianfeng's side,
Then he could step on the ice and fly in the air, and then the ice arrows shot down from the sky rapidly,
The third waved his hands, and an invisible barrier blocked the three of them behind. An extremely hard earth wall wrapped everyone in it like this. Seeing those ice arrows stuck on the earth wall but couldn't break through at all,

A trace of seriousness flashed on Bing Wushuang's face, it seemed that these guys were not as easy to deal with as imagined,
Although everyone's strength is almost at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, their combat ability and combat experience are unmatched by a few people.
Su Xiaoyu was the weakest in strength, but she was proficient in a trace of healing power, so she handed the elixir she carried to Wu Jianfeng's side,
"Swallow him quickly, it can help you recover from your injuries!"

Without hesitation, Wu Jianfeng grabbed a mouthful and stuffed all the pills inside, there were dozens of them,

But he couldn't care about that much anymore, all he wanted was to restore his ability to fight and kill all of them, all the enemies in front of him deserved to die. .
(End of this chapter)

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