Chapter 114 But that's it?

Wu Jianfeng looked at the proud faces of Dao Scar and the others, and those comrades who died tragically would never stop appearing in his heart.
Rong Nianbing summoned flames all over the sky, and directly bombarded out with one after another fire fists, "What's the matter, are you hiding inside like a turtle? I will burn it out for you now!"

Rong Nianbing's irritable temper suddenly came up, her flowing red hair fluttered in the wind, and at the same time pillars of fire shot up from around the earth wall,

Dao Scar and the others were trapped under the protection of the earthen wall, and they couldn't help cursing inwardly, where did the grumpy old woman come from, and set fire to it when she came up, it's so hot to death,
Then the earth wall collapsed, it couldn't withstand such intensive attacks from Bing Wushuang,

Then Scar's figure flickered, and he took the lead in attacking Rong Nianbing, "I didn't expect to be such a beautiful chick. I have always cherished beauty and tenderness. Why don't you want to have a good drink~spicy with me?"

Dao Scar's eyes were full of lewdness, and Rong Nian Bing Wushuang was even more angry when he saw it, and suddenly blasted out the -Fire Fist,

I saw that Scar's chest was slowly burning, and the clothes on his body were also burning desperately.
And Dao Scar's face twitched, the corners of his mouth were cleft and his brows were furrowed, he looked very embarrassed lying on the ground and rolling non-stop,

After all, as a warrior, he is powerless to resist the moves of the warrior.
The third child on the side hurried forward to heal Scar's injury,
It turns out that all the healing abilities just now belong to the third child. Whenever the third child uses his ability, the pair of silver bracelets on his hand will shine brightly. This is really a strange warrior.
Rong Nianbing couldn't help being surprised. There really are healing warriors in the world. If such people are sent to the battlefield, they will definitely be walking medical troops.
At this time, Xu Tian has already been fighting with these hundreds of warriors, every slash of sword energy, every flying shot of sword energy will bring a scream,

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which made Xu Tian's eyes gradually turn red. He hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

Such a hearty battle, such a wanton massacre, the lives of these people are so fragile,
"Sword Soul Divine Record!"

The consumption of Sword Soul Divine Record is extremely huge, even Xu Tian felt that the aura in his body couldn't keep up after performing a few moves.

Then he quickly summoned his flying sword and shuttled through the crowd,

Puff puff! ! !
These warriors never thought that the lightning-fast flying sword could easily cut their throats,
Suddenly, as soon as the figure appeared not far away, Xu Tian stopped attacking immediately, and looked into the distance with displeasure,

"Why are you back?"

It turned out that it was Sun Qitian who was standing by the tree trunk, and he had already changed into a brisk sportswear.

The previous pair of golden glasses have also disappeared at this moment, revealing his fair face and sharp eyes,

Sun Qitian said embarrassingly, "I forgot that I was here to carry out a mission, there is no other way, so I have to do it!"

This time, Sun Qitian's figure rushed towards Rong Nianbing, Xu Tian immediately followed closely,

I saw Sun Qitian suddenly punched Su Xiaoyu, and Su Xiaoyu's mouth faintly leaked a trace of blood, and he fell into a coma, "Even if you have the most terrifying spells, you can't do it in front of my absolute speed." Hit, if I can withstand my attack, then you will win!"

After Sun Qitian finished speaking, his figure flickered again, and his feet burst out with super strength, directly kicking Rong Nianbing's waist with a whip kick.

'Bang' sound,

Rong Nianbing flew out from where he was, the scenery in his sight had become blurred, and his body slammed into a nearby tree trunk.

The thick tree trunk that could be surrounded by several people broke unexpectedly, and Rong Nian Bing also fell to the side with weak energy and blood, and it was extremely difficult to stand up again.

Bing Wushuang calmly analyzed the situation in front of her. She was also at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage. As a warrior, she didn't know how much chance she had of winning.
But she had to make a move. Countless ice arrows condensed and appeared in the hands of female number three, and then fell from the sky,

The icy rain pierced the ground fiercely, and Sun Qitian's figure kept flickering within the attack range,
Obviously, none of the ice arrows could hit him. Under the absolute speed, he dodged all the attacks sharply, and he didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

Bing Wushuang's face was extremely solemn, but suddenly the murderous aura swept across the sky, the terrifying coercion almost overwhelmed everyone, and cold sweat was faintly oozing from his forehead.
I saw Xu Tian's eyes spewing fire, the divine sword in his hand was still trembling slightly, and there was even a buzzing sound.
"You dare to hurt them!!!"

Xu Tian said these words almost word by word, and his heart was already extremely angry, and it was impossible to eliminate the resentment in his heart unless he slaughtered all the people present.

Sun Qitian suddenly had a flash of complacency in his eyes, and then he stood on the spot and said slowly, "Sure enough, this is your weakness. It seems that I have successfully angered you, so let's fight again!"

Sun Qitian's figure disappeared instantly, leaving almost only afterimages in the air.

Whoosh!Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Xu Tian stood in mid-air, looking at everything in front of him calmly, 0
When Sun Qitian's figure appeared beside him, Xu Tian slashed out the divine sword without hesitation,
A golden slash directly blocked the direction behind Sun Qitian,

A flash of surprise flashed in Sun Qitian's eyes. He felt that he couldn't control his body for a moment just now, as if he was frozen in midair like this.

But thanks to his strong mind, he managed to stagger his body by half a point, but there was a bunch of hair in the air,
"It's so dangerous that I almost got caught!"

Sun Qitian's face was extremely dignified, but he also had the same fighting spirit in his eyes. Such an exciting battle made him very excited, and even stuck out his tongue to lick the corner of his mouth, and said provocatively, "It seems that your strength is nothing more than this!"

With a cry, a whip kick flew towards Xu Tian's waist again,
There was a loud noise, Xu Tian's body only shook half a minute in the air,
At this moment, his hands tightly entangled Sun Qitian's legs, and then he exerted force suddenly,
Although Sun Qitian had already expected something bad, but at this moment he could not escape, Kacha!
The deep bones were exposed, and Sun Qitian's calf was broken out of thin air.
But Sun Qitian didn't change his face and directly exerted force, kicking on Xu Tian's chest, his whole body regained his freedom, and fell back to the ground.
Then he stomped his leg down, and his originally bent calf returned to his original appearance, but the wound was still bleeding.

(End of this chapter)

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