Chapter 115 Scalp tingling
Xu Tian looked at the scene in front of him calmly, he didn't expect that the third child's ability could be used in this aspect.

Seeing Sun Qitian jumping on the spot with an excited expression on his face, Xu Tian's heart was filled with anger, and he disappeared in place, and came to Rong Nianbing's side,
He took out his big pill from his bosom and fed it into Rong Nianbing's mouth. After a while, he felt an extremely powerful vitality suddenly emerge from Rong Nianbing's body.
Then Rong Nianbing slowly opened his eyes, and said very haggardly, "I didn't expect my strength to be so weak, and I made you worry."

Xu Tian saw Rong Nianbing, who had always been strong, his hair was messed up and his face was haggard.

My heart hurts like being stabbed by a knife, and I can't help clenching my fists.

At this moment, his anger has reached its limit!
Su Xiaoyu on the side was also haggard, her injuries were not serious, and she was able to maintain her condition after some rest, but her face was still tired and haggard.
Xu Tian looked at Bing Wushuang and Wu Jianfeng and said softly, "The two of them will be recruited first and handed over to you to take care of them. I will come as soon as I go, and I will let everyone here. There will be no return!"

After speaking, Xu Tian didn't call out the flying sword, but instead walked towards Sun Qitian's position step by step,

And the golden beam of light on his body rose into the sky. The sky was originally clear, but now it became cloudy.

As a gust of wind blew by, the air began to become humid, and the slightest drizzle stood out from the black clouds,

For a while, the gloomy weather made people feel very depressed, but at this moment, the terrifying murderous aura on Xu Tian completely enveloped everyone in it, as if in the entire forest, Xu Tian was possessed by a killing spirit,
He descended from the sky and slaughtered all creatures in the world. This terrifying coercion, combined with the extremely oppressive weather, immediately made people feel chest tight and out of breath.
Some of the warriors in the mid-Yuanying stage even felt that their legs were weak and their minds were confused, and it was very difficult to mobilize the spiritual power in their bodies.
call out!
A flame flew past Xu Tian's face, and then led into the trunk behind him. The whole tree broke down, and the two warriors looked at Xu Tian with panic on their faces. For the first time, they felt that they were Their abilities are so insignificant, seeing Xu Tian getting closer and closer to them, they quickly used all their housekeeping moves,
A gigantic firebird was born out of thin air, flapping its wings in the air like a phoenix reborn,

Then there was a piercing scream, and the fire phoenix flew straight down from mid-air. The light rain in the sky couldn't affect it at all, instead it directly evaporated into wisps of steam,
Xu Tian felt that the temperature around him was getting higher and higher, and there was a faint burning sensation on his skin. Seeing the sharp eyes of the fire phoenix looking directly at him,

Xu Tian raised his hand directly, seeing that the fire phoenix was about to hit Xu Tian,
Suddenly, a giant hand clamped tightly around Huo Fenghuang's neck, dragged it vigorously, turned around and threw it to the ground,

Suddenly a figure appeared, it turned out that the fire phoenix was transformed by a warrior, but Xu Tian hit him back to his body with one move, and lay down on the ground extremely weak,

The blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth proved that he was seriously injured, and his weak vitality was gradually dying out.

Xu Tian stared at Sun Qitian intently!

Whistle! ! !
Suddenly the ground started to vibrate, and I saw a burly body coming straight towards Xu Tian, ​​the whole ground was shaking constantly,
It is conceivable that this body is full of terrifying power,

Xu Tian squinted, even with disdain on his face,

It turned out to be a warrior at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, who used rocks to wrap his body layer by layer, and he could also send out several layers of stone steps under his feet.

Then the violent fists slammed down on the top of Xu Tian's head, but this time Xu Tian didn't even raise his hand,

It's just that when he floated down suddenly, his legs exerted force suddenly, and then a huge crater appeared on the ground, and Xu Tian's figure flew straight into the air like a cannonball.

With a bang, Xu Tian forcibly knocked the warrior wrapped in rocks into the air with the top of his head.
A mouthful of blood sprayed in the air, accompanied by the drizzle, and the martial artist had already died, falling tens of meters away, Xu Tian summoned his divine sword, and at this moment he was standing here in mid-air Above, a head of black hair fluttered slowly without wind,

Immediately afterwards, Xu Tian closed his eyes, using his powerful spiritual perception to feel all the warriors present,
He could even see in his mind that the circles of colored light around him were blue, red and green,

They all represent different spiritual power attributes, but all of these seem so transparent in Xu Tian's eyes, I am afraid that as long as he moves a little, the balls will shatter as soon as they can.
call out!
Xu Tian took out all his flying swords again and condensed them behind him. For a moment, a wall composed of divine swords appeared behind Xu Tian. Counting them in the past, there were nearly thousands of them.
For a time, countless sword qi flew in the air, and all of these swords were completely covered by the radiance of the indestructible body of King Kong.

Their aura is even more magnificent, but Xu Tian is manipulating them all.

The warriors below were also not to be outdone. Guys who are good at the spiritual power of the earth series showed their strongest defenses one after another. Barriers were born out of thin air, blocking Xu Tian and everyone like this.

But with a loud bang, the original thick rock layer was cut off in the middle, and the divine sword also had the momentum of breaking a bamboo,

The defensive wall collapsed at the sound, and the thousands of flying swords around them came flying again, and Xu Tian's figure kept appearing in mid-air,
At this moment, he is like drunk, his body is constantly swaying, and the steps under his feet are also chaotic, making it impossible to see the direction he wants to go.

With a puff, Xu Tian's figure tilted to the left, and then the divine sword in his hand stabbed out slowly, at such a slow speed,

But the unlucky martial artist felt that his body was completely frozen in place, and there was nowhere to hide.
Seeing that divine sword getting closer and closer to his heart, but no matter how hard he tried, the spiritual power in his body seemed to have seen the most terrifying creature, hiding in his body and not daring to summon it out,

Then the sharp tingling sensation instantly numbed his whole body, and the last thought that popped up in his mind was that this person was really terrifying,

He is powerless to stop it!
Then his eyes went dark, and he felt that the energy in his body was continuously draining, but he didn't know that his chest was completely stained with blood at this moment, and the blood spurting from his heart made his scalp feel numb.

(End of this chapter)

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