Chapter 141 Too weak!
"Quick! Set up the defensive formation, we will attack one by one!"

At this time, all the masters of the Hunting Bureau came to help, but the zombie group also had their leaders,
What's even more frightening is that there are no less than ten people who have the aura of transforming gods, but Wu Jianfeng only has five people here!

The strength gap is too large.

Xu Tian was in the suburbs at this time, and hurried back to the place where his residence was located.
Because the place has become a complete mess now, I don't know if the situation of Rong Nianbing and the others will be more dangerous,
Xu Tian pushed the flying sword under his feet, and rushed to the direction of home at high speed, a meteor flashed across the sky, which was the effect of Xu Tian's extremely fast speed.
However, at this time in front of the house, it was indeed as he had imagined, it was a battle of the century,
Countless dilapidated corpses lay by the side of the road, including humans and zombies,
They didn't even have time to care about the injuries of their companions, blood was flowing from their heads, and heads were still scattered on the street.

bang bang bang! ! !
Explosions sounded one after another. Fortunately, Xu Tian lived in a villa area far away from the city center.

There are not many people living there, so it can hide the past well,
But if this really drags on until dawn, I'm afraid this matter can't be hidden.
When the time comes when the top blames him, Wu Jianfeng will definitely not be able to run away.

At this time, Wu Jianfeng was already covered in blood, and blood was constantly overflowing from the hole in the wound, and the injury on his body could not be stopped even with his own spiritual power.
And Bing Wushuang was constantly fighting ahead, but at this time she was completely besieged by four zombies,
Although it is difficult to distinguish between top and bottom for a while, Bing Wushuang's state is already going downhill at this time,
But how can zombies know how tired they are?
Absorbing the energy contained in the moonlight is their best tonic. Every time they perform a move, it can be quickly replenished in their bodies, and the missing energy will be replenished instantly.

But these warriors are quite different, they can only constantly take out the elixir that Xu Tian refined for them from their bosoms, forcefully improve their cultivation, or supplement the lack of spiritual power in their bodies,
But drug addiction will eventually come to an end, and many soldiers have died on the streets,

They may not have imagined until their death that all this would be so sudden, and this day would come so quickly,
Wu Jianfeng's face was full of solemn expressions, and suddenly a very powerful aura flew from a distance.

The distance is so far away, even the terrifying coercion on him can be sensed, it is obvious that Xu Tian is back!

Bing Wushuang hurriedly looked towards the sky happily, only to see a golden light piercing the sky, and then suddenly fell to his feet,
There was a loud 'bang', and a golden sword qi slashed down from the sky. The extremely violent sword qi carried the aura of destroying heaven and earth,
At the same time, the energy under the moonlight was completely absorbed by the sword energy, and it was bombarding the ground from strength to strength.

boom! ! !
For a moment, the whole ground shook, and a huge pit with an incomparably deep ravine was formed on the ground, which was the influence of the sword energy.
And under this sword energy, at least 10 zombies were sacrificed. No matter how they are, they are all at the Nascent Soul stage, so they are so vulnerable.
Bing Wushuang felt Xu Tian's imposing manner, and at the same time a strong arm hugged her into her arms. Suddenly, the tension dissipated and was replaced by a feeling of peace of mind.

But Bing Wushuang's condition at this time is not bad, he used the ice-type spiritual power to stop the bleeding wound on his body, but the corpse poison could not dissipate for a long time,
Suddenly Bing Wushuang was taken aback, pointing his finger to the distance,
"Go help him and rest assured that I'm fine!"

But Xu Tian didn't obey, he just put his hands around Bing Wushuang's waist, and flashed towards not far away with her in his arms,

At this time, Rong Nianbing's body was already covered with blood, and her face was even more embarrassed. She didn't know whether it was sweat or blood, so she wet her bangs and pasted them on her forehead.
But her face is full of haggardness and exhaustion. At this time, she is fighting side by side with her comrades.
But there are more and more corpses at the feet, and the surrounding zombies are laughing triumphantly. Their ugly faces shone in the moonlight, which is even more disgusting.

Rong Nianbing felt that he was so powerless, a strong sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart, he couldn't help clenching his fists,

Why does my strength always improve so slowly?Even zombies know how to work hard to improve their abilities, why am I so weak? Suddenly Xu Tian's voice appeared in front of me, "Don't blame yourself, you have worked hard! It's great! It will always be numberone in my heart!"

After Xu Tian finished speaking, he also hugged Rong Nian Bing in his arms. Hearing this familiar voice and this reassuring face,

Rong Nianbing's eyes turned red immediately, he hugged Xu Tian's neck, and cried, "I'm too weak, I just watched my comrades fall to the ground but couldn't help them, I'm really too weak"

Xu Tian knew that Rong Nianbing had fallen into deep self-blame, "What about Su Xiaoyu and the others, are they still safe?"

Rong Nianbing nodded slowly, and then pointed to the window on the second floor, but suddenly her expression was dull, pale, full of disbelief,

During the battle before, Rong Nianbing had been using his peripheral vision to pay attention to the situation at home,
Because Su Xiaoyu and Wan'er were watching the situation outside, but the two people who had always existed had disappeared at this moment, leaving only the empty window sill,
The window had been opened, and there were bloody handprints on it, Xu Tian was filled with anger, his body flickered immediately, and he quickly came to the window sill on the second floor to stand on it,
However, the room was extremely empty, and the glass shards scattered all over the place made Xu Tian very angry, but he let go of all his senses, and he didn't even perceive Su Xiaoyu's location. Could it be that he encountered some danger?

Xu Tian frowned, his face became extremely solemn, he took out the big Bu Dan from his arms and threw it into Rong Nianbing's hands,
"Recover your strength quickly, the next battle is not over yet, do you want to continue to be decadent here?"

Feeling Xu Tian's reminder, Rong Nianbing immediately took out the pill and stuffed it into his mouth frantically, his face was extremely angry,
She didn't expect that Su Xiaoyu would be in danger because of her negligence. She wanted to vent her anger completely. Looking at the ugly zombies in front of her, she wished to kill them all.
But this time Bing Wushuang followed Rong Nianbing closely to ensure her safety. The tacit cooperation between the two of them gained the upper hand for a while.
Xu Tian's figure flickered, and at the same time the flying sword under his feet was summoned directly. Of course, he knew that this group of zombies must have a leader, and 10 people stopped on a tree trunk not far away, and they seemed to be exuding momentum! .
(End of this chapter)

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