Chapter 142 Devouring Warriors

And their idle and calm appearance is enough to prove that they are the controllers of all this,
Xu Tian stood in the air with a dignified expression, the flying sword under his feet was still buzzing,

Xu Tian couldn't help squinting his eyes and looking at the group of people in front of him, each of them has the strength of the middle stage of transformation, or even close to the peak.

It's hard to imagine that the advancement speed of these zombies is so terrifying, but how much blood of warriors is needed to pave the way for them to reach this level?

"Su Xiaoyu and the others were captured by you, and I can't sense their aura, so it means that you will hide them in the future!"

I saw a very young woman standing out from this group of people, but everyone knows that zombies can also disguise their faces,
If she really showed her true face, she would be extremely ugly, and she probably couldn't accept her transformed appearance, so she developed such a young and beautiful face.
"Oh, what did you say when you first came up? The mission we received was to kill all the humans we can see and devour all the warriors. Since you can't sense the breath of your little princess, it must be It has been devoured."

With a 'whoosh', a flying sword crossed the woman's eyes without hesitation, and even directly cut her face. There was a sword mark on the woman's face, and at the same time, black liquid continued to flow out. His blood stinks,
A trace of anger flashed in the woman's eyes, "You actually"

But before he could finish speaking, sword energy sprang out from Xu Tian's side again one after another.

"Sword Soul Divine Record!"

At this time, the power of the divine sword was fully exerted by Xu Tian, ​​and the golden light of the divine sword in his hand shot out, and there were bursts of humming.
"What an arrogant guy, you really can't control yourself!"

After saying this, the rest of the people disappeared in place one after another, and at the same time, they frantically absorbed energy under the moonlight to help them complete their transformations.
Then I saw that the fingers of these people were constantly becoming slender, and the nails were growing continuously, shining like sharp knives under the moonlight.
At the same time, the long black hair on their heads was slowly falling off at this moment, and then the constantly twisting hair was exposed, and it was unknown what it was.
The eye sockets also became sunken, and the red light kept flickering in the eyes, which looked extremely strange.
Their bodies became even more robust. Just now, they were bloated fat people, but the next moment, they suddenly turned into bony zombies.

There is also that burly guy, whose thick shoulders seem to be full of terrifying strength,

And for a while, ten zombies in the stage of transforming gods completely locked Xu Tian in place,
"Hehehe, according to the information we got, these warriors are not our opponents at all. The only one who has some difficulties is you, the immortal cultivator. The sky is already in their pocket at this time, and if they can devour the ability of this immortal cultivator for their own use later, their cultivation base will be greatly improved.

How is this not exciting?
I saw the drooling of these zombies, their eyes were full of greed, and they even looked at their companions with some fear,

Obviously everyone wants to take Xu Tian's energy for himself, but how can Xu Tian let them do so?
"Do you really think that you can do whatever you want after you have reached the stage of transformation into gods? Tell you that there are people in this world who have heaven and heaven, let alone you guys who are neither human nor ghost, today I will act for the sky! "

After talking about the golden light on Xu Tian's body, the energy of the Vajra Immortal Body enveloped his whole body, forming a strong defensive barrier.
Then there was a strange scene with the moonlight in the sky, and the aura visible to the naked eye surged towards Xu Tian crazily,

At the same time, Xu Tian's powerful aura from the fusion period erupted. Although he was very far away from his residence at this time, the powerful aura emanated completely shocked everyone.
No matter if it was a zombie or a martial artist, they all looked at the sky in shock, and there was a person standing in the golden light, it was Xu Tian!

The realm of the fusion zone is even completely integrated with nature, even the moonlight in the sky unconsciously moves closer to Xu Tian,

What's more, the overwhelming aura swept towards Xu Tian crazily, what a shocking scene.

Wu Jianfeng muttered to himself, "I didn't expect him to be strong again, it's really scary."

And these zombies were all shocked, "What's going on with this guy, why is there such a strong person?"

"Hehehe, if I can eat it, then I will be the strongest guy in this world!"

"Stop dreaming! It's my turn to eat!"

Compared with the shock and astonishment of these warriors, the expressions on the faces of the zombies turned out to be extremely excited and greedy.

Just because they are not afraid of life and death, and they are not interested in anything, the only thing that excites them is devouring warriors, devouring more powerful energy,
Improve your abilities, and then come to reach the realm of the zombie king!At this time, the zombies staying around Xu Tian's body have completely transformed, and they are tall, short, thin, and fat.
But the floating red light in the eyes, as well as the coercion of the realm of the gods emanating from their bodies, completely prove that their strength has surpassed all these warriors,
Even Wu Jianfeng hadn't broken through the threshold of the God Transformation Stage, otherwise how could he be in such a mess?

At this time Xu Tian was stepping on the flying sword, and the zombies around him rushed towards him excitedly, and all the warriors were isolated for a while,
And the zombies who were fighting with them all moved towards Xu Tian, ​​as if Xu Tian was the only one in their eyes.
The rest are all rubbish, not interesting enough for them at all,
That's right, no matter what Xu Tian said, he has reached the stage of fusion. This huge energy and the incomparably majestic spiritual energy in his body are the root of their hearts.

At this time, the leading zombies around Xu Tian, ​​although they had tried their best to drive them away, were of no avail at all.
"Get the hell out of here, Lao Tzu, this is not the place for you to stay!"

"Hurry up and kill all those warriors, or you will be killed, and there will be no possibility of promotion!"

However, the zombies attracted by Xu Tian's coercion are out of control at all! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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