Chapter 1 Wedges
The first ray of sunshine in the morning gently embraces the quiet campus.

Looking up, the sky and the earth are bright and golden.

Under the luxuriant camphor tree, several students holding English books are concentrating on reciting words.

A girl wearing earphones and listening to music was walking on the boulevard when a teenager running towards her accidentally bumped into her.The staggering figure of the girl looked a little embarrassed, a trace of annoyance flashed across her face, she clenched her fists tightly, trying to suppress her anger.

The boy in sportswear opposite her smiled apologetically.

As time passes by in the non-stop alternation of day and night, the figures that you once couldn't bear to forget in your memory gradually become blurred, while some figures forcefully squeeze into your sight, and the outlines gradually become clearer.

I have loved, resented, and even hated, but everything in the past, at the age of 17, in a certain morning, in a certain place, turned into a helpless sigh in the new years.

You must have been like me, you obviously cared about it in your heart, but pretended to be indifferent on your face, and couldn't help paying attention to those people behind your back.

Can all the damage be repaired with time?
Can all pain be alleviated with warmth?
Will those boys who have hurt me but warmed me keep their new promises and continue to walk through this time with me?
The moth ran to the fire resolutely. Behind it almost foolishly going to death, there was a heart that strongly yearned for warmth.

Moths flying to a flame are supposed to be very cold, so in order to get a little warmth, they know they will die, but they are willing to do so.Because the moth knows that cold is a kind of torture, without warmth, it will die.

And I am the moth that lacks warmth.

Even though I know that what I am heading towards is a destruction, I also know that it is also a redemption that allows me to be reborn.

So, don't feel sorry for me.

(End of this chapter)

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