Chapter 2
"Jingjing, here you are!" I handed the Sprite in my hand to the sweaty girl sitting by the flower bed at the school gate, and said.

Xiao Jingjing turned her head, took Sprite from my hand, unscrewed the cap impatiently, took a big gulp, hiccupped, and complained to me with a frown: "Didn't I tell you that I want Fanta?" Is it? You don’t know that I love orange-flavored soda the most.”

I took out a pack of tissues from my pocket and handed them to her, and comforted her: "There are only Coke, Sprite, etc., no Fanta, I will definitely buy it for you next time I see you. I have already reported for duty, you take a break, and then help Let me move my luggage to the dormitory!"

The fastest thing in the world is time, more than two months of summer vacation flies by, and in the blink of an eye, it is a new semester.

The summer in Shanghai is very hot, and F Middle School started school before September.It's midsummer, and the hot sun is scorching us.I wiped the sweat off my face, and I was secretly glad that my parents didn't send me here, so they didn't have to suffer like this.

I just feel sorry for Xiao Jingjing.

Originally, she was busy collecting scraps, but because she heard that I came to report to school alone, she volunteered to take me off on her electric tricycle.

All kinds of cars were parked in front of the school, and Xiao Jingjing's small electric tricycle was parked among them, which was very abrupt.

From time to time on the road, students and parents who came to report cast contemptuous glances at us, but I pretended not to see them, and Xiao Jingjing didn't care.

Although my family does not have much money, in my opinion, I am equal to these people, and I don't care about their contempt.

Sitting in the shade for a while, Xiao Jingjing asked me to pull her up.

She was covered in sweat, and so was I.

When other students sat in high-end cars with the air conditioner blowing and went to the dormitory without being scorched by the hot sun, I had already climbed into Xiao Jingjing's second-hand electric tricycle and drove in the same direction.

This is where I will stay for the next three years, and it is far away from the shanty town where I grew up.If you come here by yourself, you have to take a long bus and then transfer to the subway to get there.

The school is surrounded by tall buildings, and everything around is so strange to me.

This is not a shanty town, but a place I have always wanted to see.

Jian Lening, look!You have finally stepped out of that small place, and look at how big and prosperous the outside world is!
It's okay if you can't go abroad, there is always a place for you in the huge China.

You don't need to be envious, jealous, or feel lost, your world will become bigger and bigger.

I was sitting in Xiao Jingjing's car, greedily and curiously looking at the unfamiliar and somewhat blurred scenery around me, my eyes were already wet, and I couldn't tell whether it was sweat or tears from my excitement.

Xiao Jingjing and I worked hard in the dormitory for several hours, and finally arranged my bed and luggage.

I slept on the upper bunk. When I was boarding, I always slept on the lower bunk, so I was a little panicked when I slept on the upper bunk for the first time.

Xiao Jingjing said, although you are not as fat as I am, you are still this big, and it is not so easy to fall off.

I smiled at her in relief, thinking: I don't sleep badly, so I shouldn't fall off.

After we finished our work, Xiao Jingjing and I were both a little hungry. I asked her to have dinner, but she was polite and agreed.

The restaurant Xiao Jingjing chose was not expensive, it was just a Lanzhou ramen restaurant near the school. Although the food inside was a bit more expensive than the restaurant near my home, the price was still acceptable.

I ordered a big bowl of beef noodles for Xiao Jingjing, and a small bowl for myself, and bought two bottles of drinks, and then the two of them ate voraciously.

It's been a long time since lunch time, Xiao Jingjing and I haven't eaten anything since we came out of the house, so although the taste of this bowl of noodles is mediocre, we ate very deliciously.

"Small eyes, call me when you are on vacation, and I will pick you up. Your parents have to go to work, so they may not be free. Anyway, I pack my things and run around. It's not troublesome to pick you up. And you just started school, and you don't know where you live. Yes, I probably don't know the route, so you must call me!"

Halfway through eating the noodles, Xiao Jingjing suddenly raised her head, rolled up her sleeves, and said to me seriously.

I smiled gratefully at her and said nothing.

No matter how strange this place is to me, since I choose to come, no matter how strange it is, I have to learn to adapt and get familiar with it.

Now I am in high school, and I will be in university in the future, and I may go to a place farther away from home. It is impossible for Xiao Jingjing to pick me up every time.

She also has her life, and I should also learn to be independent.

When I went back after eating and drinking, I found a group of people talking together.

The sharp-eyed Xiao Jingjing saw what was going on at a glance, immediately shouted, and rushed towards the crowd with her fists waving.

"Who did it? Who did it? Who hit my car? Whose car is this? Come out for me! It's amazing to drive a car? You can hit someone's car and run away by driving a car?"

Xiao Jingjing shouted angrily at the crowd surrounding the two cars. Seeing that the situation was not good, I rushed forward and squeezed into the crowd.

This should be a very expensive car. Although I don't know much about cars, I have seen some introductions about cars on TV. I still recognize the brand on the front of this car. It is a very expensive Mercedes-Benz convertible.

At this moment, the car hit Xiao Jingjing's small tricycle for some reason, the rear seat of the small tricycle was dented by a large piece, and a headlight in front of the convertible was also smashed.

"Jingjing, don't get excited. Let's wait for the owner of the car to come out and ask what's going on. It's not too late to quarrel with him, right? It's a hot day, save your energy first." I stopped The furious Xiao Jingjing said with some embarrassment.

People around were looking at us and whispering to each other. At this time, I don’t know who kindly reminded us that the driver had something to leave, but the owner of the car was drinking tea at the coffee shop across the street.

Xiao Jingjing is impatient. As soon as she heard the perpetrator was drinking tea leisurely, she immediately took my hand and rushed towards the opposite side of the road.

A few good students and parents followed curiously.

There was a constant flow of vehicles on the road, and the dust was billowing. Without any sun protection measures, we looked unkempt and embarrassed.

I was wearing a large T-shirt and followed behind Xiao Jingjing, and walked towards that high-end coffee shop.

I never thought that what I walked into at this moment turned out to be a nightmare that I tried my best to get rid of.

After returning from that dark alley that day, I have had the same nightmare every night, and it was a nightmare that I didn't even want to think about.

Standing at the door of the coffee shop, under the instructions of witnesses, we finally saw the car owner who was drinking tea leisurely.

My whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and I froze in place.

I never thought that I would see Xu Yan again, let alone that I would study in the same school as him.

The nightmare I desperately wanted to get rid of, unexpectedly appeared beside me so easily and entangled me endlessly.

"It was your driver who crashed my car? Isn't it great to drive a luxury car when you have money in your family? Why did you crash my car and leave without saying a word? You..."

Before Xiao Jingjing could finish cursing, I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the door.

"Jingjing, I'll give you the money to repair the car, shall we go?"

Get out of here, get out of this young man's mocking gaze, get out of the contemptuous gaze he cast on me, get away from that nightmare that is driving me crazy, get away, okay?

"Why did you leave? It wasn't your fault! That kid hit my car, why do you take the responsibility on yourself? Little eyes, what's wrong with you? You were not like this just now." Xiao Jingjing looked at me incomprehensibly Questioning.

I didn't speak, didn't argue, just continued to pull her away.

Because I didn't see Xu Yan just now, I didn't see the boy who ruined me.

Jingjing, you know me like you, but you don't know the hurt in my heart.

I didn't dare to tell anyone, and I didn't want to mention it. I was even more afraid that Xu Yan would talk about it in front of so many people.

I finally got admitted to this school, and I didn't want to hear all kinds of ugly words on the first day of school.

Xu Yan has always been cruel, if I offend him, he will not take my reputation into consideration.

I dare not look back, dare not look at the cold and playful smile on the handsome young man's face.

"Jian Lening, you are simply unreasonable, you have let me down so much. Who is that kid, and you want to protect him like this? Boyfriend? The person you like, or who?"

Xiao Jingjing scolded me angrily while starting her electric tricycle whose back seat had been damaged.

I didn't say anything, just took out some money from my pocket and stuffed it into Xiao Jingjing's hand: "Jingjing, don't ask, let's use this money to repair the car first! I don't have much money on me, so I can only give you these first , if it’s not enough, I’ll trouble you to fill it first, and I’ll pay you back later.”

Xiao Jingjing frowned and snorted coldly, put the money back into my hand, looked at me sideways, and said: "You think I really care about your little money, you should keep it for yourself! Boarding requires money. , Your parents don’t give you much money. I’m unlucky, you don’t want to say who that boy is, I’ll fix the car myself, I still have the money for the car repair, anyway, I’ve been doing it for so long small business."

"Jingjing, I..."

I still couldn't open my mouth, my eyes were sore, and I didn't know what to say.

Xiao Jingjing looked at me, sighed helplessly, reached out and patted my shoulder, with a clear look: "Okay, if you don't want to say it, I won't force you, you can go back to the dormitory, you have been tired for a long time , look at your lips are white, if you continue to expose yourself to the sun, you will probably suffer from heat stroke. I will go back first, I haven’t picked up the old newspaper from Dong Bo’s house at the entrance of the alley today!”

Xiao Jingjing was sent away, and I squatted in the shade of a tree alone, without going back to the dormitory.

The people who watched the play just now had already dispersed.

When the sneakers with yellow bottom and black surface appeared in front of my eyes, my spirit was still in a trance.

Someone squatted down in front of me, and pinched my chin with cold fingers. My head was forced to lift up, and a figure I didn't want to see was reflected in my blurred vision.

"You didn't cry that night, why are you crying now? Why, you're so excited to see me?"

A cold and sarcastic voice sounded in my ears, I clenched my teeth tightly, and reflexively raised my fist at that person.

There are only me and Xu Yan here, so I don't have to worry that anyone will know our secret.

My hand failed to hit Xu Yan in the end, and after a while, I was stopped by his eternally cold hands.

"Want to hit me? Why do you hit me?"

"Why did you want people to hit Jingjing's car? That car didn't hinder you at all, why did you hit it? Did you do it on purpose? Why?" I struggled and shouted at Xu Yan angrily.

Xu Yan looked at me indifferently, and said: "No reason, because it looks disgusting. It is a pile of rotten iron, but it is still mixed in a group of private cars. She doesn't feel ashamed, I am ashamed for her, you guys Don't you see the expressions of the people around you looking at your car?"

I finally broke free from Xu Yan's hand, and with all my strength, I stretched out my hand and slapped him forcefully.

It's something I've wanted to do with this man for a long time, but never had the chance.

He owes me!

owe me!
"You hit me? How dare you hit me!" Xu Yan's face was dazed for a moment, and then he roared with a ferocious expression. Then, he raised his hand and slapped me hard.

His strength was as strong as before, and the slap on my face made a crisp sound, and his heart never softened.

"Why can't I hit you? Because of you, I lost my friends and I no longer trust others. Jingjing is my only friend, but because of you, we quarrel. Xu Yan, you are the devil, I don't owe you anything What, why are you doing this to me?" I grabbed him and yelled not to be outdone.

I was finally able to express in front of one person the grievances I had suppressed for months.

At home, outside, and in front of other people, I dare not speak out, but in front of this boy who ruined me, I finally spoke out.

Why are you doing this to me?Why?
"Because you killed my sister!"

"I didn't kill your sister at all. She has terminal cancer and won't live long. That's why she did such a thing in order to leave some money for your mother before she died. It's all for making money, so she will go to the bar, Your sister's death is not my fault at all. If you want to pursue the fault, you, the brother, are more at fault than me. Aren't you very rich? If you have the money to drive such a luxury car, why don't you give it to me? Some money from your biological mother? It doesn’t need much, even if it’s only one-tenth of your sports car, your sister won’t have an accident just to make money! Xu Yan, it’s you who are wrong, you who are self-righteous. I’m right, I don’t I owe you something, I don’t owe it! It’s you who owe me, it’s you!”


I was slapped on the face again, Xu Yan looked at me with a cold and arrogant expression, clenched his fists tightly, and his body trembled unconsciously.

It turned out that he was also a coward, a coward who dared not face up to the truth.

"You don't want me to say it, but I want to say that Tong Xingyu was killed by you, not me! The one who owes me is you, and I owe you nothing!"

"Shut up! Shut up for me!"

He yelled at me hysterically, and I looked at him and sneered. It was the first time I saw such a man who could only use growl to cover up his heart.

The devil also has a vulnerable side, and sometimes gets hurt.

The wound Lin Jiarui brought to Xu Yan didn't really hurt him, but the truth he didn't know from my mouth stabbed him deeply.

"Jian Lening, I warn you, don't appear in front of me again, or I won't forgive you!"

Looking at the figure of Xu Yan leaving in a slump, I stood under the shade of a tree, hugging myself tightly.

I raised my head and looked at the blue sky, the sun was like fire, the dazzling light burned my eyes, and the tears in my eyes finally poured out.

If possible, I hope to never see Xu Yan again.

However, this is impossible because my high school life has just begun. □
Xu Yan is the only person I know in this strange place, and also the person I least want to know.

It's only because the world is too small that they are so fettered...

I didn't relax until Xu Yan's figure disappeared from my sight. The sudden relaxation made me stagger a few times and almost fell.

After standing still, I looked at the scorching sun, sighed softly, and decided to go back to the dormitory.

When I came here for the first time, everything seemed so strange, I didn't know where else I could go except the dormitory.

"Mom, where did you put the sunscreen you bought for me? I can't find it in the box. It will be 36 degrees tomorrow. How can I go to military training without sunscreen? And where is my toner? I put it with the towel Together, where did you get it?"

"Why, can I bring drinks for military training tomorrow?"

"It should be ok, but I think it's better to bring water, drinks don't quench your thirst."

"Dad, I arrived early and I have been busy packing my luggage, so I didn't have time to call you. Well, my aunt sent me here, but she had to rush back to do business, so she didn't help me pack, but I have already packed it. "


In the evening, there was a lot of noise in the dormitory. Some people were tidying up their things, those who had finished tidying up were preparing things for tomorrow’s military training, and some were chatting on the phone.

When Xiao Jingjing sent me here, she had already tidied up my things, so I sat on the bed alone, drew the mosquito net and the blackout curtain outside, and listened to the noise of everyone, just turned on the bedside lamp Zhiguang looked at the novel in his hand that he had scavenged from Xiao Jingjing's second-hand stall.

There are a total of six people in the dormitory, and the accommodation environment is quite good. It is worth the boarding fee of 200 yuan a year.

Including me, there are five people in the dormitory at this time, only the girl sleeping on the bed opposite me has not come yet, and through the gap in the blackout curtain, I can still see the school-issued luggage that has not been moved on her bed bag.

I don't know if she will come tonight or not.

No one else could see what I was doing inside because of the blackout curtains covering all sides of the bed.

Standing still for a while, I closed the book in my hand and put it next to the pillow. After smelling the sweaty clothes on my body, I really wanted to take a bath.

But going down now, I have to meet everyone face to face, I don't know how to greet them.

I found that I have been hiding at home during this time, and my temper has become much calmer, and I feel very uncomfortable even in the most basic way of getting along with others.

It's really not at all like Jian Lening in the past.

"Jian Lening, you haven't had dinner yet, have you? After a while, let's go out to eat together! Let me treat you to celebrate us becoming roommates."

The blackout curtain was suddenly pulled open a gap, and a pair of beautiful big eyes flickered in front of my eyes. I was in a trance for a moment, and after a while, I could see the delicate and lovely face in front of me clearly.

I tried my best to match this face with the name of the freshman posted on the bed. Fortunately, my memory has not deteriorated, and I can still remember clearly the things I have glanced at.

"You are Tang Yu."

"Ah! So you know my name! I was just about to introduce myself, come down quickly, everyone agrees, let's go have dinner together!"

Tang Yu is a typical pampered young lady with an outgoing personality and no airs - this is my first impression of this girl.Later I realized that people can never understand another person, because the heart is always hidden in the deepest part, just like they can't understand me, Jian Lening.

Except for Tang Yu, the other three girls are Sun Yu who sleeps on my lower bunk, and He Yiran and Wang Hong who sleep on the bunk next to us.

Including Qin Qin who hasn't come to report yet, a total of six of us live in this room.

In fact, ever since I met Xu Yan, I have been in a depressed mood, and I have no appetite to eat at the moment, but now that I have entered a new environment, I have to make new friends.

I've never considered being withdrawn a virtue.

Seeing everyone standing below waiting for me, I pursed my lips in embarrassment, opened the blackout curtain, quickly made the bed, and climbed down from above.

"I think it's good to go out to eat and get acquainted with each other, but Tang Yu can't invite us alone, let's make it AA!"

I sat on Sun Yu's bed and put on my shoes, and He Yiran, who stood aside with short hair, said aloud.

I think her proposal is very good. After all, we just met each other. Even if Tang Yu seems to have a good family background, he can't just spend her money casually.

I secretly calculated the money on my body. Although my parents didn't give me much, I still have some private money, which should be enough.When going out with them, I probably wouldn't pick cheap things to eat, and would naturally spend a little more. Even though I knew in my heart that luxury was not for me, I still didn't refuse.

I just desperately want to go for a walk and change my mood.

Being alone all the time, I can't help but think wildly, thinking about my terrible past and unknown future.

But half of life is unsatisfactory.

A strange girl walked into our dormitory suddenly and asked tentatively, "Is Jian Lening from this dormitory?"

Surprised to hear my name from a stranger, I put on my shoes and walked towards the girl.

"I'm Jian Lening, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, it's you! There's a boy downstairs looking for you."

In an instant, I went from dazed to a little panicked.

I subconsciously thought of Xu Yan. In this school, I only met someone I knew. Could it be him who was looking for me?
But what did he come to see me for?
I can't think of any reason, and my gut tells me I have to go down.

Xu Yan is a person who can do anything. If it is really him who is looking for me, I must go.

I finally started a new life, and I don't want anyone to disturb me.

Along the way, I thought of many reasons, but I couldn't figure out why Xu Yan wanted me.

In my mind, he shook his body and left after roaring at noon.

He told me not to appear in front of his eyes again, so why would he take the initiative to come to me?
When I walked to the stairs and saw the tall figure standing in the corridor, I suddenly realized that Xu Yan had no reason to look for me, because it was not Xu Yan who was looking for me.

"Small Eyes!"

I haven't seen him for more than half a year. Lin Jiarui has lost a lot of weight compared to before. It turned out that his face was a bit baby fat, fair and tender, but now his face is sharp and angular, his complexion is darker, and his thin body looks slimmer.

The boy stretched out his right hand hanging on one side, holding two huge plastic bags in his hand, the bags were full, it seemed that there were both food and useful things.

My gaze didn't linger on him too much. The moment I saw Lin Jiarui, I subconsciously wanted to leave, but he seemed to have known that I would go, and the moment I turned around, he stretched out his hand and grabbed him vigorously. my wrist.

My mind went blank, and I didn't even have the heart to think about why Lin Jiarui knew I was here.

"Little eyes, I'm here. Xiao Jingjing said you're here, so I came to see you." Lin Jiarui said, holding my hand tightly.

I turned around with my back to him, unable to see the expression on his face.

I know he has been released. Not long ago, my dad and I talked about him when we were having dinner.

But I have always pretended not to care, thinking that as long as I leave the shanty town and come to this new environment, I can get rid of the shadow left by the past, get rid of Qi Xuan, get rid of An Xiaoduo, and get rid of Lin Jiarui.

But Shanghai is so big, where can I hide?
I don't blame Xiao Jingjing for telling Lin Jiarui that I'm here, because I didn't tell her about what happened with Lin Jiarui, Xu Yan, An Xiaoduo, and Qixuan during that time, so she naturally didn't know where I was hiding. The secret of the heart.

I began to struggle, trying to shake off Lin Jiarui's hand, people passed by in the corridor from time to time, and they all looked at us curiously.

I didn't want to attract other people's attention, and I didn't want others to know what happened between me and Lin Jiarui, so I kept my struggles small.

Lin Jiarui also saw my scruples, let me pinch his flesh with my nails and didn't let go, but grabbed my hand even harder and pulled me out of the stairs.

"Jian Lening, can you stop being stubborn with me? Yes, it was my fault that I only cared about Xiaoduo and left you that night, but I didn't know that such a thing would happen. If I knew, I would never I will leave you behind. The damage has already been done, you won’t listen to me no matter how much I say, and you will feel that I’m justifying myself, but haven’t I paid enough for this mistake? Jian Lening, if Xu Yan is killed by me I was stabbed to death with that knife, and I guess I will be in prison for the rest of my life, but at the moment I did it, I didn’t regret it, I thought, I finally did something for my little eyes.”

After all, Lin Jiarui has a violent temper. As soon as I was pulled to a place where no one was around, he couldn't help but yelled at me.

He felt aggrieved, and I felt aggrieved for him.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with him. At that time, he chose to rush to the side of An Xiaoduo, whom he liked, which is beyond reproach, because everyone has the right to choose happiness.

The harm Xu Yan caused to me was not what Lin Jiarui wanted to happen. He blamed himself for that incident, felt sorry for me, talked to me in a low voice again and again, and even stabbed Xu Yan with a knife because of me.

He said, Jian Lening, if Xu Yan was stabbed to death by my knife, I would be in prison for the rest of my life, but the moment I did it, I didn't regret it, I thought, I finally did something for my little eyes what.

My nose suddenly became sour, and my hands lost the strength to struggle, so I let Lin Jiarui grab it.

Compared to Qixuan who left me behind, compared to An Xiaoduo who once hurt me, compared to An Xiaoduo's mother who pulled me out that day but left me behind, and has never apologized so far, Lin Jiarui has done everything for her. I do enough.

It is I who have been calculating and using resentment towards them to make up for the damage I have suffered.

In fact, no one owes me anything.

That night, they all chose the most important person in their lives.If you want to blame, you can only blame me, Jian Lening, for not being as important as An Xiaoduo; if you want to blame, you can only blame me for knowing Xu Yan.

If I hadn't gone to find Tong Xingyu, Xu Yan wouldn't think that I killed his sister, and he wouldn't hate me so much.

Thinking about it this way, it turned out that everything was my fault.

People always like to impose their faults on others after being injured, and never think that many things are self-inflicted.

When I realized that the resentment I had accumulated in my heart these past few months was so ridiculous, I finally slumped on the ground and cried like a helpless child.

Without those resentments, I became very dazed.

These days, I have been fighting for my breath. I think they are sorry for me, so I want to live a better life than them. I want them to see that without Qixuan and Lin Jiarui, I, Jian Lening, can live better than An Xiaoduo better.I'm not sad, I'm not sad, I can smile at them, I don't need their pity.I have been relying on this resentment until now. Since that hysterical cry, I haven't cried until now.

However, at this moment, I was crying so much that Lin Jiarui panicked.

The young man who has never been able to comfort others, threw down the things in his hands in a panic, sat on the ground and hugged me, like a child who has done something wrong, and kept blaming himself: "Jian Lening, don't cry. I was wrong, I No, I shouldn't yell at you, you can hit me or scold me if you are sad! Don't do this!"

I grabbed his clothes tightly and didn't let go.I didn't hit him, didn't scold him, just grabbed his clothes hard and didn't let go.

Don't let it go, don't want to let it go, I'm afraid that once you let go, the warmth will be gone.

I have been pretending, pretending that I don't care about the love they gave An Xiaoduo, pretending that I can still live well without those warmth.However, I only now know how jealous I am of An Xiaoduo, how many people love her, how many people comfort her when she is hurt and say, "Don't cry, I'm here."

I was so jealous because no one comforted me.

"Lin Jiarui! Lin Jiarui..."

I kept calling the boy's name, and heard him reply in a panic: "I'm here! I'm here!"

here I am!

This time it's real.

"Jian Lening, I saw that there was sunscreen in the bag you brought back yesterday. I don't know where my mother put the bottle. When I arrive at the dormitory later, can you lend me yours? Today's The sun is so poisonous!"

After the military training in the morning, Tang Yu, who was standing with me, took my hand naturally, blinked his big black and white eyes, and said.

I smiled at her and didn't refuse.

Although I didn't go to dinner with them last night, everyone naturally became familiar with them.

Interacting with people is sometimes very simple, as long as someone takes the first step.

"Look! Isn't that Jian Lening and Tang Yu?"

Someone shouted in surprise from behind, and then two petite figures hurried up to us, they were He Yiran and Wang Hong from the same dormitory.

When they broke up, the two of them went to the bathroom, so they didn't go with us.

"Where's Sun Yu? Why didn't you see her?" Tang Yu looked around, but he didn't see Sun Yu, so he asked why they were there.

"Her father came and said he brought her something, so he should eat out now." Wang Hong said.

He Yiran smiled and said, "Let's go eat too!"

In the cafeteria, as far as the eye can see, there are all students in camouflage uniforms.

The second and third grades of high school eat earlier than us, and almost all the freshmen and instructors who come to eat at this moment.

I took the prepared meal and walked towards the seat I occupied, only to find that someone was already sitting in my seat, and Tang Yu and the others who had prepared the meal were sitting aside and joking with the person occupying my seat.

It seemed that someone was standing beside him, and that person suddenly turned his head towards me.

Seeing that face, my whole body was stiff as if I had been electrocuted, my hands were shaking violently, and the prepared food was spilled all over the floor.

"Jian Lening, what's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Tang Yu stood up suddenly, and asked me in astonishment, his eyes touched the vegetable stains splashed on the boy's white T-shirt, and his face was a little ugly.

"Sorry, Xu Yan, my classmate didn't do it on purpose."

Tang Yu explained to me apologetically, while He Yiran and Wang Hong who were sitting by the side looked at me worriedly.

I stood stiffly at the same spot, watching the expression on Xu Yan's face change from stunned at the beginning, then to anger, and finally to joking.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, I ran away in a panic.

"Jane Lening!"

Tang Yu shouted loudly behind me. Many people in the cafeteria cast their eyes on me. I felt very embarrassed and just wanted to escape.

Xu Yan is dangerous, and the smiling Xu Yan is the most dangerous, because you never know what kind of conspiracy is brewing under his seemingly harmless smile.

I don't know how long I ran, but when I saw the dormitory building getting closer, I realized that when I escaped, my first reaction was to go back to the dormitory.

At noon, the school gave us a nap time, and we continued training in the afternoon.

After running for a long time, I feel very tired, tired of everything.

The body is tired, and the heart is also tired.

I was thinking, for the past three years, should I always avoid Xu Yan like I am now, and keep running away.

But why should I run away?I didn't do anything wrong, why should I run away?Am I afraid of him hurting me again?But how else could he hurt me?
The scorching sun above my head was like fire, and a layer of sweat broke out on my forehead. The sweat slid down and flowed into my eyes, and I didn't bother to wipe them.

With a "bang", I staggered, and one leg fell to the ground weakly, followed by the second.

The body fell forward inertially, and I suddenly had the idea of ​​fending for myself. I thought, it’s okay to just fall down like this, so I don’t have to live in fear anymore.

However, the second I fell to the ground, I remembered the fire, the scene of escaping from death, the parents I couldn't bear to leave behind, Xiao Jingjing who never abandoned me, and the one who had the same fate as me. The obedient Linger remembered Lin Jiarui who almost went to jail for me...

I even thought of that handsome young man on the other side of the ocean, the young man I was once infatuated with - Qi Xuan.

I wanted to stand up, but found that I didn't have any strength, the sun was shining on me viciously, I felt dizzy, and my eyes went dark—I seemed to have a heat stroke.

Someone walked towards me, and then squatted beside me. I instinctively grabbed that person's hand, and with his help, I desperately stood up from the ground, panting hard, trying to open my eyes to seek a glimmer of light.

"Jian Lening, why don't you run away?" Xu Yan's usual sneer sounded in my ears, and I immediately realized whose hand I was holding, so I hurriedly let go, shook my head, and saw clearly After the person came, he wanted to run away again.

Xu Yan didn't stop me, but just stood there expressionless, watching me stumbling and running away, as if watching a dying animal struggling.

Xu Yan finally stepped forward to hold me and dragged me to a nearby gazebo.

He seemed to have been prepared for a long time. When the cold cooling patch was stuck on my forehead, I was stunned for a long time. I never thought that he would help me.

"If you die in one game, you won't have to play in the future, are you right?"

He always has the ability to throw people into the ice cellar in an instant. I feel very cold, as if there are cooling patches all over my body.

After sitting in the gazebo for a long time and being silent for a long time, I tried to adjust my breathing.

"I heard that Lin Jiarui came out. I also heard that a boy came to see you yesterday and bought you a lot of things. Is it Lin Jiarui? Why, he doesn't like An Xiaoduo but likes you? Or does he feel sorry for you? ?”

Xu Yan stood up, walked to my side, put his hands in his trouser pockets, tilted his head condescendingly and said to me, there was still a smile on that delicate baby face.

Xu Yan must have known about Lin Jiarui from Tang Yu and the others. It could be seen that Tang Yu and Xu Yan had known each other for a long time.

I didn't answer him, just stared blankly at the white T-shirt that I stained under his camouflage uniform.

His speech has always been difficult to hear, I just need to learn to bear it.

"Throw away all the things he bought!"

He was angry, no longer smiling, and the anger was palpable.

"This is for me, not for you. I have the final say on whether you need it or not. Lin Jiarui is my friend."

I glared at him angrily, not wanting to compromise anymore.

I never owe him anything, why can he torture me so confidently?

"You are so poor that you can't even afford those things, so you have to ask others to give them to you? If you like others to give them to you so much, then I will give them to you, as long as you obey me obediently."


I slapped Xu Yan, looking at the painful palm, I was stunned, followed by Xu Yan who was slapped by me.

The surrounding air seemed to have quieted down, and I could hear the gasping of the boy beside me.

I knew he was angry, and I was waiting for him to hit me and return that slap.

But he didn't, he chose a way that would hurt me more easily than hitting me.

"If he was your friend, why did he leave you that night? Why did you walk around town pathetically by yourself? Did he show up when you met me? He came when you screamed Did you think that he treats you well now and treats you as a friend? He is making up for his guilt! If he really wants to avenge you, he should stab me!"

Xu Yan yelled at me angrily, and forcefully took my hand and put it on his chest.

My hands were trembling, my whole body was trembling, I looked at Xu Yan pleadingly, begging him with my eyes, don't destroy my only remaining belief.

"He was afraid of going to jail, so he didn't dare to stab me to death. Jian Lening, do you think I'm right?"

Yes, all right, but what does that concern me?

I only believed what Lin Jiarui said, he didn't regret the moment he did it, he finally did something for me.

An inexperienced young man suddenly moved a knife, and he must have been terrified and frightened in his heart, at least he stabbed it, didn't he?It doesn't matter where the thorn is.

And I'm also glad that Xu Yan didn't die, so Lin Jiarui wasn't ruined by that knife.

"Jian Lening, don't get entangled with Lin Jiarui, I'll let you go."

Xu Yan seemed to have guessed what I was thinking, let go of my hand dejectedly, and made his final concession with a stern expression.

"He is my friend! Lin Jiarui is my friend!" I met Xu Yan's cold gaze and said firmly.

"You'd better be this determined all the time."

"I will, as long as he doesn't leave me alone."

"What if he leaves you again?"

"No, Lin Jiarui said no, I believe him!"

"Then what if An Xiaoduo came back? Do you think you are comparable to her in Lin Jiarui's heart?"

I was finally completely defeated, An Xiaoduo was a wound in my heart that couldn't be healed.

Yes, An Xiaoduo is Lin Jiarui's invincible demon. I'm not sure. I'm even sure that if anything happens to An Xiaoduo, Lin Jiarui will leave behind me.

Xu Yan walked away triumphantly, he hit me successfully, I sat down in the gazebo, unable to calm down for a long time.

When the lunch break bell rang, I woke up, wiped off the dust that stuck to my body when I fell down, tore off the cooling sticker that Xu Yan had put on me on my forehead, threw it into the trash can, and then walked towards the dormitory.

I comfort myself, at least An Xiaoduo hasn't come back yet.

(End of this chapter)

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