The finishing touch system

Chapter 245 The Terror of the Commander-level Beastmaster

Chapter 245 The Terror of the Commander-level Beastmaster

Happy mansion!
The bloody iron ox was wearing a cloak, beheading earthworms and mutant beasts.

He was unarmed and never defended.

He just waved his sharp claws, killing everything frantically.

As a special transformation body.

As the most proud work of the previous city lord.

Iron Bull's defense is ridiculously strong.

Because his whole body is covered with special scales, which protect his body like dragon scales.

At the same time, it also allowed him to have a tyrannical physique and sharp claws.

Because of this, after the mutant beasts came out of the ground, he stayed alone in the Happy Mansion, protecting the children inside and protecting them from harm.

But with more and more mutant beasts, his battle fell into a passive state.

In order to prevent these mutant beasts from rushing into the Happy Mansion, he had to lure those earthworm-shaped mutant beasts with his body.

Even some pangolin-like mutated beasts came out of the ground, attacking and killing him.

Several times, when a mutant beast wanted to pass him and step into the building of the Happy Mansion, he would immediately block it.

Therefore, he has no time to defend, no time to deal with those mutant beasts that bit him.


The iron bull's scaled claws crushed a mutant beast, and looked at the densely packed mutant beasts in front of him with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Master Qin Tianyu ordered me to guard this place, so any mutant beasts, don't even think about taking a step past, all those who dare to cross the line - die!!"

A cold voice came out of Tie Niu's mouth, the voice was cold and murderous.

His body suddenly moved to the left, grabbed a mutant earthworm, and tore it in two.

A lot of blood was sprinkled on Te Niu's body, but he ignored it at all.Instead, it suddenly swung its sharp claws and pierced into the ground.

"Pfft!" Blood gushed out from the ground.

A mutated pangolin beast was pulled out by him and crushed to death.

Followed by.

A large number of mutant beasts in front of him rushed towards him, biting and killing him.

He guarded alone in the mansion of happiness, beheading one mutant beast after another, refusing to back down even a single step.

Because there are a large number of children in the happy mansion.

Those children were entrusted to him by Master Qin Tianyu, so he must fulfill his promise to protect this place, as well as his sister.


Another mutant beast was pinched and exploded.

However, Tie Niu's body shook a little, because his body was already dripping with blood, and he had already lost too much blood.

Even one of his arms was bitten bloody. .

But he never said a word of pain, nor frowned.

Because he knew that after he fell, the children in the room behind him would surely die.

So he will never allow this to happen.


After all, when manpower is poor.

He is not a professional, relying on the modified body to support until now, he can already be proud.

Especially when a junior Beastmaster in the form of an ape steps into the mansion of happiness.

He knew he was doomed.

Gently raising his head to look at the sky, Tie Niu murmured in despair: "I'm sorry, my lord, I failed your expectations. I failed to keep this place."

After Tieniu finished speaking, he once again charged at these mutant beasts with the aura of ten deaths and no life.

Then, the junior beast king in the form of ape suddenly flashed.

He easily grabbed one of Tie Niu's arms.


Tie Niu's right arm was crushed, easily crushed by the extremely powerful junior beast king.

The junior beast king in the form of ape showed a cruel smile after doing this.


Tie Niu quickly swung its sharp left claw, quickly cut off his own right arm held by the Beastmaster, and escaped from the Beastmaster's control.

Then he jumped, and the only remaining left claw pierced into the junior beast king's eye socket like lightning.


The sky-shattering roar resounded throughout the entire Xingfu Mansion, and the severe pain in the eye sockets made the junior Beastmaster go completely berserk.

It swung its right fist suddenly, and the iron bull flew upside down to the courtyard wall with great force, knocking down the solid wall.


Blood overflowed from Tieniu's five sense organs, and he could no longer lift any strength from his body.

At this moment, he completely lost his combat power, and even half of his body was pressed down by the collapsed wall.

The remaining half of the blood-stained side face, and the remaining eye buried in dust, calmly looked at the beast king rushing towards him, without any fear or fear.

Yes, only apologies.

Some only lived up to the expectations of Qin Tianyu and City Lord Yue, and some just apologized to his sister, because he knew that he failed to keep the Happy Mansion and the children here.

"Feel sorry!"

A weak voice came out of Tie Niu's mouth, the voice was so weak that even he himself couldn't hear it.

And his aura was even weaker to the extreme, his internal organs were severely damaged, and he would definitely die in a short time.


The ape beast king with blood-red eyes and rage quickly rushed to him and waved his huge right fist.


The huge sound resounded through the sky and the earth.

A thick thunderbolt fell from the sky, slammed on the ape beast king fiercely, and scared it back several steps.

At some point, the sky darkened again, and terrifying dark clouds began to cover.

The violent wind began to howl, and small tornadoes began to wreak havoc in Black Rock City along with the dark clouds.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky once again, striking the mutated beasts.

The bodies of those weak mutant beasts were burnt to pieces.

As for those junior, intermediate, and advanced beast masters, they kept backing away in horror.

Although these new thunder and lightning are very weak, they think of the terrifying thunder and lightning before, and think of the boundless world of thunder and lightning.

Those thunderbolts.

It easily killed the tide of beasts. If such a terrifying natural disaster occurs again.

Beastmasters know.

They must die.

So at the moment when these thunder and lightning appeared.

All the beast masters fled in fright, and they frantically fled to the outside of Blackstone City.

They can no longer care about killing, and they can no longer care about working for the commander-level beast king.

Because they know that the terrible existence before that may be coming.

So they all escaped.

After all these beast kings escaped from Black Rock City.

Qin Tianyu, who was fighting the Commander-level Beastmaster, breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he fought again with the giant bear beast king in front of him.

Just now he used the ability to call the wind and call the rain to kill some ordinary mutant beasts, and also scared away the beast king in the city, which is considered to have saved the Black Rock City in crisis.

But he knew that this was only temporary, and he had to kill the commander-level beast king in front of him as soon as possible to protect Black Rock City.

And if Black Rock City is protected this time, the Monster Tower will definitely give out terrifying rewards, just like last time.

So Qin Tianyu once again killed the giant bear and beast king.

At this time, the giant bear was already extremely weak, especially when the thunderbolts hit it, it was frightened.

This also allowed Qin Tianyu to gain the upper hand even more.

And in the next step, the other party made a dazed effort.

Qin Tianyu grabbed the opponent's only remaining eye fiercely, completely making the opponent lose the ability to fight.


A desolate roar resounded through the heaven and earth, and the giant bear beast king, who had lost a lot of blood, became wobbly after losing one eye.

At this time, Qin Tianyu also planned to deal a fatal blow to the opponent.

Because this giant bear beast king basically lost his fighting power, he can kill the opponent now.

But right now.

Waves of water rippled in the void, and something resembling a portal began to emerge.

The Chenlong King, wearing a gold-rimmed black cloak, appeared in the next second.

He smiled kindly at Qin Tianyu, and suddenly grabbed the black dagger to kill the commander-level beast king.

"I'm the Dragon King Chen, and I'm here to help you get rid of this commander-level beast king."

The voice of Dragon King Chen was very loud, and it seemed that he had used some props so that the entire Black Rock City could hear it.

Then he killed the giant bear beast king who had almost no fighting power.

"Damn stuff."

Qin Tianyu was furious, this thing was related to the reward of the demon tower.

I have worked so hard for so long, and finally beat the opponent like this, but this Dragon King Chen actually robbed the monster.

This made Qin Tianyu very angry.

But at the moment Qin Tianyu's condition is very bad, it's too late for him to catch up.

He could only watch the Dragon King charge towards the Giant Bear Beast King with his eyes wide open.


A huge explosion resounded throughout the world.

At the moment when Dragon King Chen rushed towards the giant bear and beast king, the giant bear and beast king blew himself up.

And that terrifying self-explosion also made Chen Longwang's gloating eyes become terrified.

A terrifying explosion mushroom cloud rose in this area, and Qin Tianyu's huge body was blasted dozens of meters away in the explosion.

Then he fell into a pool of blood, looking at the scene of the explosion in horror.

You must know that he is still a little far away from the giant bear and beast king.

But even so, it made him unable to get up after being severely injured.

Such an explosion is really terrifying to the extreme.

"By the way, Dragon King Chen." Qin Tianyu wanted to stand up and look for the Dragon King Chen.

After all, the other party has bad intentions.

"Huh? Did you run away?"

From Qin Tianyu's God's perspective, the bloody Chenlong King staggered into the similar portal and disappeared.

And that piece of void has returned to its original state again.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, this time you won't lose money by stealing chickens, Dragon King Chen, you're so embarrassing, hahaha."

Qin Tianyu regained his human form, stood up staggeringly from the ground, and headed towards Heishi City.

He knew that this time, Dragon King Chen had a bloody misfortune, and the other party's injuries were absolutely severe to the extreme.

The self-detonation of the commander-level beast king sent his mountain-like armored white tiger flying dozens of meters away.

This terrifying explosion will definitely cause the Dragon King Chen to suffer a devastating blow.

So at this moment, Qin Tianyu calmed down.

"I didn't expect that the commander-level beast king would explode himself, Chenlong King, people say that you have repelled the command-level beast tide, I think it's all bragging, hahahaha."

The more Qin Tianyu thought about it, the happier he became. The embarrassed appearance of the Dragon King Chen was really relieved.

But the laugh was too painful, and Qin Tianyu's ribs made him gasp.

Fortunately, at this moment, a little phoenix transformed from ice flew over, and then flew straight to Black Rock City with him in his arms.

"Honey, sleep in my arms and leave the rest to Yueyue." Qin Yue said distressedly.

 ps: Thank you [Soul War] brother for the 700 starting point reward. He is mighty and domineering. When he went out, he was wall-thumped by the royal sister, kissed by the little lolita, and pulled into the small alley by the cute girl.

(End of this chapter)

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