Chapter 246

It was the first time for Qin Tianyu to be hugged backwards. To be honest, this feeling was quite comfortable.

Especially the person holding him is a charming and cute girl.

And it's still a cute girl with the blood of the ice phoenix.

Such a cute and cute girl, holding Qin Tianyu's body tightly in her soft and fragrant arms, this feeling is really nostalgic.

Qin Yue hugged Qin Tianyu distressedly, even those white and tender hands were trembling.

At this moment, Qin Tianyu's appearance was too pitiful. The severely injured appearance made this cute girl very uneasy.

It can even be said to be fear.

Because to Qin Yue, Qin Tianyu is her sky, her soul, and everything to her.

And lost the sky, lost the soul, lost everything.

She will be a living dead with a heart ashamed.

So she absolutely does not allow this to happen.

Also at this moment.

In Qin Yue's eyes, there was a firmness that had never been seen before.

She clenched her little pink fist and swore in her heart.

Always protect your husband.

Always protect the beloved Qin Tianyu.

Don't let him suffer like this again.

She hugged Qin Tianyu gently, condensed some small water droplets for Qin Tianyu to swallow.

Then stretched the wings of the ice phoenix, and quickly headed towards Black Rock City.

Although Qin Tianyu's injuries were serious and looked very miserable, don't forget.

He is a professional, a professional with super physique.

Relying on this tyrannical physique, and the effect of that small water drop.

His injuries are recovering extremely quickly.

Even in a short period of time, most of his injuries have recovered.

However, his spirit is still a little sluggish, after all, this battle is too thrilling.

If he didn't have the black stone, he would almost be dead.

And even if he used the black stone, he still suffered a lot.


Black Rock City also suffered heavy casualties, and the number of people who died was simply incalculable.

Especially those family forces.

They are hardly one out of ten.

The reason is that their level is higher and their strength is stronger.

This also made them the first to be attacked.

It can be said that these family forces suffered heavy casualties.

Of course, ordinary people also died a lot of people, and those beast king mutant beasts would not let go of the targets they killed casually.

Therefore, this is the Black Rock City of a small city.

After this war, the population of the entire city decreased again.

When Qin Tianyu observed the entire city through the perspective of God, he sighed slightly in his heart.

Because this beast tide is too miserable for Black Rock City.

Miserable to the point of despair.

In the city, almost 80.00% of the houses collapsed.

Countless people fell in a pool of blood, and a large number of Black Rock City guards and professionals died in this battle.

After all, with so many Beastmasters appearing, it would completely crush Black Rock City.

Even only two or three beast kings are needed to destroy Black Rock City, let alone a large group of beast kings.

So the entire Black Rock City was almost reduced to ruins.

Qin Tianyu scanned the entire city, although he was indifferent, his eyes were still blood red.

"Huh? Is that an iron bull?"

Qin Tianyu saw the direction of the Xingfu mansion, and saw the iron bull dug out from the ruined wall by a group of children.

At this moment, Tie Niu was scarred and angry, and even lost an arm.

He fell to the ground motionless, while the children were crying around him. These children did not reject the iron bull's protective skin like dragon scales.

"Take me to the Happiness Mansion." Qin Tianyu looked at the charming Qin Yue and said.

"good husband."

Qin Yue never disobeyed Qin Tianyu's words, she didn't even ask why, she turned around and flew towards the happy mansion.

Arriving at the Happy Mansion, Qin Tianyu walked towards Tieniu with Qin Yue's support.

"Give me some water droplets." Qin Tianyu said.


Qin Yue quickly took out three porcelain bottles and handed them to Qin Tianyu, her movements were very quick without the slightest bit of reluctance.

You must know that this thing has a very powerful effect, not only can strengthen the body and soul, but can even restore injuries.

So this thing is very precious.

But when Qin Yue saw that Qin Tianyu wanted small water droplets, she didn't even hesitate and took out three bottles.

Qin Tianyu took these porcelain bottles, came to Tieniu, and then gave him some small water droplets, silently checking its status.

Wait until you find that the breath of the iron bull has stabilized and is getting stronger and stronger.

Qin Tianyu knew that Tieniu's life was saved.

This guy is a reformed body with a very strong vitality, as long as he is given time, he will be able to recover in a short time.

But the lost right arm will be completely lost, and it will never grow back.

Unless he can go to the demon tower.

It's a pity that the chance of a transformed body like his becoming a professional is not even one in ten thousand.

He can only wish for luck.

Qin Tianyu shook his head and walked outside.

There are still many things to deal with in Black Rock City, Qin Tianyu must solve these things, otherwise something big may happen.

For example, those dead bodies, if not dealt with as soon as possible, may cause a plague.

These plagues are nothing to professionals, but ordinary people are dead.

So it has to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Back at the City Lord's Mansion, Qin Tianyu quickly issued various orders.

Although he is not the lord of the city, his majesty is more important than anyone else, and his words can make countless people die for him.

Especially after this great battle, Qin Tianyu's terrifying combat power once again established his immortal deeds.

Therefore, after his orders were issued one by one, the paralyzed Black Rock City began to operate again.

Some rescue measures were also carried out, and the entire Black Rock City was in a hurry.

Chenlongwang City.

After Chenlong King returned to the City Lord's Mansion, he staggered and fell to the ground, blood was continuously flowing around his body, and countless dense wounds appeared on his body.

Even many parts have been scorched.

Such a miserable appearance made this aloof and number one human being hate Qin Tianyu from the bottom of his heart.

There was a cold and cruel murderous intent in his eyes, and he secretly vowed in his heart that he must take revenge.

"The high-level beast-inducing pill has been left outside Blackstone City, and this kind of pill doesn't need flesh and blood, just wait, the beast tide will approach again soon." Chen Longwang said with a sinister gaze.

He knew that the next time the beast horde reappeared, it would be even more terrifying than this time.

"The terrifying existence in the misty forest, I really look forward to your appearance, looking forward to your destruction of Black Rock City, tsk tsk tsk, pfft, it hurts me so much."

Chen Longwang contracted his cracked muscles, used his tyrannical physique to recover from his injuries, and at the same time took out pills to heal his injuries.

This time he suffered a big loss. He was seriously injured and needed a long time to recuperate.

Because not only is there no resurrection on the third floor of the demon tower, there is no such thing as upgrading the resurrection injury.

In addition to a property panel, there is a world properly.

"There is always a feeling that the so-called professionals are just preparing for something, so what exactly is it?" Chen Longwang murmured.

He was thinking silently, and suddenly thought of today's battle, and thought that he hadn't encountered that commander-level monster.

In other words, he won't get any reward for defending the city this time.

And that dragon summoner will get a very generous reward.

"Damn it, damn it, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, poof!"

Chen Longwang spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered to the ground, and passed out.

 ps: Thank you [Mr. Wisdom Star] for the monthly ticket, mighty and domineering, was carried away by the beautiful senior sister when I went out, and took it home directly.

(End of this chapter)

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