Chapter 273
"Qin Yue, do you know that the Chenlong King is the pillar of the Chenlong King City, if he dies, the city will be finished, and there will be tens of thousands of people." Demon Tower said eagerly.

"I don't care, the entire human race is dead, and it's not as good as a single hair of my husband." Qin Yue said with a frosty face.

For the first time she was so indifferent, so angry.

The Dragon King Chen cheated many families in Black Rock City last time, and almost took the credit of the leader-level beast king. Now the Dragon King Chen wants to steal his name through the ages, and she, Qin Yue, will never allow it.

So she rushed to the edge of the Far West without hesitation, her beautiful silver eyes were full of coldness.

"My God, are you crazy? Don't you always help those poor children? If you do this, you will kill many people." Demon Tower Will continued.

"Don't worry, after I kill Dragon King Chen, if that city is in danger, I will go to that city to help them in person, even if I die on the way, I will have no regrets." Qin Yue said, clenching her small pink fist.

"You are really crazy, really crazy, my God, what is so good about Qin Tianyu, why does everyone like him?" Demon Tower said helplessly.

Qin Yue didn't speak, but continued to move forward crazily, even though the demon tower's will kept reminding her.

But Qin Yue always ignored the other party, but rushed into the distance like crazy.

In the far west, on the edge of the vast desert.

Qin Tianyu was frantically leveling and spawning monsters while heading towards the vicinity of Snowman City where Qin Yue was.

There are many summoned beasts, as well as changing the shape of the stone man. His strength is increasing crazily, and he can easily crush any monster.

This is also the reason why he can upgrade faster, and it is also the reason why he can catch up with one professional after another, and finally reach the current level.

It's just that when he came to the edge, from his God's perspective, he saw a person who made Qin Tianyu frown.

That person is King Chenlong, the person who used Beast Inducing Pill in Black Rock City twice, and also Qin Tianyu's enemy.

This person's physique is very strong, and every move and style is powerful, making the monsters scream again and again.

And he also has a strange attack method, which is to attract starlight from the sky to attack the opponent, which is very incredible.

"There aren't many stars in the demon tower. If we go to the outside world, wouldn't King Chenlong be stronger?" Qin Tianyu said incredulously.

Qin Tianyu's own strength is very strong, but he doesn't have much confidence in the face of Chen Longwang, who is equally powerful, but since he met, he will never let him go.

After all, the other party has teased him several times in a row, if he let the other party go, then he would not be Qin Tianyu.

"Experiment his strength first, steel giant ape, you go and beat him." Qin Tianyu transmitted his thoughts, ordering the steel giant ape to go over and try.


The steel giant ape roared, waved the mace in his hand, and rushed to the area where Dragon King Chen was located like crazy.

Qin Tianyu, on the other hand, was practicing leveling while observing through the perspective of God.

After a while.

Qin Tianyu frowned slightly as he looked at the steel giant ape who had been beaten back by the Dragon King.

"Such a strong physique, but relying solely on his physique to defeat the steel giant ape, no wonder he was able to survive the self-destruction of the commander-level beast king." Qin Tianyu said solemnly.

Although the steel giant ape did not suffer the slightest injury from Chen Longwang's attack, it could not cause the slightest damage to the opponent. Obviously, the steel giant ape still needs to release more strength.

"My soul power is too weak. If the Iron Giant Ape completely releases its strength, it will definitely be able to punch Chen Longwang in seconds." Qin Tianyu said silently.

"Huh? You actually came towards me? If that's the case, let's meet you for a while." Qin Tianyu suddenly turned into a stone man, and then materialized two maces and walked towards King Chenlong.

Behind Qin Tianyu, three gigantic monsters, the Earth Walking Dragon, the Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the Lizard Warrior King, followed closely behind.

Chen Longwang had a smile on his face, he knew that this opportunity had come.

Because he finally met Qin Tianyu, the dragon summoner, this time he will definitely not let Qin Tianyu go.

These days, he only pays attention to Qin Tianyu's information. When the steel giant ape appears, he already knows that Qin Tianyu is nearby.

So he deliberately fought with the steel giant ape to test the monster's strength.

After a simple strength test and search, he quickly locked on Qin Tianyu's position, and then rushed over without hesitation.

"My strength is stronger than last time. In addition to my level, my physique has also made considerable progress. Qin Tianyu is your day of death today." Chen Longwang said coldly.

Because of his strong physique and fast speed, it didn't take him long to find Qin Tianyu.

But seeing Qin Tianyu's tall appearance of a stone man, and those three monsters more than ten meters high, King Chenlong frowned a little.

"Same as the information, there are four large summoned beasts in total, and that kind of giant dragon summoning consumes a lot of money, and I also have special props, so I can leave safely, so as long as Qin Tianyu can't summon the giant dragon, then It is his time of death."

As King Chenlong said, he rushed towards the stone man in front of him like a cannonball.


The huge mace suddenly fell from the sky and hit the place where the Dragon King Chen was. The speed really scared the Dragon King Chen.

"What a fast speed. Although this speed is not as fast as mine, you must be careful. You are indeed a difficult guy, but you are still no match for me."

Chen Longwang flashed across the air like a bolt of lightning, quickly jumped in front of the stone man, and then punched out suddenly.


When there was a loud noise, King Chenlong turned over and fell back to the ground, and his expression was extremely ugly.

Because his attack only broke the layer of armor on the surface of the stone man, and the stone on the surface of the stone man turned out to be only slightly cracked.

"Are you tickling me?"

A thunderous sound came from the stone's mouth. After he finished speaking, the cracks on the stone and the damaged armor healed instantly.

And at this time, beside King Chenlong, an ice warrior suddenly appeared.

"Boys, kill him!"


The sky-shattering roar resounded through the sky, and countless attacks smashed down like whack-a-mole.

"Boom boom boom!"

The impact sound like an earthquake spread crazily, and the smashed Chenlong King was reeling, which was horrible.

"Made, what a bunch of lunatics."

Chen Longwang was hit hard by the ice hammer, which made his blood boil and he was in a panic.

He glanced at it, and didn't care about the various huge weapons that hit his own people, feeling a little numb.

Then he left without looking up.

"Since you have met, then don't even think about running away." Qin Tianyu roared, leading a group of huge monsters, chasing after Chen Longwang crazily.

Chen Longwang looked ugly and continued to run away. The big guys chasing him behind were the ice warriors and lizard warriors who were weaker. He would be fine even if he received dozens of attacks relying on his physique.

But other summoned beasts are not so easy to deal with, and don't forget Qin Tianyu himself, so he has a very headache.

The reason for all this is that Qin Tianyu's level has been completely raised, which has liberated the strength of more summoned beasts.

Even its own strength has been unprecedentedly developed.

And given Qin Tianyu time, his strength will improve faster and more incredible.

Therefore, Chen Longwang, who was full of confidence, was completely beaten, and even a trace of fear rose in his heart.

"I can't run like this, go back to the city, only there is the safest." Chen Longwang said silently.

He turned around and ran quickly towards his main city, his actions were very decisive, without the slightest sloppiness.

It's just that he forgot one thing. Generally, there are many low-level professionals practicing leveling in areas close to the main city.

And he, Dragon King Chen, was chased and killed by the dragon summoner, and was chased and killed by Qin Tianyu with a large number of men. Such a scene will soon be introduced to the eyes of those professionals.

At that time, the reputation of King Chenlong will be completely ruined, and his title of being the strongest human being will no longer exist.

He will be completely knocked down from the altar by Qin Tianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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