Chapter 274

Low level monster area.

Several old men were leveling together. The leader was a thin man with blue hair. He held two swords and moved very fast. He was obviously a ranger.

"Old Dou, pay attention to intercepting, this little boss is going to escape, we can't let it escape." The blue-haired man said.

"Don't worry, captain, my old bean is famous for shield fighting. If it wants to escape, first ask me about the shield in my hand." The old bean said proudly.

Several people surrounded and killed the boss cautiously, not giving the other party a chance to escape.

But at this time, Chen Longwang came running from a distance like a gust of wind, looking embarrassed, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

After Jackie Chan saw them, he was stunned for a second, and then rushed into the distance.

"Captain, do you think that is the Chenlong King? Why is he in such a mess?" Lao Dou looked at the fast running Chenlong King and said suspiciously.

"It seems to be him. It's strange that he is so powerful, and he is also the strongest human being. How did he become like this?" the blue-haired captain said.

"That's right, my nose is blue and my face is swollen, and I'm vomiting blood." Lao Dou said dumbfounded.

The surrounding professionals were also in a dazed state, and they didn't even bother to kill the dying little boss.

You must know that the Dragon King Chen is the strongest human being. According to legend, the Dragon King Chen can compete against the Commander-level Beast King simply by relying on his physique.

That tyrannical strength was achieved through countless victories, even the arrogant Song Mingyue couldn't surpass Chen Longwang.

With such terrifying strength, at this moment, he turned out to be in such a miserable state, and even felt a little bit fleeing.

"Captain, did Dragon King provoke the strongest boss on this floor?" Lao Dou swallowed and said.

Since there is no death and resurrection on this level, they are cautious every time they kill monsters, never daring to take too many risks.

Now seeing the Dragon King running away like a bereaved dog, these professionals also started to get scared.

"It makes sense. The one who can force King Chenlong to become like this is definitely an extremely powerful boss. We must be careful." The blue-haired captain said solemnly.

Several professionals stopped killing monsters, but ran away quickly.

But after running for a few steps, a rumbling sound came from a distance, and even the ground trembled faintly.

Hearing this voice, the expressions of the captain, Laodou and other professionals suddenly changed.

"Get down, hurry up." The captain said anxiously, and climbed down immediately.

The other professionals also climbed down, and then they did not dare to make a sound and hid themselves, staring fixedly at the direction where the voice came from.

They are very curious, what kind of boss is the terrifying existence that can hunt down and kill the Dragon King?

Soon, several huge figures came into their sight.

The big man with a height of more than ten meters also made several professionals dumbfounded.

Because the person who took the lead in chasing and killing was a tall stone man.

And behind him are Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex, Earth Walker, Lizard Warrior King, Iron Giant Ape, and an Ice Warrior.

Several big men killed the monsters along the way while chasing and killing them. This weird scene made everyone's eyes widen.

"Then that is Qin Tianyu, the dragon summoner? Is he chasing and killing the Dragon King?" Lao Dou said in disbelief, his eyes widened.

"It seems to be." The blue-haired captain swallowed, and said a little sluggishly.

The surrounding professionals were also completely stunned. They stared blankly at the huge figure rushing past, their heads filled with mud.

"Captain, isn't Dragon King Chen the number one human being? Why did he run away?" Lao Dou trembled.

"Are you stupid? Of course you were defeated by the dragon summoner. You can tell by his distressed appearance." The blue-haired captain said solemnly.

"But captain, how old is the dragon summoner? Not even 20 years old, or even only sixteen or seventeen years old. With such strength, it is too unreal to chase and kill the Dragon King Chen." Lao Dou's voice changed the way.

"I also don't think it's true, but it's the truth. With Chen Longwang's haughty character, he would never do anything like escape, but if he does such a thing, he must be in a life-and-death crisis." Blue-haired captain Youyou road.

"I didn't expect Qin Tianyu, one of the two city lords of Black Rock City, the dragon summoner, to have reached such a level. It's really amazing." Lao Dou said.

"Yes, yes, she is simply a monster."

Several professionals shook their heads and sighed, one by one admiring Qin Tianyu's fearfulness.

They already understood that from now on, the title of the strongest human being has completely changed hands.

Qin Tianyu, the dragon summoner, will replace this title and become the new number one human being.

Such a major event will definitely cause a sensation in the entire human world.

"The sky is going to change." The blue-haired captain said, looking at the sky.

Luyuan Grassland.

Qin Yue sat on the shoulder of the ice warrior and continued to run wildly, the cold light in her beautiful eyes shining from time to time.

Obviously Qin Yue still intends to kill King Chenlong.

"Qin Yue, give up, King Chenlong has left the demon tower." The demon tower suddenly said.

"Huh? Why?" Qin Yue frowned suspiciously.

According to her estimation, the other party is about to reach the full level, so she will definitely not leave easily, but quickly reach the full level and leave her name through the ages.

But at this time, Chen Longwang suddenly left the demon tower, which seemed a little strange.

"Because the Dragon King was hunted down and escaped from the Demon Tower." The Demon Tower whispered.

"What did you say? Being hunted down?" Qin Yue was a little puzzled, she hadn't made a move yet, why the other party was hunted down.


Qin Yue thought of someone, her husband, and said hurriedly, "Who is it? Who hunted down the Dragon King?"

"You guessed right, it is indeed your husband Qin Tianyu, and the Dragon King Chen who he hunted down has nowhere to escape, so he can only go back to the main city and leave the Demon Tower." The Demon Tower said slowly, seemingly helpless.

"That's great, my husband is really the best." Qin Yue said excitedly, her big beautiful eyes instantly turned into crescent moons, and a sweet smile bloomed on her tense little face again.

"Qin Yue, don't be too happy too early. Even if King Chenlong leaves the Demon Tower, Qin Tianyu won't be able to get his name through the ages, because Song Mingyue has been promoted from level 298 to level 299 just now." Demon Tower said.

"Really? Where is she leveling now?" Qin Yue said with a smile.

"In Youyou Mountain, not far from here, wait, you don't want to kill Song Mingyue, do you?" Demon Tower Will hurriedly said.

"No, she has no grievances with me, I will not kill her." Qin Yue said.

"That's good, every city lord represents the hope of a city, so you can't kill the city lord at will, understand?" Demon Tower Will said with a sigh of relief.

As soon as the words fell, the will of the demon tower saw Qin Yue heading towards Youyou Mountain.

"Qin Yue, what do you want to do? The direction here is Youyou Mountain. Didn't you say that you won't kill Song Mingyue?" Yaomo Tower Will hurriedly said.

"Don't worry, I won't kill her, but I don't allow her to continue leveling. The only way to leave her name through the ages is to her husband." Qin Yue said quietly.

"You are simply a lunatic, oh my God, you first wanted to kill the Dragon King Chen and now you want to stop Song Mingyue for Qin Tianyu to win the eternal name, you are simply a lunatic."

 ps: Thank you for the monthly ticket of the brother [Give a Nianhua Zhang Ovary], mighty and domineering, pay attention when you go out, a beautiful woman learned from a fortune teller that you are her life partner, and she will secretly observe you in the next few days, thinking Wanting to strike up a conversation with you, but a little shy, you can only look at your figure with beautiful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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