The finishing touch system

Chapter 276 Full Level

Chapter 276 Full Level

"Ding! World announcement, world announcement, Qin Tianyu has reached level [-], becoming the first professional in this world to reach the full level, and his name will be remembered forever."

Three times the world announcement, resounding throughout the sky, resounding through the first to third floors of the demon tower world.

All the leveling people were stunned when they heard this, and they stopped fighting monsters one by one.

The first floor of the demon tower.

Qin Tianyu's former classmates, Zhang Yun and Sun He, were completely petrified.

quite a while.

"My God, it's Qin Tianyu. He's already level 300. How is it possible? How is it possible to be so fast?" Zhang Yun said inconceivably, holding a sword and a shield.

"Yeah, it's so fast. It's been so long since we've seen each other. It's too unimaginable." Sun He said with a big sword in both hands, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Huh? Sun He and Zhang Yun, do you know the dragon summoner Qin Tianyu?" said a bearded warrior next to him.

A few of them teamed up with Zhang Yun and Sun He to practice leveling. Unfortunately, these two never mentioned this matter. Now it seems that they know Qin Tianyu.

Sun He and Zhang Yun were a little embarrassed. They had conflicts with Qin Tianyu at that time, so they never dared to mention knowing Qin Tianyu.

And they work crazily to level up and improve themselves.

Later, because the leveling was too crazy, the two were called desperate twin wolves.

The level of the two has reached a high level of 17, which is also a very powerful master in their age group.

Therefore, the people who team up with them are all professionals older than them, because they level up too quickly.

But the gap between such a level and Qin Tianyu's level 300 can be described as heaven and earth.

So at this moment, they were very ashamed of their image and dared not say they knew Qin Tianyu.

Now being asked by friends, they can only helplessly say: "We were classmates with Qin Tianyu before, but we didn't have much contact with each other."

"What? You guys are Qin Tianyu's classmates? My God, you're so lucky." In the team, the majestic son said in surprise, and looked at them differently.

You must know that this person is the young master of a small family. He has always been very arrogant and disdained to talk to them. Now that he heard that they knew Qin Tianyu, his attitude changed drastically.

"Yes, you are so lucky. That's Qin Tianyu, the dragon summoner. I envy you so much." The bearded warrior said enviously.

"Yes, yes, Sun He and Zhang Yun, you are still hiding it." The only female professional in the team said.

Although she looks ordinary, but because she is an archer, she is still very popular in the team, and she is the object of everyone's fawning, even the young master treats her very well.

Therefore, this female profession also seemed a little arrogant, but now, she actually took the initiative to talk to Sun He and Zhang Yun.

Such a result really flattered Zhang Yun and Sun He.

Listening to the admiration around them, Sun He and Zhang Yun glanced at each other, feeling a little proud, proud of themselves, of being Qin Tianyu's classmate.

The City Lord's Mansion of Chenlongwang City.

Injured and lying on the bed, Dragon King Chen played with a piece of iron, looked at the roof indifferently, and thought about how to take revenge.

This time, he was chased by Qin Tianyu and escaped from the demon tower, which made his face completely disgraced. He is no longer the strongest human being, and now he has become No.2.

Although this ranking has not been fully spread, it will be a matter of time before it spreads, so he is very angry and wants revenge very much.

"My lord, it's not good, something serious happened." A female guard in black quickly rushed to the room, knelt down and said.

"What are you panicking about? You're so panicked about even big things, how do I usually teach you?" Chen Longwang said with cold eyes.

His No.1 title was completely lost, he didn't care about anything anymore, so he didn't panic in the slightest at this moment.

"My lord, Qin Tianyu is the first to reach level 300, and the demon tower announced that he will be named forever." The female guard in black said anxiously.


Like a shadow, King Chenlong came to the female guard like lightning, grabbed her fair neck and said coldly: "What are you talking about? Say it again."

After Chen Longwang finished speaking, his eyes were full of tyranny and killing, as well as unimaginable madness.

"My lord, Qin Tianyu has reached level 300 and is about to leave his name through the ages. I checked the rules and found that he can only leave his name through the ages. No matter how many people behind him level up, they can't leave their names." The female guard said respectfully again.

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound.

Chen Longwang threw away the corpse of the female guard in his hand with a livid face, and sat down on the table and chair next to him with cold eyes.

He checked his experience points about to be level 300. There were strong flames in his eyes, and anger burned in his heart like galloping magma.

"Damn Qin Tianyu, so your goal is to leave a name through the ages, damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Chen Longwang slammed his right fist on the table, smashing the table to pieces, and then started smashing things in the house like crazy.

The sound of thunder, bang, bang, and bang was endless.

The guards guarding the door were so frightened that they were as quiet as cicadas. They were careful not to make any mistakes, for fear of being hurt by Chi Yu.

Yoyo Mountain!
The two extremely beautiful women, Song Mingyue and Qinyue, stopped fighting at the same time when they heard the announcement from the world.

They turned into human forms, standing on the Youyou Mountain and looking at each other.

"Great, my husband has finally reached the full level." Qin Yue said joyfully.

"Your husband is Qin Tianyu? The Dragon Summoner?" Song Mingyue frowned, with surprise in her beautiful eyes.

"That's right, that's my dear and good husband. I'm sorry just now. Now you can level up. Although I can level up immediately, I can wait for you to level up first." Qin Yue said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that the apprentices I want to take in have already reached this level." Song Mingyue raised her small head and said quietly.

Back then, when she met Qin Tianyu, she had already seen how extraordinary Qin Tianyu was.

But I didn't expect Qin Tianyu to grow so fast, even surpassing her.

Although she was confident that she could suppress Qin Tianyu through the Phoenix blood, she still lamented how terrifying Qin Tianyu was.

"Apprentice?" The charming Qin Yue tilted her head and looked at Song Mingyue suspiciously.

"Yes, I have crossed paths with Qin Tianyu. If you had said that your husband is Qin Tianyu, I would not have fought with you." Song Mingyue smiled.

"Ah~ I'm sorry, I didn't know you knew your husband." Qin Yue said shyly, her little face became flushed, and her cheeks were obviously hot.

"You, it's fine, but even if his level is higher than mine, he will not be my opponent. When the shackles of the demon tower are removed, you and I will be much stronger than him." Song Mingyue said quietly.

"Not necessarily, my husband already has a new physique." Qin Yue said with big eyes bent into crescent moons.

Obviously, she thought of the only physique, and it was also the physique that made thousands of worlds and countless great powers envious.

 ps: Thank you [Sunset Lonely City] brother for the two monthly tickets, mighty and domineering, and the cute girl calls me little brother when I go out.

(End of this chapter)

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