The finishing touch system

Chapter 277 Level 4 and Level 5

Chapter 277 The Fourth and Fifth Floors

"A new physique? Could it be that he plans to enter the sixth floor of the Demon Tower?" Song Mingyue asked in surprise with Yingtao's mouth open.

"With my husband's character, if he can improve his strength, he will never stand still. It's just that my husband doesn't know about it yet, and I will have to make my own decision at that time." Qin Yue said, blinking her big eyes.

"That's right. With his arrogant character, how can he be willing to be mediocre? But to enter the sixth floor of the Demon Tower, at least five people are needed." Song Mingyue said quietly.

"Five people?" Qin Yue frowned and said.

"Yes, apart from you and me, Qin Tianyu and King Chenlong, I don't know who else is qualified to reach this level." The magnificent Song Mingyue said.

"Then we just have to wait. The trial on the fourth floor will take some time, and it will also take some time to fade away from the fifth floor. I hope some newcomers will be qualified by then." Qin Yue thought for a while and said.

"Yes, just wait."

After the two of them finished speaking, they headed for the distance together.

They soon started a new round of leveling, and Qin Yue kept her promise, and waited until Song Mingyue reached the full level before she chose the third one to reach the full level.

The fourth floor of the demon tower.

Qin Tianyu stood quietly.

He looked at the empty hall that could accommodate tens of thousands of people, and at the huge teleportation array in the hall, doubts hung on his handsome face.

"There is only one teleportation array on the fourth floor of the demon tower? And it was teleported here immediately after reaching the full level." Qin Tianyu was surprised.

He looked around and found that there was really no exit here, it was just a closed space, a closed hall.

He slowly came to the center of the teleportation array, and wanted to try to use the teleportation array to carry out higher-level teleportation, such as teleporting to the fifth floor of the demon tower.

But he failed.

The teleportation array only reminded him that he could leave the demon tower, and there was no other reminder, which was very strange.

"Brother Stone Man, you are finally here."

The little girl with a childlike face, Lan Lime, with stars shining in her beautiful eyes, walked out of the berth in the void.

Her bare, white and tender feet slowly floated in front of Qin Tianyu, and her two white and tender hands gently grabbed Qin Tianyu's big hand.

"Long time no see, Brother Stoneman." Tong Yan's little loli Lan Qingning said with a smile.

"Yeah, long time no see, what's the situation on this floor? Why can't you continue leveling?" Qin Tianyu held the soft little hand of Lan Qingning and said.

This cute and cute girl is not only smart, but also has purple hair and purple pupils, coupled with her petite figure and beautiful face, she is also a beauty that brings disaster to the country and the people.

It's just that this cute girl is too smart, she can always guess other people's thoughts, which makes people very helpless.

"Brother Stone Man, the place where the fourth floor of the demon tower is teleported is the Ice City, which is very dangerous, so we need to wait for some people to go with us." Lan Lime said with a sweet smile.

"Ice City? Is it also a main human city?" Qin Tianyu asked doubtfully.

"It's a city made of ice and snow, but there are no ordinary people there, and there are no demon towers, but there are teleportation arrays and guardians." Lan Qingning said with a smile.

However, after Lan Qingning finished saying this, a trace of thought flashed in her beautiful eyes.

It seemed that she wanted to say something, but she stopped her words in time, and quickly changed the subject.

"Brother Stoneman, Ice and Snow City is a trial mission. After you complete the mission, you can enter the fifth floor of the Demon Tower. Once you get there, you can choose your own path." Tongyan Xiaoliu Lanqing Ning said.

"Choose your own path?" Qin Tianyu frowned.

"Yes, you can keep all your current occupations and occupational abilities to become a strong man in this world, or you can choose to break away from the shackles of occupations and become a free body on the fifth floor of the demon tower, and then"

"Then what?" Qin Tianyu asked.

"Then through the teleportation array of the demon tower, go to some worlds that do not belong to the demon tower, complete the task, gain harvest, and exchange for extremely powerful abilities." Tong Yan's little loli blue lime explained.

"The world that doesn't belong to the demon tower? You mean, all the demon towers above have a teleportation array on each floor, leading to an unknown world?" Qin Tianyu was surprised.

"You can also say that, but I only know that from the sixth floor to the tenth floor of the demon tower, each floor is connected to a world. As for the demon towers on other floors, I don't know, I can't enter those areas." Blue Lime road.

"So that's the case. What kind of worlds are those worlds? What tasks do they need to complete?" Qin Tianyu asked doubtfully.

"Brother Stone Man, you will know in the future. You can ask Ji Binglan about these things. These things actually belong to her, but I said them first. I feel sorry for her. I just want to chat with you more." Lan Qingning said .

Before the words finished, Lan Qingning imitated what she had done before, and landed on Qin Tianyu's shoulder.

Then the soft body sat on Qin Tianyu's shoulders, holding Qin Tianyu's head in his small hands, leaning against each other quietly.

A refreshing body fragrance emanated from the body of the childlike little girl, Lan Qingning, and passed into Qin Tianyu's nasal cavity.

"It's a nostalgic feeling, Brother Stone Man, do you believe that I'm in love with you?" Tong Yan's little girl Lan Qingning smiled.

"Maybe he has a crush on me, but I'm afraid it's not love." Qin Tianyu said while supporting Lan Qingning's body with his big hands.

"Yeah, the short time we spent together, even if you are as good as you, it just made me feel good, but"

"But what?" Qin Tianyu asked suspiciously.

"But An Xiaomao, Xia Ziyue and those two girls are completely in love with you." Lan Qingning said with a light of wisdom shining in her beautiful eyes.

"Huh?" Qin Tianyu frowned and turned to look at Lan Qingning, with doubts in his golden eyes.

"For us in Taring, memories can be shared, so the two of them chose to receive all the memories you have experienced with us."

"For example, the three years between you and Ji Binglan, such as the leveling time between you and An Xiaomao, such as the time between you and us, in short, there are many, many, Xia Ziyue and An Xiaomao have chosen to accept, so they like you the most .”

"As for me, Lan Yaoluo and Ji Binglan, I didn't choose to accept it. Everyone's choice is different, such as Lan Yaoluo and Ji Binglan."

"They have imprinted their time in contact with you in their souls, and they will silently appreciate the warmth with you every day, so they are very obsessed with you, only I did nothing, do you know why?"

After the childlike girl Lan Qingning finished speaking, her purple eyes quietly watched Qin Tianyu, and the starlight shining in those eyes was as brilliant as the most beautiful fireworks.

"Why?" Qin Tianyu asked, he was really curious.


 ps: Thank you (Excalibur [Abe]) brother for the monthly ticket, mighty and domineering, and Yujie asked for her mobile phone number when she went out!

(End of this chapter)

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