The finishing touch system

Chapter 328 Infuriating Storm

Chapter 328 Infuriating Storm
The little fat man watched.

That incomparably powerful Sect Master Zhao actually took two steps forward with a respectful attitude, and then bowed.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, welcome to Zhenqi Sect."


A burst of noise came, breaking the atmosphere of the scene.

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice.

Then I saw the little fat man sitting on the ground slumped in embarrassment, looking at Qin Tianyu in a daze.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

The little fat man quickly apologized. He wanted to stand up, but his body was so frightened that he couldn't stand up.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Tianyu didn't say anything, but glanced at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan seemed to understand something, he quickly helped the little fat man up and said, "Don't be afraid, Fatty Pang, Mr. Qin is a very nice person."

"Fatty Pang?"

The little fat man was about to cry, but his name was actually Pang Kongkong, not Pang Fatty.

But now he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to speak, so he could only let Chen Xuan support him and sit on the chair next to him.

"Sect Master Zhao, I don't know if there are any items to test the aptitude." Qin Tianyu asked.

"Of course, Mr. Qin, wait a moment." After Zhao Zongzhu finished speaking, he waved to the outside.

Then two disciples walked in carrying a strange stone half a person's height.

"This is the detection stone. If you put your hand on it, if it flashes once, it is a ninth-class qualification. The more times it flashes, the higher the qualification is. If it always shows light, it is a first-class qualification."

After Zhao Zongzhu finished speaking, he looked at Qin Tianyu expectantly, waiting for a miracle to happen.

He had heard reports from his disciples that this person might come from the upper realm, and possessed the terrifying power to call wind and rain.

And if such a person joins their sect, then their sect is really well developed.

So he watched expectantly, and he, who was well-informed, became nervous at this moment.

Not just him.

The old elders in the back also opened their eyes wide, afraid that a little bit of the picture would be exposed.

Qin Tianyu looked at the half-human tall rock, and rubbed Yaya's little head.

He came to the stone with strides, and put his hand on it without hesitation.

He wants to see how far the intermediate infinite body has reached in this world.

Whether it can reach the level of first-class talent.

There was a strange buzzing sound, like the sound of bees flapping their wings.

Follow this voice.

The colorful rays of light suddenly escaped from the detection stone, turning the entire living room into colorful colors.

"This is... what's going on here?" An elder stared and wondered.

"Yes, why is it colorful? Isn't the first-class qualification with the best test results white?"

"Yes, why is that?"

Several elders were all puzzled, unable to understand what level this was.

Only Sect Master Zhao's expression was not puzzled, but shocked, completely shocked.

Because he once got some information from ancient books.

That is, on top of the first-class aptitude, there is a super aptitude, and on top of the super aptitude is a holy-level aptitude.

That holy-level qualification is the qualification that can emit colorful rays of light, and it is also a terrifying qualification like a fairy tale.

Such aptitude can cause a terrible effect of true qi storm.

So at this moment, Sect Master Zhao planned to run outside to check the sky.

"Something happened to the suzerain, and a terrible colorful storm suddenly gathered in the sky." A disciple suddenly broke in from the outside and said in horror.

"What seven-color storm? This is impossible. Only those places where heaven, material and earth treasures appear can there be seven-color storms."

"That's right, and it's a top-notch treasure. There's nothing here. How could there be a colorful storm?"

"Wait, could it be this Mr. Qin?"

Several elders looked at Qin Tianyu in disbelief, and all of them widened their eyes for a moment.

After their voices fell, the roof of the living room suddenly shattered.

The terrifying storm of seven-colored true energy quickly enveloped Qin Tianyu in the living room like a cyclone.

Then a terrifying true energy force field is formed, repelling everything around it.

"Get out of here, quickly!"

When Zongzhu Zhao saw such a scene, he was completely terrified, and at the same time his hands were shaking violently.

It was too excited, too joyful, and trembling uncontrollably.

Because he knew that the true qi sect was about to develop and take off completely.

But here is too dangerous, he must let everyone leave here and watch outside.

And his words made everyone rush out of the living room.

Even Yaya obediently left the living room, then blinked her big eyes, looking at Qin Tianyu who was enveloped by Qicai Qi.

At this time, Qin Tianyu was like a god's mansion, standing quietly amid countless colorful rays of light.

The terrifying true qi cyclone, like a sea of ​​clouds and mist, was violently rolling.

It even spread rapidly with him as the center, spreading crazily in all directions.

And the sky of the Zhenqi sect has already turned into a terrifying colorful scene.

The glow of zhenqi, like a mushroom cloud, reflected the whole zhenqi sect into a colorful world.

"What's going on here, what is this? What monster did I encounter?"

The little fat man looked at the terrifying mushroom cloud in the sky and the endless colorful rays of light, and murmured like a fool.

Thinking of myself just now, bragging in front of such a terrifying person.

He also said that he would cover Qin Tianyu.

He felt like crying for a moment.

With such a terrifying existence, where does he need to take care of him?
Just one word from someone shakes the whole world.

"Pang Pangzi saw it, this is the real genius, the aptitude of the two of us is rubbish aptitude." Chen Xuan patted Pang Fatty's shoulder and said.

"Garbage qualification?"

The little fat man thought that after he detected his aptitude.

The whole royal city cheered for it.

Everyone is celebrating his greatness.

Everyone is celebrating his talent.

Celebrating his aptitude to reach the fourth class level.

But when he came to the True Qi School, he met Qin Tianyu, a pervert.

His aptitude turned out to be trash aptitude, which made the little fat man want to find a hole to get in.

"Don't stand still, let me practice quickly and refine my true energy. This is a great moment."

Zongzhu Zhao looked at the terrifying seven-colored true energy storm, and immediately shouted to everyone to practice quickly.

Then he saw Chen Xuan and the little fat man.

He said loudly: "Chen Xuan and Fatty Pang, come here and let the Sixth Elder explain a practice method to you, practice quickly."

"No, my name is not Pang Pang..."

The little fat man was about to say something, but he was dragged by Chen Xuan and ran towards Zongzhu Zhao.

He could only run over without tears.

Sect Master Zhao saw that everything was stable, he hesitated for a few seconds, took out two practice exercises from his bosom, and then looked at Qin Tianyu in the colorful glow with some reluctance.

"Mr. Qin, this is the treasure of our sect. I hope you will cherish it."

After Zhao Zongzhu finished speaking, he threw the two exercises into the Xiaguang, and threw them into Qin Tianyu's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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