The finishing touch system

Chapter 329 The identity of the black-robed phantom

Chapter 329 The identity of the black-robed phantom
One of these two exercises is Xuanzhen Gong, which is a method for practicing true energy.

The other is the soul-based exercises, called True Soul Records, which are the treasures of this sect, extremely precious.

It stands to reason that the difficulty of these exercises will be very high, and it will take a long time to learn them.

But Qin Tianyu is different, he has an infinite body, and has a super tyrannical aptitude.

Even if he doesn't need exercises, he is constantly gathering his true energy in this storm of true energy, which is very terrifying.

So when he picked up the Xuanzhen Kung Fu, in a short period of time, he understood the essentials of the period.

And his strength, under the effect of this exercise, is like riding a rocket to improve rapidly.

First is the entry level, then the first level of true energy, the second level of true energy, the third level of true energy, the ninth level of true energy.

Then the real martial arts period, the first level of true martial arts, the second level of true martial arts
Qin Tianyu didn't know how much he had improved, he just kept improving in the endless glow of true qi, and he was improving crazily.

That way is simply powerful to the extreme.

And the vision he created in the True Qi School also attracted the attention of many people.

Countless people looked at the terrifying vision above the Zhenqi sect and pointed.

Some even knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

And the man in the black cloak who was thousands of miles away suddenly looked in the direction of Zhenqizong.

"It's such a big commotion. I don't know if it's that Qin Tianyu or King Chen Long. Damn it, where is the Man of Destiny who needs to be protected? Why the hell can't I find it?"

The man in the black cloak waved his right hand, and a portrait of a little girl appeared in front of him.

This little girl was carved in jade, about six or seven years old, very pretty!
"The girl named Yaya, Yaya, I have been looking for you for so long, but I can't find you."

The man in the black cloak cursed helplessly, looking a little irritable and angry.

Because the Goblin Tower gave it a deadline.

If the target person cannot be found within three months, he will be completely rejected and will never be able to enter the Demon Tower again.

Therefore, he can only continue to search.

"Look for that Yaya first, and then kill King Chenlong and Qin Tianyu later."

The figure in the black cloak glanced in the direction where the True Qi Sect was, and chose to go in the opposite direction.

Thousands of miles away.

Chen Longwang walked out of the pool of blood watered by countless corpses, his aura became more and more powerful, and his temperament became several times more sinister.

"It's getting closer and closer to the high-level ancient demon body. It seems that we need to continue killing, but where is the man of destiny?"

"This time the demon tower gave very little information. It only said that in addition to its own protection target, it can also protect other people of destiny, and the rewards will be doubled. Unfortunately, I didn't find a person of destiny."

Chen Longwang frowned and thought, he only knew that the person who needed protection was a fat man named Pang Kongkong.

But this person, except for the fat man's appearance, Chen Longwang didn't know anything else.

"Ma Dan, why is the demon tower so pitiful this time, and didn't even provide general information, so let's upgrade the ancient demon body first." Chen Longwang said angrily.

The irritable Chenlong King kicked away a beautiful female corpse next to him, and then walked towards other towns indifferently.

Time passed, and soon two months passed.

True Qi sect, ten miles away.

The Dragon King Chen and the man in the black robe faced each other, with cold killing intent in their eyes.

And their state at this time, they all seemed a little embarrassed.

Dragon King Chen was burnt into a big bald head, while the robe of the man in black was torn out a big hole, revealing his astonishingly fair skin.

"The famous phantom is actually a woman, I really didn't expect it." Chen Longwang said coldly.

"Why can't it be a woman? The women of the Demon Race are all excellent fighters, unlike human women like you, who are as weak as chickens." The black-robed man Shadow said quietly.

Her original voice is very pleasant, as sweet as a yellow warbler, which makes people feel a little intoxicated after hearing it.

It's a pity that Chen Longwang is not a person who loves fragrance and cherishes jade. His pursuit of strength is more important than women.

So behind him, a gigantic horned monster like a mountain slowly appeared.

"Moying, last time you killed my Man of Destiny, which caused me to lose a lot of points, this time I will definitely kill you."

After Chen Longwang finished speaking, he controlled the terrifying bull-horned monster, and suddenly blasted at the black-robed man.


A terrifying phantom of a black-armored female warrior holding a giant sword suddenly appeared.

She waved the huge sword in her hand, and slashed at the bull-horned monster frantically, and the two sides started a terrifying battle in the lush green bamboo forest.

Yu Bo, who was fighting, even razed countless places around him to the ground.

The earth trembled and the mountains trembled.

The whole world seemed to be trembling under the two phantoms.

And the battle here quickly attracted the attention of countless people.

Countless ordinary people looked at the terrifying phantom and fled in panic one by one.

A large number of animals ran wildly like bereaved dogs.

It can be said that all the people and animals around the green bamboo forest have left.

Flee to a farther place.

"What kind of monster is that? Why does such a phantom appear?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know, but depending on the situation, it seems that a female knight is killing the Minotaur."

"It should be like this. It must be that the minotaur from the Devil's Cave ran to the ground, and then was stopped by the female knight, and a terrifying battle took place."

The civilians who didn't understand anything were discussing, and they kept talking according to their own understanding.

When the Chenlong King who was fighting heard this, the veins on his forehead twitched.

He can't wait to kill those who make irresponsible remarks, but now is not the time.

The phantom on the opposite side is also very powerful. Although his ancient demon body level is very high, his strength is not as good as the opponent's.

Adding up the two and two together, the two sides temporarily tied.

As for the latter, it depends on who can't bear it first.

So Chen Longwang didn't dare to take it lightly, but used all his strength to fight fiercely with the opponent frantically.

In a short period of time, the two sides completely destroyed the entire green bamboo forest, and even gradually moved towards the direction of the Zhenqi sect.

The terrifying battle on their side also made all the disciples of the True Qi Sect vigilant.

The suzerain of the Zhenqi sect stood up immediately.

Then the old suzerain quickly summoned the disciples of the sect to prepare for the battle.

And in a secret room, Qin Tianyu, who was practicing silently, also opened his golden eyes at this moment.

The moment he opened his eyes, a golden light flashed rapidly, like a bolt of lightning.

"Are you here? It's a pity that you are already too late. I will eliminate the two of you today." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

He walked out of the secret room slowly, scanned the messy zhenqi sect, and smiled slightly.


He raised his right foot, under the incredulous eyes of countless Zhenqi sect disciples.

Walking up the void step by step, it is like a divine mansion, walking in the void, stepping on the void.

And such a scene frightened everyone and all the disciples.

"Oh my god, Elder Tian Yu can actually step on the void, how is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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