Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 136 Killing the Scarface 2

Chapter 136 Killing the Scarface 2
Finally, Scarface saw a flaw in Ma Daha, shouted loudly, and punched Ma Daha in the face.The punch was so hard that Ma Daha's nose bleeds.

Ma Daha knew something was wrong, turned around and ran away, but Scarface didn't bother to chase him, and just winked at the archer not far away.The archers understood, and slowly pulled out their arrows, put them on their bows, and aimed at the moving Ma Daha.

Ma Daha ran desperately towards the direction of the cliff. While running, he played back the scene when Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao escaped before in his mind.

"Those two idiots can escape, can't I?"

Ma Daha's thoughts changed sharply, but he didn't realize that he was already within the range of the archer.

Whoosh whoosh!
Yujian caught up with Ma Daha, and penetrated the latter's body without hesitation. Ma Daha's eyes widened suddenly, full of unwillingness, but his vitality was rapidly drying up.

Seeing Ma Daha fall down, Scarface smiled coldly, then turned his head to look at the few coolies left, then turned around and walked towards the river with satisfaction.

There were more than a dozen boats on the bank of the river, and the gold sand was concentrated in bags on three of them, and the other boats were used to carry Daxing soldiers.

"Get on board!"

Scarface gave an order, and all the soldiers boarded the boat one after another, regardless of washing off the bright blood on their bodies.

The fleet set off and headed for the upper reaches of the river.Sailing against the current, coupled with the turbulent current, the speed of the fleet will inevitably be dragged down.

Scarface stood on the bow of one of the boats, staring at the dark distance, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, the fleet sailed 400 meters, but Scarface didn't feel relaxed, because he knew that if the Daxing defenders on the cliff were defeated, the soldiers of Xiaqiu Kingdom would soon come after them.

Time was running out, and the fleet had to speed up in order to escape to the next Daxing Army camp and seek shelter before the pursuers came.More importantly, these three ships of gold sand are extremely important to Daxing and cannot be lost.Even if it sinks into the river, Xia Qiuguo cannot get it.

The waves were noisy, and the black tree shadows swayed along the shore, as if the soldiers of Xia Qiu Kingdom would come out of it at any time, which made Scarface always have a feeling of uneasiness hovering in his heart.


"As expected, the third prince is really clever!"

General Bai was wearing a light night suit, standing behind the tree shadow, staring at the fleet on the river, his eyes were full of excitement.

It turned out that after listening to Feng Sanshao's detailed description of the location of the gold mine, the third prince asked General Bai to lead a small team of 500 people to quickly go around to the riverside from another road and set up an ambush to prevent the large-scale army from attacking the mine. The gold sand that has been dug is transported away.

Who knows, the third prince really made the calculations, Scarface really wanted to transport the gold sand away.

Around General Bai, five hundred black-clothed soldiers were ready to attack the fleet on the river at any time.

"That scarred face must be kept alive!" Before General Bai left, the third prince once ordered him to die. General Bai didn't quite understand this, but he could only obey.

He didn't know that the third prince actually had such a special order because of what Feng Sanshao said, that he wanted to kill Ma Daha and Scarface with his own hands.Of course, the third prince didn't do it to perfect Third Young Master Feng, but because Third Young Master Feng had a friend who was a cultivator.

Because this cultivator disdains to attack ordinary people, the third prince felt that he had a chance to curry favor with the cultivator.

But... How to capture Scarface alive has become a difficult problem for General Bai.Let's shoot the arrows, the random arrows have no eyes, let's fight close, the opponent is in the river again.

(End of this chapter)

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