Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 137 Killing the Scarface 3

Chapter 137 Killing the Scarface 3
What to do, in the end there was no other way, General Bai had to choose the most clumsy and most force-consuming method, which was to send soldiers to swim over and fight with Daxing soldiers.With this tactic, the Daxing army has the advantage, and Xia Qiubing may die in the rushing water at any time.

But there is no way, the only way to guarantee a successful capture of Scarface.

I really can't figure out why the third prince has repeatedly emphasized that he will capture Scarface alive at any cost.It's just a small captain, is it really worth that much?General Bai slandered endlessly.

Despite the slander, General Bai waved his hands decisively and ordered the attack. After that, five hundred soldiers filed out and dived into the river.

The moment they appeared, Scarface found out, and immediately reminded the other ships loudly to prepare for defense.

A bitter battle was staged in the river.


"Guo Mu, what did you say to the third prince, why is he so nice to you?" Inside the camp, Third Young Master Feng asked the blue ghost suspiciously.

"do not know."

Third Young Master Feng's expression was ugly: "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." The blue ghost was very impatient.

Feng Sanshao was a little angry: "What's the matter with you, you don't want to say anything, do you still regard me as a friend? Why did you change after you slept?"

The blue ghost got up and left: "I'm going out for a walk."

Third Young Master Feng didn't stop him, he had a feeling that "Guo Mu" must be a ghost at this time.

Three hours later, General Bai came back, lost a hundred soldiers, but finally captured Scarface alive.

Scarface didn't understand why Xia Qiu's soldiers were so stupid, they would rather die than slash him.In the end, he was forced to dive into the water, and after landing, he brazenly killed more than a dozen Xia Qiu soldiers before being suppressed by General Bai with force.

Along the way, he kept thinking, why, why...why did Xia Qiubing capture him alive?He is just a commander!
After meeting Third Young Master Feng and "Guo Mu", Scarface realized that Xia Qiubing spared his life to capture him alive just to send him to these two enemies and hand him over to them for disposal.

What are the identities of these two people, worthy of the third prince Xiaqiu's favor, and what is the origin, when they escape, there will be a mysterious expert to help them.Even though Scarface was well-informed, he still couldn't understand.

That mysterious expert never showed up when Scarface slaughtered all the coolies.

Feng Sanshao looked at Scarface, full of hatred, he took the big knife handed over by General Bai, and prepared to end Scarface's life with his own hands, marking a successful end to his miserable months of mining .

The blue ghost stood aside, expressionless.

"Go to hell!" There is no need to say nonsense, Feng Sanshao chopped off the scarred face's head that had been tied up by five flowers, and the commander who had brought him and Guo Mu countless nightmares finally died in his hands .

Starting with this knife, it also means that Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao officially started a new life.


(End of this chapter)

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