Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 138 Ye An's Cry 1

Chapter 138 Ye An's Cry 1
White Lake, this is a lake and the name of a city.

White Lake City is located on the border of Xiaqiu Kingdom, with a population of hundreds of thousands, and foreign business travelers often come and go, so it is prosperous.Most of the rich people in Baihu City have a good reputation, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are simple. It is one of the few "paradises in the world" in Xiaqiu.

one.The town border army also has heavy troops stationed [-] to [-] miles outside Baihu City, guarding the "treasure city" on the border.

And White Lake City is also the hometown of Third Young Master Feng.

Half a month has passed since the day when Feng Sanshao chopped off Scarface's head with a sword.Under the escort of the soldiers specially dispatched by the third prince, Third Young Master Feng and Guo Mu finally arrived at White Lake City after a bumpy journey.

During this half month, Guo Mu's temperament often changed every six days, from his usual calm and low-key to arrogant and impetuous, as if he had completely changed himself.Since Third Young Master Feng didn't know the existence of the blue ghost, at first he thought that Guo Mu was acting. Later, after probing many times, he was sure that Guo Mu was not pretending.

Since he didn't pretend, it meant that Guo Mu had mental problems, so his personality would split every six days.

After thinking that he knew the reason, Third Young Master Feng decided even more in his heart that his younger brother was a poor man who suffered from mental illness at a young age. Hey, God is really jealous of talents.Therefore, from now on, he, the older brother, must take good care of Guo Mu, and not allow the latter to be discriminated against in any way, nor to let the latter feel inferior.

Guo Mu didn't know what Feng Sanshao was thinking at all. If he knew, he would definitely be dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the exchange of souls between himself and the blue ghost would make such a joke.

After leaving the military camp on the edge of the town, the two walked towards the White Lake together.When approaching the gate of the city, Guo Mu found that there was an endless stream of people entering and leaving the city along the way, and a long queue was lined up at the gate of the city, waiting for the guards to investigate.The waiting people chatted with each other, and it was very lively.

Maybe it was because he stayed in the gold mine for too long before, and all he saw were the coolies with numb expressions and complaining all day long, Guo Mu felt more or less depressed in his heart, but now, the pain in the gold mine The days have passed, Scarface was killed by Feng Sanshao himself, and Ma Daha was also confirmed to be shot to death by random arrows.With the death of his enemies, when Guo Mu looked at the people coming and going in the city, he already had a feeling that he had never felt before.

It seems that this world is not as bad as previously imagined.

The air is also filled with the taste of freedom.

Guo Mu smiled and watched a certain little girl on the opposite side pulling her parents to act coquettishly. For a moment, he seemed to see Guo Yinger when she was a child.Thinking of Guo Yinger, his smile gradually froze.

It has been half a year since he came to the Wushuang Realm from the Soul Realm, but he is still walking on the same spot, without accomplishing anything, and almost died in an unknown valley instead.

Although the development of the world is out of his control and he cannot be blamed, this feeling of not being able to control his own future made Guo Mu aware of his weakness and uselessness.

In the dark, it seems that there is a hand overturning all his original assumptions, making him at a loss and unable to find his own direction.

I don't know... when will I be able to see Sister Yinger again.

(End of this chapter)

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