Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 141 The Change of the Feng Family

Chapter 141 The Change of the Feng Family

Young Master Feng looked at the foolish old man sitting on the bamboo and rattan chair in the courtyard, and couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't believe that this was the majestic and shrewd father two years ago.

The old man stared blankly at the ants busy moving on the ground, and muttered something, but the voice was very thin, and among the three present, none of them could understand what the old man was chanting.

"Father, the baby is back..." The smile on Third Young Master Feng's face was gone at this moment, only tears fell like rain.He knelt in front of the old man's sight, trying to let the old man find out that his favorite third child had returned.

Feng Sanshao's eldest brother died early, and his second brother was at odds with his family. After getting married, he went to another place and rarely came back. Only the third child, that is, him, had the best relationship with his father and the deepest affection.

"Father, take a look at my baby... I am Fenglei, take a look, my baby is finally back..."

No matter how Third Young Master Feng called, the old man looked dull. Although his eyes stopped on Third Young Master Feng's face, he didn't seem to see him at all.In the eyes of the old man, Feng Sanshao was like a mass of transparent air.

"Ye An! What's going on?" Feng Sanshao stood up suddenly, grabbed Ye An's collar and asked loudly, but immediately he realized that he was too emotional, so he let go and was a little out of breath. Ye An, but his expression was still terrifyingly ferocious.

It was the first time that Guo Mu saw Third Young Master Feng behave like this. In the past, Third Young Master Feng was always laughing and joking, making jokes, and sometimes acting like a modest gentleman, but he would never get angry.

But now, Third Young Master Feng was furious.

Third Young Master Feng was indeed furious, but what made him angry was not Ye An, nor his father's illness, but himself.He hates himself, why he has been floating outside for the past two years, and never cared about family affairs, and now, his father has a strange disease, and his mother has passed away suddenly. The feeling of being bombarded by Menlei, as if everything is not real.

He was angry at Ye An just because he didn't know what to do now and couldn't accept the current situation.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye An intermittently mentioned another reason, and then he realized that his father's illness and his mother's death were not as simple as they appeared on the surface.

Behind this, there is an appalling conspiracy!
The matter has to start with the reason why Feng Sanshao left home.

When he was young, Feng Sanshao had a childhood friend besides his servant partner Ye An.The girl's name was Zhou Ya'er, and she was born in another wealthy family in White Lake City that mainly engaged in restaurant business.The country of Xiaqiu is open, and there is no tradition of confinement for virgins, so Feng Sanshao had the opportunity to play and grow up with Zhou Yaer until he was 16 years old.

At the age of 16, love first started, Zhou Yaer and Feng Sanshao made a promise to each other for life, and they even ate the forbidden fruit in the confusion and love.Fortunately, Zhou Ya'er was not pregnant.So their relationship has always been kept in secret, no one knows.

But just half a year later, the Zhou family made an appointment with Zhou Ya'er on their own initiative. The man was the Zhang family, a wealthy and powerful family in White Lake City.The Zhang family has accumulated huge wealth and a large number of thugs through casinos, pawnshops, brothels and other industries, and is the most powerful in White Lake City.

Mr. Zhang and Third Young Master Zhou both knew each other. After all, they were both descendants of local wealthy families, and they belonged to the same circle.

However, Feng Sanshao and Zhou Ya'er both hate this young master of the Zhang family, because he is ignorant, lustful, and looks like a prodigal young master.

But Mr. Zhang's family coveted Zhou Ya'er's beauty, so he instigated her father to put pressure on Zhou's family, and then directly offered a betrothal gift to propose marriage.Due to the powerful background of the Zhang family, the Zhou family had no choice but to agree to the marriage.

But the consequence of doing so is that Zhou Yaer and Feng Sanshao, the couple of mandarin ducks, suffer.

After learning that she was going to marry the son of the Zhang family, Zhou Ya'er forced her to die several times in an attempt to force her family to change their decision through such extreme behavior.

Her calculations came to nothing in the end, instead of taking her feelings into consideration, the Zhou family locked her in the house and sent special guards to prevent her from escaping.

But Young Master Zhang didn't want to tie Zhou Ya'er through the door. This dude really likes Zhou Ya'er sincerely.In order to satisfy Mr. Zhang's family, the Zhou family had no choice but to show affection and reason to Zhou Ya'er, hoping to persuade Zhou Ya'er to take the initiative to marry into Zhang's family.

Time passed, and it was more than a year.

During this period of time, Feng Sanshao did not know that his lover was in such dire straits. At that time, Feng Sanshao was concentrating on following his father to learn tea making skills, how to do business, and how to deal with interpersonal relationships.

His father frequently revealed to him that he wanted him to take over the Feng family's property, which made Feng Sanshao very excited and at the same time full of energy. He was going to marry Zhou Ya'er in a grand manner when he became the head of the Feng family.

He hadn't contacted Zhou Ya'er for a long time, and Third Young Master Feng didn't think too much about it, because he felt that Zhou Ya'er, his childhood sweetheart, would accompany him in the rest of his life.

This childish thought was not awakened until the moment she heard that Zhou Yaer was married.

Third Young Master Feng frantically stopped the bridal sedan team, but all he got was Zhou Ya'er's sad and beautiful smile that broke his heart.

"Why?" He asked Zhou Ya'er.

Zhou Ya'er laughed while crying: "I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I can't be self-willed anymore, and I can't hold back the Zhou family... Brother Feng, forget about me..."

Afterwards, Zhou Ya'er successfully married into Zhang's family, but Third Young Master Feng seemed to be a different person, decadent and dissolute, willing to degenerate, and became notorious among the clan for a while.

He hoped that his father could help him and rescue Zhou Ya'er from the Zhang family, but his father angrily scolded him for being useless, and Third Young Master Feng couldn't understand for a while, so he chose to run away from home.

After Feng Sanshao ran away from home, his father sent people out several times to look for him, but to no avail.Later, Feng Sanshao's mother became ill because of missing her son too much and her poor health, and passed away with regrets.

After the death of his partner, Feng Sanshao's father also lost the mood to take care of the business, made mistakes in his busy schedule, and almost caused huge economic losses several times.The Feng family members were extremely dissatisfied with this, and jumped out to accuse him one after another.And Feng Sanshao's second uncle has always wanted to replace Feng Sanshao's father and become the head of the Feng family.

So he took the opportunity to launch a series of conspiracies, although these conspiracies were all seen through and the second uncle's conspiracies failed, but Third Young Master Feng's father was also completely defeated by such a critical moment of defection, and lost his shrewdness.

So that later, when the second uncle of the Feng family colluded with the Zhang family and encroached on the Feng family's property, the poor old man could no longer come up with effective means of resistance.

In order to protect themselves, other members of the Feng family decided without authorization to abolish the current patriarch and support the second uncle who was expelled from the Feng family after the conspiracy was revealed as the new patriarch.

The Feng family seems to have forgotten who led them to glory and gave them their current money and status.

For them, the most important thing is to keep their immediate interests, no matter how deep their previous friendship was.

Everyone has to look forward, right?

After losing power, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, the former servants all left the courtyard to make a living, only Ye An stayed stubbornly, doing part-time jobs by himself to support him and the old master.

"But... at the beginning, the master was fine and normal..." Ye An said, "Then, one day, when I came back, I found the master lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth... I was in a hurry The doctor was invited, and the doctor said, the master has been poisoned..."

"Poison?" Third Young Master Feng's pupils shrank sharply, and Ye An's words made him feel murderous: "What's going on, who put the poison..."

Ye An nervously glanced at Third Young Master Feng: "I'm sorry, Master Fenglei, I don't know who put the poison, but I guess...it might be...Second Master!"

"Second Uncle!" Third Young Master Feng took two steps back with an expression of disbelief.

In memory, his second uncle is not as dignified as his father, but often plays with him and makes him happy.The young Fenglei was ignorant, and even had thoughts like "It would be great if the second uncle was his father".

Thinking about it now, the second uncle at that time was like a wolf in sheep's clothing, with such a sinister intention hidden behind his smile.

Third Young Master Feng took a deep breath, trying to stabilize his emotions, but even Guo Mu could tell that he was like a rubber ball full of gas, as long as a needle was pricked, he would explode immediately.

Blow yourself up, blow up someone else.

At this time, any comfort is futile and feeble.

"Later, the master's life was saved, but... Gradually, it became what it is now."

Ye An said cautiously.

Hearing this, Third Young Master Feng slowly clenched his fists, and the atmosphere in the courtyard was extremely oppressive.

Young Master Feng looked at Ye An and said word by word: "Ye An, you have evidence for what you said!"

Ye An thumped and knelt on the ground: "Master Fenglei, Xiao An dares to guarantee with his head that what Xiao An said is absolutely not half a lie... Although Xiao An has no evidence, everyone knows the second master's intentions now. Come out..."

(End of this chapter)

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