Chapter 142
Ye An swallowed his saliva: "Also, the young master can investigate whether Xiao An is lying. If the young master finds out that Xiao An deliberately provokes the relationship between the young master and the second master, please kill Xiao An. Anyway, Xiao An's life has always belonged to the young master! "

Third Young Master Feng looked at Ye An quietly for a long time, then stepped forward to help Ye An up, helped him dust off his body, and said, "Ye An, I believe you won't lie to me."

Ye An cried: "Thank you, Master Fenglei."

Feng Sanshao turned to look at Guo Mu again: "I'm sorry, Guo Mu, I wanted to bring you to taste some of my family's top-quality Longjing, but I didn't expect... Brother, I may have to deal with some private matters next, so I can't treat you well. is you."

Guo Mudao: "Why did Feng Lei say that? We are brothers. Now that your family has undergone changes, how can I, a brother, stand by and watch. Tell me what you want to do next. If you need my help, you will definitely not refuse."

Ye An looked at Guo Mu in surprise, and he couldn't help but admire the latter's loyalty and determination.

Feng Sanshao was also very moved, but he thought for a while and shook his head and said: "This is not good, this is my housework, I don't know when I can handle it well, you said before that you want to join the martial arts sect, how can you do that?" You can delay your future because of me!"

When Guo Mu heard it, he was indeed reasonable, but after all, he was a brother, so how could he not help him now that he was in trouble.

But... to help is to help, how to help, with his meager strength.

Guo Mu fell into silence.

Feng Sanshao thought that Guo Mu was hesitating whether to intervene, and he felt a little disappointed, but he forced himself to be calm: "It's okay, Guo Mu, you can go, if you don't have to worry about it, I... Ye An, I still have money at home." ?”

Ye An hurriedly replied: "Yes, yes... I helped earn some money in the restaurant, and I lived frugally on weekdays, and I probably have seven or eight taels left...Master Fenglei, the things at home used to be given to those unscrupulous people. The servant moved away before leaving, but the master was disheartened and did not stop him."

"Ah? It's only seven or eight taels?" Third Young Master Feng's face was extremely ugly. He thought back then, when he was in Feng's house, he used more than seven or eight taels of money to casually reward his servants.

In today's society, what can you do with seven or eight dollars? Go out and stay in a hotel a few times, eat a few ordinary meals, and you will be gone.There is no martial arts sect nearby, if Guo Mu wanted to learn from a teacher, he would have to go hundreds of miles away, what a waste of trouble!
Feng Sanshao has never been so embarrassed in front of his friends, the more he thinks about it, the more uncomfortable he feels.

"Okay, seven or eight taels will be seven or eight taels, Ye An, go get it!" Ye An heard the sound and ran away, Feng Sanshao looked at Guo Mu again, and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry brother, I only have this few money, I can't help you too much, so don't take offense."

Guo Mu was moved in his heart, he didn't expect Third Young Master Feng to be at this point, and he still puts his friends first in his heart.This kind of loyalty and responsibility is the real man!Guo Mu was filled with admiration.

Seeing that Guo Mu's expression was not good, Feng San was stunned for a moment, and then felt a little unhappy: "What's the matter, too little?"

Feng Sanshao has undergone tremendous changes suddenly, his mood is impetuous, and he feels that the world has never been so dark, so he misunderstands Guo Mu's silence.

As soon as Guo Mu heard it, he knew that Feng Sanshao had lost his mind: "Fenglei, you misunderstood me. I don't dislike the lack of money, but I'm thinking how I can help you. Fenglei, don't talk too much. At this time, I, Guo Mu, am not a wolf-hearted person, and I will definitely not abandon you! You should think about what to do next."

Young Master Feng hugged Guo Mu excitedly: "Thank you, brother!"

At this time, Ye An ran to the place where the money was buried, carefully dug up the soil, and whispered, "Master Feng Lei's friend is so dark-hearted, even our last bit of food money will be exploited... ..."

Whispering to muttering, unwilling to unwilling, Ye An finally dug out all the silver taels, a total of 18 taels.

It turned out that he deliberately said seven or eight taels just now, because he realized that he, a kind-hearted young master, would definitely give away the silver taels... In order to ensure the basic life of the master and servant in the future, the loyal Ye An had to deal with My young master lied once.

Putting ten taels of silver into his bosom, holding eight taels of silver in his hand, Ye An walked slowly to Third Young Master Feng, and handed the taels of silver to Guo Mu reluctantly.

Guo Mu smiled and shook his head, Ye An was quite puzzled: "Don't want it?"


"Really not?"

Guo Mu nodded.

"Don't want me to put it away." Ye Ansheng was afraid that Guo Mu would regret it, so he quickly retracted his hand, but he came to his senses again, this is what the young master told him to give, and he can't make the decision on behalf of the young master.

So he pouted again, and spread his palms in front of Guo Mu: "Here... this is what the young master wants to give, you should accept it."

Putting a hand on his shoulder, Ye An turned his head and saw his young master smiling at him: "No need, Guo Mu decided to stay and help us, Ye An, thank him soon!"

Ye An was taken aback when he heard the words, then he was overjoyed and bowed to Guo Mu: "Thank you brother Guo Mu, thank you, you didn't choose to leave our young master at this time... Please forgive me, I thought you were really so heartless just now, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ..."

After Ye An finished speaking sincerely, he raised his head, only to see the surprised expressions on Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng.

He subconsciously felt something was wrong, and lowered his head, only to see that the other ten taels of silver had fallen out of his arms at some point.


"I've thought about it. Although what Ye An said is reasonable, it is speculation after all. I, Fenglei, will not judge whether a person is guilty because of speculation. I will find evidence." Feng San still has no way to believe it. That amiable second uncle will be the murderer who framed his father.

After a few days of open and unannounced visits, Feng Sanshao also confirmed some of Ye An's claims, for example, the second uncle did all kinds of despicable things to the Feng family in order to get the upper hand.

"I need to hear my second uncle admit to poisoning, and then I will kill him with my own hands!" Feng Sanshao said.

"But..." Ye An frowned, "you don't know, young master. Since the second master was kicked out of Feng's house, he recruited a martial artist who didn't know where he came from as a bodyguard outside. Most people can't get close to the second master. Woolen cloth!"

"He's not the emperor, so the martial artist still guards him all day long? Doesn't the martial artist need to rest?"

"That's true..." Ye An nodded.

"But, what exactly do you want to do?" Guo Mu asked.

Third Young Master Feng glanced at his still sluggish father beside him, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to sneak into my second uncle's house! Only there, the vigilance of the close martial artist bodyguards is the weakest!"

Ye An was taken aback by his bold idea, while Guo Mu stood there coldly, but there was a fiery light shining in his eyes.


There is a "curfew" in Xiaqiu country. After ten o'clock in the evening, ordinary people are not allowed to walk around on the street except for guards and patrolling soldiers. The purpose of doing so can effectively reduce crimes at night. occur.

But if someone is determined to commit a crime, the "curfew" will not have any restraint effect.

The three of Guo Mu each wore a set of night clothes made temporarily from gray cloth, and tiptoed around in the small alleys between the streets.When patrolling soldiers with lanterns passed by, they hurried into the small and dark corner between the shops, and dared not come out until the soldiers left.

Feng Sanshao's second uncle and Feng Sanshao's father have completely different personalities. The latter is quiet and low-key, while the former, after the conspiracy was exposed, became more and more high-profile. After the new owner, he immediately bought a house in the inner city center of Baihu, and the whole family moved there.

Because Ye An and Feng Sanshao were not convenient to come out, during the day, Guo Mu was responsible for finding out the surrounding environment of the second uncle's house, finding the most convenient place to enter, and then designing the best route after leaving.

After finally confirming that there were no missing links in the plan, the three finally chose to officially launch the operation tonight.

The main action plan is that Feng Sanshao and Guo Mu climbed over the wall and entered the house together, and Ye An responded outside and was in charge of guarding.

Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao had a common experience of escaping death, and they cooperated well, so the two would keep watch over each other in the courtyard, so as to get close to the second uncle's house smoothly.

In fact, at the beginning, Third Young Master Feng wanted to go in alone. After all, the situation inside was unknown, and there was a martial artist in charge, so it was too dangerous.But Guo Mu strongly demanded to follow in, but Third Young Master Feng had no choice but to agree.

In fact, Third Young Master Feng didn't know that Guo Mu was a Yuan warrior after all, and his ability to protect himself and escape was far stronger than Third Young Master Feng who was just an ordinary person.

What's more, if it really comes to a critical moment, will the blue ghost refuse to save him?

Guo Mu's wishful thinking is like this. Although he doesn't know how powerful the martial artist is, he just feels in his heart that it is absolutely no problem for that ruffian-like blue ghost to take care of a martial artist.

However, Guo Mu ignored that if the blue ghost wanted to display his own power, he had to borrow his body, and the time for this soul exchange was enough for the martial artist to knock him unconscious and then twist his head off.

Guo Mu didn't know how much danger he was facing, but even if he knew, he wouldn't rest assured that Feng Sanshao would go in alone.

In Guo Mu's heart, Third Young Master Feng has risen to a height that almost catches up with Guo Yinger.

For his friends, Guo Mu is willing to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire.

Finally arrived outside the wall of the second uncle's house, the three of them were very nervous. This time, luck is really important to go in. The best result is that everyone inside is asleep, and they will not be discovered by anyone when they go in.Oh, by the way, and the martial artist had better be asleep too, so that they can interrogate them conveniently... No, I'm asking my second uncle for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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