Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 170 The Heavenly Martial Artist’s Bull Pulling Place 1

Chapter 170 The Heavenly Martial Artist’s Bull Pulling Place 1
"Do not."

Qingxin's denial confuses Koshihikari, does Qingxin know who killed the Wanzu Water Beast?
Qingxin opened her mouth slowly, and there was a hint of fear in her expression. Yue Guang saw it in her eyes, and became more suspicious, because...he had never seen the former afraid of anything. If even she felt afraid, then it would be indirect. It proved that the person who shot and killed the ten thousand-legged water beast was definitely stronger than the sky warrior.

In this world, who else is more powerful than Tianwu Zhe!
A legendary realm suddenly flashed in Koshihikari's mind, could it be...

He looked at Qingxin with shocked eyes, as if he wanted to seek an answer, Qingxin also looked at him, and nodded slowly.

After getting an affirmative answer, Koshihikari turned his Adam's apple and swallowed, as if he couldn't believe it at all.

Qingxin glanced at him: "Even if I am not sure that I can subdue the Wanzu Water Beast, but that person... can blow up the Eternal Water Beast alive, and those who can reach this level of strength... so far, I only know the old man in the back mountain."

Yueguang swallowed his saliva again: "Could it be that there are seniors nearby?"

Qing Xin nodded: "This possibility is not ruled out."


At this time, Qingxin and the "senior master" that Yueguang said were following Feng Sanshao's buttocks, walking back and forth in the woods.

"Hurry up, Guo Mu, why are you so stupid!"

If Qingxin knew that the "senior expert", who was even a bit afraid of her arrogant self, would be called a fool by an ordinary person, she wondered if she would vomit blood in anger.

Under Feng Sanshao's reprimand, the "senior expert" had to say in embarrassment: "What's the rush, I sprained my ankle just now, forgive me!"

Young Master Feng took a sip: "You twist your feet every step of the way, are you stupid, are you still stupid, are you still stupid!"

"Don't talk about it, and your Zhou Ya'er will be gone." Guo Mu said viciously.

"Yes!" Third Young Master Feng came to his senses, and he couldn't stop talking to Guo Mu, and started to run.

"Senior expert" dragged his sprained leg and followed behind limping.

Third Young Master Feng soon discovered the existence of Qingxin and Yueguang, but... as for Zhou Yaer, Third Young Master Feng hid behind a tree and looked around halfway, but he didn't see where Zhou Yaer was.

Could it be that, as he guessed before, what bad things did these two people do to Zhou Ya'er?
Thinking of this, Third Young Master Feng's heart immediately became tense.

Zhou Ya'er is very important to him, especially not long ago, he just lost his father, which was originally a great sad event in life, but Feng Sanshao didn't have time to grieve, and was attacked by ten thousand-legged water beasts one after another And Zhou Ya'er is facing fire at the stake.

But now, if something happened to Zhou Ya'er, the blows he received would add up.

No matter what, Zhou Ya'er can't have an accident, otherwise, Third Young Master Feng doesn't know if he can hold on.


"Huh...someone." Because he was worried about Zhou Ya'er, Feng Sanshao subconsciously made a noise, which was discovered by Koshihikari.

Yue Guang quickly pulled the white jade sword out of the scabbard.

When Feng Sanshao saw this, he wanted to rush out and fight Yueguang desperately, because in his heart, he had already decided that Zhou Ya'er had been hurt.

But a hand under his shoulder stopped his impulsive behavior.

He looked back, and it was Guo Mu again.

"Why hold me back?" Third Young Master Feng said helplessly.

Guo Mu lowered his voice: "Be careful, there are others."

"What?" Feng Sanshao didn't understand, what other people, besides him, Guo Mu, and those two young men and women who were suspected of being bad guys, are there other people here? Where is it? Why didn't he see it? How did you find out?
Guo Mu didn't answer Third Young Master Feng directly, but locked his eyes on a few figures looming between the trees on the other road.He followed behind Third Young Master Feng, and he didn't look at anything like Third Young Master Feng, only caring about Zhou Ya'er's safety in his heart.

Guo Mu had discovered when those people had just appeared, and it seemed that the goal of those people seemed to be very clear, they were all rushing towards the White Lake.

"Don't worry about these two." Qingxin smiled slightly, stopping Koshihikari's move, "The two of them are just ordinary people, they don't know anything, and they can't pose a threat to us."

Koshihikari hesitated for a while, but obediently put the sword back into its sheath, and then asked: "Then... shall we deal with the other flies first..."

The other flies, of course, refer to the new group of people that appeared in the woods.

For Koshihikari's words, Haruki didn't have any objection, she nodded in agreement.


Zhang Mo saw two figures standing by the white lake from a distance, and he also noticed the existence of Feng Sanshao and Guo Mu, but he didn't recognize them, he just regarded them as ordinary hunters and didn't want to pay attention to them.His attention was mainly focused on Haruhiko and Koshihikari on the shore of the White Lake.

"Two bitches, if you dare to hurt my son, I will make you pay a terrible price!" Zhang Mo snorted coldly.

"Master Zhang, are those two people right?" A martial artist asked beside him.

Zhang Mo nodded: "I'm sorry to trouble everyone, I'm sick, I'm afraid I won't be able to participate."

The martial artist waved his hand: "Master Zhang, what are you talking about, doing things with money, this is what we should do."

The other martial artists also responded.

Zhang Mo stopped talking nonsense, and cupped his hands: "Then there is work."

The martial artists dispersed and approached the two people by the white lake. They thought there would be a chase, but what surprised them was that the two young men seemed not to be afraid of them at all. Instead of running away, they met them. Follow them over.

These two young people who don't know the heights of heaven and earth actually want to fight them head-on!

Two martial artists, challenge six martial artists head-on!
Do you think that since you are a member of the Shuyang Sect and a famous sect, you will be invincible in the world?

It's really "a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger"!
It seems...you have to give them a little bit of power!
"I don't know which eyeless guy sent us to trouble us. He really thinks highly of us. He sent six martial artists as soon as he came. He made up his mind to kill us completely!" Koshihikari raised his eyebrows Said.

Yue Guang glanced at the calm junior sister beside him, and smiled slightly: "It's just that they never thought that their enemy is not an ordinary martial artist..."

Qing Xin said calmly: "Not much to say, they are trying to attack my Shuyang Sect members, which is equivalent to challenging the Shuyang Sect. This time, I will not show mercy."

Yue Guang's eyes brightened: "Junior Sister, this is the first time I've heard you say such cruel words, I'm really looking forward to your action!"

Qingxin didn't respond. The martial artists were getting closer, but she didn't even pull out her sword. It seemed that she didn't take these martial artists seriously at all.

"Actually, I really haven't seen you make a move, Junior Sister..." Koshihikari smiled slightly, "I don't know, what kind of picture is it like when a celestial warrior makes a move?"

"Then you'll be fine."

Qing Xin responded lightly, and then her body fluttered like a ball of white catkins in the wind, killing the martial artists.Seeing this, Yue Guang hurriedly followed up: "Don't, junior sister, leave me two to practice!"

After he finished speaking, the martial artists who rushed over just heard them, and these martial artists suddenly became furious: "What, use them to practice? Moreover, it seems that what this person meant, that young man was able to single-handedly challenge them Six!"

Isn't this clearly belittling them!
Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, for so many years of domineering, martial artists have never encountered such a situation, and have never been so underestimated.

"Kill them!" I don't know which martial artist finally couldn't bear it, and shouted violently, and the other martial artists heard it, and their murderous aura also rose.

Facing the seemingly frightening aura of the six martial artists, even Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng, who were watching the battle from a distance, could feel the strong murderous aura that shook people's minds.

But Qingxin, who was in the vortex of murderous aura, always had a calm face, as if no matter how excited or manic these six martial artists were, they couldn't affect her emotions in the slightest.


The closest martial artist rushed up, his hands changed into tiger claws, and he grabbed Xiang Qingxin's face, his power was unparalleled and unstoppable.

But Qingxin stopped suddenly, as if she had given up resistance, and was waiting for the martial artist to kill herself.

"Hide away!"

Seeing that the girl was in such a dangerous situation, Guo Mu couldn't help shouting, wanting to remind the other party to dodge quickly, if he didn't dodge, he might die.As soon as Guo Mu yelled, he felt that he was too abrupt. He lowered his head and saw Third Young Master Feng staring at him with wide-eyed eyes.

In the distance, Koshihikari also turned his head and glanced here.

Koshihikari is not worried about the safety of Qingxin, because he believes that Qingxin will never fall like this.

Just a joke, how powerful is a sky warrior? He is one of countless martial artists who has practiced special skills to reach the highest level. If he is defeated so easily, can he still be called a sky warrior?That definitely can't be called a sky warrior!

Therefore, Koshihikari felt very relieved about Haruhiko.

Sure enough, just when the martial artist was about to hold Qing Xin's face, Qing Xin suddenly moved.The movement was so fast that even Koshihikari didn't see what she was doing clearly, and saw the martial artist fly back like a kite with a broken string.

(End of this chapter)

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