Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 171 The Heavenly Martial Artist’s Bull Pulling Place 2

Chapter 171 The Heavenly Martial Artist’s Bull Pulling Place 2
He hit the tree, spit out a mouthful of black blood, tilted his head, and died just like that!
Kill the martial artist with one move!

The Heavenly Martial Artist is so powerful!
Those are martial masters. The martial masters enshrined by the Zhang family are several times stronger than Bai Shui, the martial master next to Fengwu back then, but... in front of this seemingly weak girl, they couldn't even survive a single move!

In the distance, Guo Mu, who was worried about Qingxin's situation just now, was dumbfounded.


Although Yue Guang was also a little shocked, he was not as shocked as Guo Mu.He glanced at Qingxin, and found that Qingxin's face was neither red nor angry, and she didn't even draw out the saber from her waist.

At this time, Koshihikari nodded in admiration.

One must know that the Shuyang Sect mainly practiced swordsmanship, and the Tianwu practitioners who came from the Shuyang Sect must have the most powerful swordsmanship.But Qingxin didn't even take out her sword, she killed a martial artist in an instant with her own strength alone!It has to be said that this is really not something that ordinary Tianwu practitioners can do.

Sunshine, that's great!

Even though, when killing the martial artist, there was an element of luck, that is, the martial artist underestimated the enemy and only regarded Qing Xin as an ordinary martial artist.Who would have known that Qingxin's speed and strength are not only unmatched by ordinary female martial artists, but also that kind of killing and ruthless judgment is far beyond the expectations of the martial artist and everyone present expected.

The failure of the martial artist is also his own fault.

After killing the martial master in seconds, Qing Xin slowly turned her gaze to the remaining five martial masters, her plain eyes possessed an incomparably powerful deterrent force.

The five martial artists couldn't help but stop their attack and took a few steps back.

They were scared, yes, they were really scared.They have been pampered and pampered for so many years, and they haven't studied martial arts for a long time, and the opponents they usually meet are weak martial artists, small martial artists, and they simply can't do three moves in their hands.

After a long time like this, they gradually formed a proud character, and they no longer looked down on other martial artists.Even before, when they learned that Qingxin and Yueguang were from the Shuyang Sect, they were only surprised that the sect behind them had a great background, but they didn't think about their strength at all.

And at this moment, how could they not be afraid when they saw that their companion was instantly killed by Qingxin with just one move, and they didn't even see Qingxin's movement clearly.

They are not idiots, can they not understand the gap between Qingxin and them?

"You... you, you, you are a sky warrior!" A fat warrior even curled his tongue.

As soon as the word Tianwuzhe came out, the other martial artists shuddered and huddled together.At the level of a martial artist, one may not know Taoists, Yuan Cultivators, or Yaozu, but if one does not even know the name of the next level, Tianwuzhe, then one is too ignorant.

As a sky warrior, there may not be one among thousands of warriors!
For ordinary warriors, sky warriors are gods in legends, the kings above them!
But but...to make them believe that this fragile girl in front of them is actually a celestial warrior, this is really...too appalling.

Fat Martial Master has more experience. Although other Martial Masters are skeptical of his words, they are not completely disbelieving.Thinking of Qingxin's domineering attack just now, compared with the legendary Tianwu Zhe, it seems that it is not that far behind.

As a result, the martial artists gradually believed in what the fat martial artist said.Then thinking that he had offended a sky warrior in a daze, the five warriors suddenly complained in their hearts.

Facing Fat Martial Master's question, Qing Xin didn't respond positively, but just looked at Fat Martial Master calmly, making Fat Martial Master feel uneasy.

"Do you know who we are?" Qing Xin asked slowly.

"I know, I know, oh, I don't know..." The fat martial artist smiled, and suddenly realized that he had said something wrong again, so he hurriedly changed the subject.

"What do you know, what don't you know?" Qing Xin asked calmly.

Fat Martial Master said: "I know that you are the master of Shuyang Sect, but I don't know that you are a Celestial Martial Artist..."

As soon as the fat martial artist spoke, Koshihikari clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Idiot!"

"Since you know that we are members of the Shuyang Sect, you still dare to trouble us, you are not idiots, you are not seeking your own death!"

The five martial artists lowered their heads, not daring to speak back, with an obedient appearance.

"Master Tianwuzhe, we know we are wrong, we shouldn't be greedy for money, please forgive us!" The fat martial artist said, turning around and pointing behind him, "That old man forced us to come here, eh...that old man What about the immortal?"

It turned out that when the first martial artist was instantly killed, Zhang Mo, who was watching the battle from a distance, turned around and ran away very unscrupulously.Zhang Mo acted ruthlessly, but at the same time he was very good at playing things according to circumstances. Seeing that the situation was not good at this time, he would not dare to stay any longer, the best plan would be to retreat immediately.

However, the decision Zhang Mo made was indeed too wise.

If he had stayed just now, then, now, the fat martial artist turned his back on him, and the other martial artists turned his back on him, and in the end, Zhang Mo would die.

Qingxin was not in the mood to pay attention to the farce that the fat martial artist was talking to himself, and smiled slightly: "Since you are here, let's save your life. It is not so easy to get forgiven for provoking Shuyangzong."

When the fat martial artist heard Qingxin's words, his expression changed drastically, he quickly jumped back three steps, then turned around and ran away.

The other martial artists were not as timid as him, they still stood where they were.After all, they are still respectable people in White Lake City. If they are scared away by a young girl's words, will they have the dignity to be human in the future?

The remaining four martial artists, while guarding against Qingxin's possible sudden attack, scolded the fat martial artist for not being a man in their hearts.

Looking at the expressions of the four martial artists, Qingxin's smile gradually became colder, and her hand finally held the blue sword handle at her waist. At this moment, the air in the forest seemed to become icy cold.The forest wind blows slowly, the fallen leaves make a slight collision sound, and time seems to stand still.

"Don't kill them all!" A martial artist emphasized, his voice trembling slightly.

Sunny said nothing.

The other martial artist couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere, and he seemed to embolden himself by speaking out: "Whatever she is, she is bluffing, I don't think she is a sky warrior at all, she just wants to scare us!"

When he said this, a martial artist immediately responded: "Yes, yes, yes, I think it's the same, brothers, don't be afraid, I don't believe it when we fight together, this little girl can have three heads and six arms, and one person can deal with four of us!" No way!"


The four martial artists yelled in unison, immediately displayed their special skills, and rushed towards Qingxin.

Seeing this, Yue Guang couldn't help shaking his head slightly and said: "A little girl, I'm sure she can't beat the four of you, it's just..."

Sunshine moved suddenly.

No one could see how she moved.

She moved as if she didn't move, and the speed was extremely fast.Her hand was always on the hilt of the sword, but at this moment, she had already pulled the green sword out of the scabbard, displayed her special swordsmanship, and easily cut through the throat of the attacking martial artist.

With one move, four martial artists were killed!
The result of the battle was not beyond Koshihikari's expectations, he smiled slightly, and continued: "It's just... a little girl who has reached the realm of Tianwu, if she wants to kill the four of you, all she needs to do is raise her hand ..."

In the distance, Guo Mu and Feng San took this scene into their eyes, and were beyond shocked.

"That woman..." Third Young Master Feng murmured.

Guo Mu also opened his mouth wide. He obviously didn't expect that this girl was so powerful.Originally, he thought it would be the man who did it, but he didn't expect that the real powerful person was this beautiful girl.

"Her opponent seems... to be a martial artist sent by the Zhang family. Among them, the fat guy who escaped, I seem to have seen it before..." Feng San said.

After hearing this, Guo Mu was even more shocked, martial artist!It turned out to be a martial artist, that girl's opponents were all martial artists, and all of these martial artists were instantly killed by the girl with one move!

Instant kill with one move!
How powerful is this!

Guo Mu really felt a blow to his heart, and that girl seemed not much older than him.

Suddenly recalling that martial artist Bai Shui in the past, he knocked him out of his mind with ease, and he was able to knock him down casually.And in his heart, he has always set the goal of reaching the realm of martial artist Bai Shui.

Unexpectedly, now he sees a person who is more powerful than martial artist Bai Shui, hundreds of times more powerful.

Moreover, it was just a girl not much older than him!

My God, the future is really dark. Why are there so many strong people in this world!

Guo Mu thought again that just now, he consciously reminded the girl of the danger with good intentions, and couldn't help feeling flushed, it was so embarrassing!
For the young girl Qingxin, an ordinary person like Guo Mu is like an ant at the foot of a person, not enough to bask in.

At this moment, Guo Mu felt very frustrated.


However, if Guo Mu knew that the young girl Qingxin had stood by the White Lake not long ago, and her expression showed fear of the person who killed the ten thousand-legged water beast, what would he think in his heart.

After killing the four martial artists with one sword, the girl Qingxin suddenly performed another move, which made Guo Mu and the third young master Feng shout something strange.I saw Qingxin throwing the green sword in her hand, the blue light flashed, and the green sword flew tens of meters away, catching up with the fat warrior who was desperately running away.

(End of this chapter)

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