Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 172 Conditions for Joining the Shuyang Sect

Chapter 172 Conditions for Joining the Shuyang Sect
It penetrated his body and nailed his body to a big tree!

Quick and accurate!
The girl is not only superb in martial arts, but even her heart is so vicious, she kills decisively.Guo Mu looked at the girl's elegant and beautiful appearance, and shuddered in his heart.It must be this kind of person who regards human life as worthless.The strength has reached a high level, so killing people is as casual as killing chickens and ducks, and there is no sense of guilt at all.

In fact, Guo Mu didn't think there was anything wrong with the girl. After all, those martial artists were not good people, and they deserved to die!

However, it is not an easy task for Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng to accept that a seemingly delicate girl is actually a murderer without blinking an eye.

Qingxin walked towards Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng.

The two couldn't figure out what the girl wanted to do.

"Let's run, we can't afford to mess with this woman." Third Young Master Feng said in a low voice.

Guo Mu said quietly: "We can't run, you didn't see, that fat martial artist was killed by her after running so far..."

"Also..." Third Young Master Feng nodded.

Now that they knew they couldn't even run, the two of them simply accepted the reality and stayed where they were.When the girl approached, Guo Mu really saw the latter's face clearly. Sure enough, she was as beautiful as a fairy, yet elegant and refined. Even if she hadn't used rouge and gouache to dress up, she was still so charming.

Guo Mu stared at Qingxin closely, Qingxin didn't seem to be angry, she walked up to her and smiled softly: "So it's you."

Oh it's you?Third Young Master Feng looked back at Guo Mu: "Do you know each other?"

Guo Mu shook his head: "I don't know."

Qingxin smiled slightly: "It's not counted as acquaintance, but just met once in the execution ground."

Only met once, and the memory is so deep?Feng Sanshao looked at Guo Mu suspiciously, as if saying: "You boy, why did you seduce such an awesome beauty without saying a word, the beauty is not shallow!"

Guo Mu ignored Feng Sanshao's mischievous eyes, looked at Qingxin, and his heart beat a little faster, and he couldn't explain why.

The girl in front of him gave him a very special feeling, which he could not give to other women, even Guo Yinger, before.

Qingxin just had a friendly smile, and Guo Mu felt that somewhere in his heart, something was sprouting and growing...

"Hmm..." Guo Mu's voice trembled slightly, not because of nervousness, but because of heartbeat.

Qingxin didn't notice Guo Mu's small thoughts, and she didn't know that she had touched the heartstrings of a cold boy at this moment, and it was only because of her appearance.

Even an idiot and cold-blooded ghost like Guo Mu was moved by Qingxin's appearance, which indirectly showed how beautiful Qingxin was.

Qingxin's bright eyes flashed, and her white teeth parted slightly: "Thank you for your reminder just now, although, I don't need it."

Guo Mu looked a little embarrassed when he thought of the scene where he was nosy just now.In front of such a woman with perfect looks and perfect strength, Guo Mu suddenly felt humbled again, but fortunately, he continued to cheer himself up and smashed his inferiority complex.

He comforted himself, no matter how beautiful and powerful the girl in front of him was, how much he moved.But after all, he and he are people in two worlds. They just met once, and then went their separate ways. There is no entanglement in this life.

Although Guo Mu is usually calm, he is still a boy after all.

Of course, teenagers will have a day of first love.

But for Guo Mu, he is very clear that he can only say that he is attracted to the girl in front of him now, not to the point where he insists on being with her.

If you want to separate in the end, then separate, it's just a dream.

In this regard, Guo Mu is very open-minded.

"Well...it's okay, it's okay." Guo Mu smiled, his face revealing his inner thoughts.

Qingxin stared at his face, saw his slightly unnatural expression, and knew that she had stirred another young boy's mind.Nodding slightly, she didn't say anything more, because the reason why she came to talk just now was that Guo Mu was a bit special.

I can't say it's special, but Qingxin can feel it.

This is her intuition as a sky warrior.

But when she got closer, she found that Guo Mu was just like an ordinary person, nothing unusual, and his aptitude for practicing martial arts didn't look very good, and even in terms of psychological performance, he looked like an ordinary boy .

"Could it be that I read it wrong?"

Qingxin was slightly disappointed in her heart. Normally, as a Tianwu practitioner, she shouldn't have this kind of emotion easily, but... she still has it.

This boy gave her inexplicable emotions, but in fact, he was just an ordinary boy.

Qingxin smiled slightly, turned around and wanted to leave, seeing that she was leaving, Guo Mu was also slightly disappointed.

But he will not abruptly try to persuade him to stay, because he has just met and is not yet familiar.

Qingxin stopped suddenly, turned her head, looked at Guo Mu: "By the way, my name is Qingxin."

Guo Mu said, "My name is Guo Mu."

Third Young Master Feng interjected, "My name is Feng Lei."

Qing Xin and Guo Mu ignored him, they just looked at each other with complex and weird eyes, not discharge of love at first sight, but as if they were puzzled by each other, what was puzzled was the inexplicable intimacy in their hearts.

At this moment, Koshihikari walked over and ruined the atmosphere.

Yue Guang glanced at Guo Mu unkindly, as if warning him of something.Guo Mu remained unmoved, neither humble nor overbearing,

In this regard, he did not behave like an ordinary teenager.

Qingxin saw it, and became even more curious about Guo Mu, but she was a stranger after all, so she didn't intend to say anything else.

"Let's go." Koshiko said.

Qing Xin nodded, turned and left, Shi Shi ran from the back like a white-winged forest bird.

"Wait!" Third Young Master Feng suddenly remembered that he still had important matters to ask, so he shouted in a hurry.

Yueguang and Qingxin stopped, Yueguang looked at Feng Sanshao and frowned: "What's wrong?"

"Where's my girl? What did you do to her?" Third Young Master Feng asked.

Koshihikari was puzzled: "What girl?"

"It's the woman you rescued from the execution ground..." Third Young Master Feng couldn't be sure whether the other party really didn't know or pretended not to know.

"Oh... you are talking about her. She is currently resting in a farmer's house in front of her. We have something to do, so we came out first. You are her husband, oh no, that lover?" Yue Light asked curiously.

Hearing that Zhou Yaer was safe and sound, Third Young Master Feng felt relieved.

As for titles such as lover and adulterer, he was also indifferent, neither admitting nor denying them.In fact, the relationship between him and Zhou Ya'er is really intolerable to the world, about this point, Feng Sanshao is very clear.

Although, he always believed that Zhou Ya'er had always been his woman.


Since Qingxin and Yueguang didn't do anything to Zhou Ya'er, the hostility towards the two of them disappeared in the heart of Third Young Master Feng, but there was still a trace of guard and fear.

The reason is that the girl named Qingxin is too powerful.

Zhao Zhao instantly kills martial artists, and once killed, there are four.

Such a character, why did he take action to save Zhou Ya'er?
When Third Young Master Feng asked the two of them, the answer he got was: "If you want to save it, save it!"

Da Zongmen is indeed a Da Zongmen, they are so arrogant in their words and actions, they can be rescued if they want to, no matter what your secular views are, how powerful the forces behind you are, whether you are a government official or not, if you are rescued, then you will be rescued, there is no reason.

Young Master Feng felt a sense of pride in his heart, and his impression of Shuyang Sect was immediately improved.

"I don't know if the Shuyang Sect is a disciple?" Feng Sanshao asked quickly, and this question happened to be what Guo Mu who was next to him also wanted to ask.

Their question obviously surprised the two people walking in front, Koshihikari looked back at them with a strange expression: "Do you want to join the Shuyang Sect?"

Young Master Feng nodded, and Guo Mu also nodded.

Yueguang smiled strangely, and pouted at Qingxin who was beside him: "Here...you can ask her, what are the conditions for accepting people from our Shuyang Sect..."

Young Master Feng and Guo Mu turned their gazes to Qingxin anxiously.

Qingxin had no choice but to say: "You should know that our Shuyang Sect is one of the three major sects of Xiaqiu Kingdom, so the requirements for recruiting people here are very strict, at least... you must become a martial artist."

Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao swallowed their saliva, did they make a mistake, the minimum requirement is to be a martial artist?

Then they are just two ordinary people who don't know how to practice martial arts, so how can they become martial arts masters?

"However... Even if a martial artist wants to join the Shuyang Sect, it is still difficult. Because we will not accept martial artists with unknown backgrounds..." Qingxin continued.

Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng almost vomited blood. What kind of sect is this, with such harsh admission conditions.But that's right, if it wasn't for the strict income, how could the Shuyangzong guarantee its unfailing strength, and how could the people of the Shuyangzong come out, so that all forces, even the government, would be afraid .

The guarantee of the strength of the Shuyang sect comes from the careful selection of the disciples!
But if this is the case, does it mean that Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng have no hope of joining Shuyang Sect?
But I heard Qingxin continue to explain: "Of course, if you really want to join the Shuyang Sect and learn the supreme swordsmanship, then you can join our affiliated sect first, and when you grow up to be a martial artist, then you will have the opportunity to join The Shuyang sect..."

(End of this chapter)

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