Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 173 Rescue Zhou Yaer

Chapter 173 Rescue Zhou Yaer

You have to become a martial artist to have a chance!

Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao suddenly felt a lot of pressure, and at the same time, they also admired Shuyangzong, as well as Koshihikari and Qingxin in front of them.

Being a member of the Shuyang Sect at such a young age is really enviable and jealous.

"We must work hard to join the Shuyang sect!"

Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng looked at each other, with a goal in mind at the same time.Speaking of it, the motivation of the two people is almost the same now, that is, why young people like Haruhiko and Koshihikari are so powerful and majestic.

Just relying on a token scares the local parents and officials and dare not stop them.

The strength of the Shuyang Sect can be seen.

If they become members of the Shuyang Sect in the future, who else would dare to provoke them, and who would dare to snatch their women and frame their family.

Unless the Shuyang Sect fell down, but the Shuyang Sect has existed since before Xiaqiu was founded, and it has a history of hundreds of years. How could such a huge thing collapse casually?

Being close to the Shuyang sect means that there is a big amulet.

"Joining our affiliated sect of Shuyang Sect is not as easy as you imagine. First of all, we value qualifications. If you don't have the qualifications to practice martial arts, we will not accept you. But unless your qualifications are exceptionally good, otherwise, you must After screening...Secondly, if your aptitude meets the standard, you can also directly join our affiliated sect with a special name card." Qingxin said slowly.

"It's so complicated..." Third Young Master Feng lowered his head in frustration. It seems that joining the Shuyang Sect is really not that simple.

After asking Qingxin about the locations of several affiliated sects, Feng Sanshao and Guo Mu followed them to the farmhouse where Zhou Ya'er was temporarily staying.

However, when they arrived, they found an unexpected situation.

That's... Zhou Ya'er, gone!

I searched all around and asked all the farmers nearby, but no one knew where Zhou Ya'er went.

At this moment, Third Young Master Feng's world seemed to have fallen into the night again. He held his head, his expression painful, while Guo Mu stood beside him, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

Qingxin and Yueguang looked at each other. Because they wanted to find out the whereabouts of the ten thousand-legged water beast, it was inconvenient for them to take Zhou Ya'er with them, so they temporarily placed Zhou Ya'er in a farmer's house.Unexpectedly, Zhou Ya'er disappeared, which was a dishonorable matter for both of them.

Originally, they thought that with the name of their Shuyang sect, even if they snatched someone from the government, nothing would happen, and the government would not dare to send troops to chase them, let alone other people.

However, what they didn't expect was that there were still some people who dared to challenge the majesty of the Shuyang Sect, just like the six martial artists who wanted to kill them.

The two of them were furious, this simply did not take Shuyangzong seriously!
"Tell me, who did you offend?" Qing Xin cast her eyes on Guo Mu, a little coldly.

While speaking, Guo Mu could clearly feel the murderous aura on Qingxin.It seems that this beautiful girl is really angry.

"Zhang family." Guo Mu glanced at Third Young Master Feng, and slowly uttered two words.

"It seems that the six martial artists who came to trouble us before are also members of the Zhang family... Based on this, Zhou Ya'er was obviously arrested by the Zhang family as well!" Yue Guang analyzed.

After hearing his words, Qingxin just uttered a few words coldly: "Go! Go to Zhang's house!"

Hearing this, Guo Mu immediately felt his whole body was boiling with enthusiasm, and Qingxin's decisive killing made him appreciate it.


"let me go!"

In the Zhang family, Zhou Ya'er was tied tightly to a pillar in the courtyard.Beside her stood three big men with machetes in their hands.Zhang Mo was standing in front of her and looked at her indifferently, while Zhou Ya'er stared at the former with hatred.

The anger in Zhang Mo's heart, if it was in the past, Zhou Ya'er would not have dared to look at him at all. At that time, Zhou Ya'er respected and feared him, but now, yelling at him is completely unreasonable. Put him in your eyes.What kind of person Zhang Mo is, how can he bear such contempt.

Immediately, Zhang Mo stepped forward and slapped Zhou Ya'er across the face: "Bitch, don't repent!"


Zhou Ya'er looked up to the sky and laughed like crazy: "Repent? Repent? Ridiculous!"

She suddenly lowered her head and stared at Zhang Mo: "Your Zhang family has done a lot of evil, and one day, you will be punished! I repent? What did I do wrong? I just went to meet the man I love the most. What's wrong with me? !?"

Zhang Mo was so angry that his body was trembling, he stepped forward and slapped Zhou Ya'er several times, and cursed: "Bitch, damn it, you have no sense of shame!"


Zhou Ya'er's face was red and swollen, but she still stubbornly raised her head, showing her unyielding and contempt to Zhang Mo.

Although Zhang Mo was very annoyed by Zhou Ya'er's attitude, there was nothing he could do, because he didn't plan to kill Zhou Ya'er yet.He needs Zhou Ya'er as a bait to attract other people.

In the forest, when he saw a martial artist on his side was killed by the girl from the Shuyang Sect, he felt that something was wrong, so he immediately ran away.

But the more he ran, the more unwilling he became, and he felt that he was making a fuss out of a molehill. Perhaps, the death of that martial artist was just an accident.

However, he didn't intend to go back to see how the battle was going. He believed that if those martial artists won, they would definitely come back and ask him for a reward.As he walked, Zhang Mo suddenly saw a familiar figure, that's right...it was Zhou Ya'er.

It turned out that after Zhou Ya'er stayed at the farmer's house for a while, she was worried about Feng Sanshao's safety.She didn't know the whereabouts of Third Young Master Feng, so she wanted to search around.Originally, she wanted to ask Qingxin and Yueguang to help together, but it seemed that the two of them had important things to do, and Zhou Ya'er couldn't bother them anymore.

What Zhou Ya'er didn't expect was that when she came out, she fell into the clutches of the Zhang family again.

After discovering Zhou Ya'er, Zhang Mo immediately decided to take her back. After all, he had already sent someone to kill the two Shuyang sect members, so he didn't mind, and then snatched her away from the other party.

Moreover, Zhou Ya'er must die in order to restore his Zhang family's reputation.

If... Zhang Mo knew that his martial artist was instantly killed by Qingxin, I don't know if he would have the guts to do these things.

And just because he didn't know, this time, he caused huge trouble for the Zhang family.


Zhang Mo was sitting in the main hall sipping tea when a member of the Zhang family ran in, walked up to him and reported, "Master, the letter has been delivered."

The servant presented a letter and said to Zhang Mo: "This is the reply from the general."

Zhang Mo's eyes lit up, and he took it quickly, and couldn't wait to open it, and immediately smiled with joy: "I knew that the general would not watch my Zhang family fall into danger!"

He said fiercely again: "Shuyang Sect, so what, no matter how powerful you are, you are only a martial art school at best, can you compete with the imperial court? Humph!"


An hour later, four people came to the gate of the Zhang family.

The servants of the Zhang family who were guarding the gate saw that the four people were unfamiliar, and hurriedly stopped them: "This is the Zhang family's courtyard, please don't intrude! Who are you, do you have a famous post?"

Even such a small family needs a name card to enter.Koshihikari and Qingxin looked at each other, and there was a hint of sarcasm in Koshihikari's eyes.

"Unnamed post, what should I do?" Koshihikari asked Qingxin.

But the servant of the Zhang family thought he was asking him, so he replied: "You can't enter with unnamed posts. What kind of place do you think the Zhang family is? You can come and enter whenever you want!"

bold!Yueguang was angry in his heart, but a small servant dared to speak to him like that.

It seems that the Zhang family is indeed much more domineering than he imagined.

It can be seen from the words and deeds of the servant of the gatekeeper.

Facing Koshihikari's deliberate question, Qingxin just said lightly: "Then call in."

Indeed, Qingxin is much more domineering than most men. This kind of domineering may come from the cultivation of the sect, but also from her own strong strength.

After receiving Qingxin's order, Yueguang smiled and shot directly. The poor Zhang family servant, who was the gatekeeper, flew aside before he could figure out what happened.

Three times, five times, and two times, several other servants of the Zhang family who were guarding the door were also easily brought down by Koshihikari.This time, Yue Guang showed his skills in front of Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng.

Although not as domineering as Qingxin, Koshihikari is also an absolute powerhouse in terms of speed.

Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng looked at each other, which strengthened their determination to join the Shuyang Sect.


Zhang Mo was writing something in his study, when he heard a commotion outside and a thunderclap.He was frowning suddenly, and wanted to go out to have a look, when suddenly the door of his study opened, and a trusted servant ran in, crying and reporting: "It's not good, master, someone has called in, it's very serious ! The martial masters are not here, so I can't stop it!"

Zhang Mo's pupils shrank sharply. It seemed that the remaining five martial artists had all failed!
That's why the people of Shuyangzong were allowed to come back alive to make trouble for his Zhang family.

This is this...

how can that be!

Zhang Mo couldn't believe that a man and a woman, so young, were able to defeat the combination of six martial artists. This... this is too unbelievable.

(End of this chapter)

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