Chapter 188
But he only paused for a moment, and immediately continued drinking until he finished drinking, then looked at Guo Mu and smiled.

Guo Mu stared into his eyes and found that this person was very fragile at this moment.Guo Mu couldn't describe that kind of fragility, as if he didn't care about anything anymore. In this world, there was nothing worth cherishing or remembering.

It was a heart that was as fragile as ashes.

"It's okay, I didn't drink to relieve my worries, I just wanted to drink..." Senior Brother Tian smiled.

Guo Mu didn't take it seriously, he knew that the former just wanted to escape.It's understandable, if it's not because you want to escape, why would you use alcohol to relieve your sorrows, but, can alcohol really relieve your sorrows?

Seeing Senior Brother Tian's downcast appearance, it was difficult for Guo Mu to connect him with the legendary generation of disciples.

In the martial arts sect with strict hierarchy, the status of the disciples of the first generation is higher than that of the disciples of the fifth generation, which is self-evident.But Senior Brother Tian was able to sit on the ground with Guo Mu without any scruples, drink all the time, and even made no secret of his fragility.

What does this mean? It means that Brother Tian has given up a lot of things, such as life, face and so on...

For such a person, what is the most important thing.

How to resolve the obsession in his heart?
Maybe, Guo Mu can't help him, because in Guo Mu's world, people live for themselves alone, and no one can save anyone.

Everything can only be seen through by oneself.

Since Senior Brother Tian didn't want to say anything, Guo Mu didn't intend to continue asking, but he was troubled in his heart, what should he do in the future, and the matter of absorbing the inner alchemy of the Ten Thousand Foot Water Beast couldn't be left behind, but Senior Brother Tian has been here all along How dare he take out the inner alchemy of the myriad-legged water beast!

The inner alchemy is a treasure, what should I do if it is discovered, is it possible to use the golden gloves to fight all the way out?

Guo Mu is not an idiot. He dare not think of one against ten, let alone one against two hundred!

Furthermore, Guo Mu didn't believe it. If his ten thousand-legged water beast inner alchemy was exposed, others would not care about it. He was just a newcomer. In front of treasures, this identity would make others feel more at ease.

Treasures must be protected, and lives must be protected even more.

Feng Sanshao didn't dare to show his hole cards completely, let alone Senior Brother Tian, ​​a drunkard whom he had just met.

"Senior Brother Tian, ​​don't you need to practice martial arts?" Guo Mu asked cautiously, ready to find out about other situations of Senior Brother Tian.

But he didn't expect that Senior Brother Tiantian looked at him in surprise after hearing this sentence: " haven't heard about me, don't those people who talk a lot like to make noise everywhere?"

Guo Mu shook his head. He really hadn't heard anything about Senior Brother Tian. Of course, it might be because he didn't like to communicate with other newcomers very much.

Guo Mu was somewhat indifferent by nature, so he would habitually keep a distance from other people. As a result, Guo Mu missed a lot of gossip and gossip inside the sect.

However, even if he missed it, Guo Mu has no interest in knowing about these things that are completely useless to improving his cultivation.

If it wasn't for this senior brother Tian in front of him interrupting his cultivation plan, Guo Mucai wouldn't bother to care about what senior brother Tian used to do, what he had experienced, whether his life was good or not, and whether his food was good or not.

Seeing Guo Mu shaking his head, Senior Brother Tian Tian was a little surprised, but he didn't go into the details, he just said slowly: "My martial arts have already reached the peak of a martial artist, and I only need the last step to comprehend martial skills, and I can become a martial artist... I Why do you have to practice martial arts all day like you..."

"Warrior peak..." Guo Mu has been looking at Jianmen for so long, besides chopping firewood and doing chores, from time to time, there will be elders giving lessons to newcomers.

Therefore, he also gradually understood the division of martial arts realm.

In the martial arts school, there are five levels in total.The first one is an ordinary person, so there is no need to explain this. They are completely laymen in martial arts. There are the most such people in the world. After all, there are not many ordinary people who have the qualifications to practice martial arts.

The second is apprentices, Guo Mu is at this level now, and it will last for a while, generally referring to newcomers who have just come into contact with martial arts.

The third is warriors, which refers to the type of people who are completely proficient in ordinary martial arts.In other words, even ordinary warriors can be frightened in front of ordinary people, because any one of them can easily fight against three ordinary people with their own strength.

The fourth one is the martial artist, which refers to the kind of powerhouse who has reached the peak of the martial artist's realm and can then comprehend special martial arts.There is absolutely no problem for a martial artist to pick more than three warriors at will.

The fifth one is the extremely noble Sky Warrior.So far, Guo Mu has met two sky fighters, one is Qing Xin, and the other is Luo Hua.As soon as Qingxin appeared on the stage, Guo Mu was shocked. The speed and method were simply astonishing.Later, Young Master Luo Hua appeared on the stage. Although Guo Mu was amazed at the latter's invulnerable body, in comparison, Qing Xin shocked Guo Mu the most.

Guo Mu wants to join the Shuyang Sect, half of which is to become stronger than Qingxin, and then compete with her. As for the other half of the purpose, it is unknown.

At that time, after the elder explained the various levels of martial arts, he also told a rumor that it was the realm above the sky warrior.

A strong person in that realm has not appeared for hundreds of years, and once he appears, he will be famous all over the world.

The name of that realm is called "War God".

As for what the Martial God is like, the elder couldn't tell how ugly he was, so the newcomers had no choice but to give up.

After listening to the elder's explanation, Guo Mu realized that Mr. Luohua was actually so powerful. Recalling the scene where he scared Mr. Luo away, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If Mr. Luo Hua had attacked again at that time, Guo Mu's paper tiger nature would have been exposed immediately, and the death of Guo Mu and others would follow.

Thinking back, Guo Mu also understood that Yuan Li just made Young Master Luo feel scruples, and it was the blue ghost's body, the golden glove, that really frightened Young Master Luo back.

It's just that Guo Mu doesn't know why Mr. Luo Hua is afraid of golden gloves...

After Guo Mu got rid of the foreign things such as the mysterious exercises and the golden gloves, he realized that he was weak in martial arts. If he didn't rely on the golden gloves, he would not be the three moves of any warrior at all.

Therefore, when he heard that Senior Brother Sky had reached the peak of martial artist and was only one step away from being a martial artist, Guo Mu admired him more than he envied him.

However, Guo Mu couldn't figure it out, since Senior Brother Tian had already reached the pinnacle of warriors, why he was so decadent, and why he didn't work hard to challenge the warriors so that he could join the Shuyang Sect.

Guo Mu hadn't had time to express his doubts, but Senior Brother Tian seemed to see through his thoughts, and said indifferently: "Although I have already reached the peak of a warrior, is impossible for me to become a warrior in my life It's..."

"Why?" Guo Mu was surprised. What is needed to break through to a martial artist is not comprehension. Brother Tian has reached the peak of martial artist at such a young age, how can he lack comprehension?
"Because, my heart is dead, hahahaha..."

Brother Sky poured down another jug ​​of wine, looking crazy.

Guo Mu frowned. He didn't like Senior Brother Tian's decadent appearance very much. Although he didn't know what happened for a woman, was it worth it?
From Guo Mu's point of view, it's not worth it at all.

"Let me tell you my story." Senior Brother Tian wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly.

At that moment, although Guo Mu saw the messy stubble on Senior Brother Tian's chin, he felt that the latter's smile was very clean.

I don't know why, but I just have such a strange feeling.Guo Mu nodded, expressing that he was willing to listen to Senior Brother Tian's story about his past.Brother Tian lay down again, with his hands on the pillow, Guo Mu also lay down, one gave up chopping firewood, the other stopped drinking, just like that, lying quietly, waiting for the story to begin.


15 years ago, Yue Tiantian was five years old.

He used to be the only son of a local rich man in Guanyin City, and was sent to Wangjianmen to practice martial arts.In the same year, a girl named Mochizuki also entered Wangjianmen.

Maybe it's because there are moons in their names, one is like a high moon hanging in the sky, and the other is like looking at the moon with a chin in front of the window, so the entanglement between the two people began like this.

Yue Tiantian is a prodigy in martial arts. He was regarded as the person with the most potential when he was ten years old, and he was worth cultivating. At the age of 11, he had already become a warrior.

He was very interested in Mochizuki. At that time, he didn't know what love was, but he was ignorant and wanted to be with Mochizuki and protect her.Mochizuki also has a good impression of him, after all, which girl doesn't love heroes.

Although Yue Tiantian is not a hero, he is very enthusiastic about helping others. In the eyes of other peers, he is a hero.

Perhaps it was due to the pampered relationship when he was young, but after coming to the sect, and because of his talent in martial arts, Yue Tiantian had a somewhat arrogant personality at that time.Teenagers don't know how to hide, so they often show up inadvertently.

Mochizuki has always disliked Yuetian's pride, but she didn't tell the latter, and the latter never understood the reason why Mochizuki didn't like her, so it also caused the bitter fruit later.

(End of this chapter)

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