Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 189 Spirit Fusion

Chapter 189 Spirit Fusion
At the age of 15,
Yue Tiantian has already become a well-known martial artist, and he is considered to be the best among his peers.The sect intentionally trained him alone, and then sent him to participate in the Six Schools of Martial Arts.

But Mochizuki's aptitude is not very good, he only became a junior warrior when he was 15 years old.

In Wangjianmen, after becoming a martial artist, there is a chance to go out to practice.

Although there are no female disciples in Wangjianmen, but women are very few in martial arts, so Wangyue is always harassed and confessed by other male disciples in the school, which is extremely annoying.In the past, when Yue Tiantian was not trained alone, it was fine. There was no Yue Tiantian, and Mochizuki was indeed quite beautiful. More and more male disciples admired her, and Mochizuki couldn't bear it more and more.

No one knows whether Mochizuki likes Yuetiantian or not.

But Mochizuki's character is a relatively strong one, so at that time, after becoming a warrior for a while, Mochizuki asked to go out for training.

Her master Lily agreed without even thinking about it.

But even her master Lily couldn't imagine that even after Mochizuki went out, the nightmare of Moon Sky also came.

The world is complex and there are many people.

Everyone is a line, no matter how parallel they are, if there are more lines, all kinds of entanglements will arise.

Because she lived in Wangjian Gate when she was young, she was almost isolated from the outside world. After Mochizuki came to the outside world, she immediately fell in love with the scene of people coming and going.And at this moment, she also recovered her innocent and lovely nature, no longer the taciturn Mochizuki in Wangjianmen.

The time to go out for training is limited, so in the end, no matter how much Mochizuki likes the outside world, she just reluctantly returns to Wangjianmen.

But after that, Mochizuki went out more frequently.

Regarding the limit on the number of times the doorman went out, it was not strict at that time, and this also fulfilled Mochizuki.

I don't know which time I went out, Mochizuki met a person, and it was the appearance of this person that changed everything.

This person is called Lian Xing, and he is now the second swordsman of Tianhemen.

But at that time, Lian Xing was not that strong, he was just an ordinary warrior who went out to perform a mission in Tianhe Gate, by chance, Mochizuki was in trouble, and Lian Xing appeared to save Mochiyue.

Lian Xing not only has high martial arts skills, but also has a clever mind, and he is also very eloquent.

After getting to know each other, Mochizuki was gradually attracted to Lianxing, because Mochizuki was very quiet in nature, and Lianxing was very relaxed, so the two came and went, and gradually became a couple.

But at that time, although the relationship between Wangjianmen and Tianhemen was not as bad as it is now, it could not be said to be good.

After all, they belong to two major sects, and they must be on guard against each other.

The underground love affair between Lian Xing and Mochizuki was not really revealed until the Liumen Wushu three years later.

At that time, Yue Tiantian's hard work paid off, and he finally reached the peak of a warrior. He originally wanted to find Mochizuki to confess his love, and wanted to tell him how he survived such arduous training by chanting her name... …

He worked so hard to become a martial artist and challenge martial artists, just to give Mochizuki a bright future.Yue Tiantian didn't have the slightest interest in entering the Shuyang Sect. At the beginning, what he wanted was to become a strong man, and then marry Mochizuki into the family.

It has to be said that Yue Tiantian's thinking is similar to that of Feng Sanshao. They are both indifferent to fame and fortune, and live only for love.

Yue Tiantian never confessed to Mochizuki because he was too proud, thinking that Mochizuki always liked him, and his confidence was so strong that he seemed too blind emotionally.

He self-righteously felt that Mochizuki belonged to him from the very beginning.

Therefore, when Mochizuki opened his mouth to reject him, Yuetian only felt that his world was completely blacked out for a moment.

Moon Sky asked Mochizuki: "Why?"

Mochizuki told him that she fell in love with another man.

At this moment, Yuetian seemed to hear the sound of his own heartbreaking.

As for who Mochizuki likes, no matter how much Yuetian asks, he can't find out.Later, the young and energetic Yue Tiantian decided to follow Mochizuki who was on the mission, and sure enough, he found Lian Xing.

He turned against Lian Xing on the spot and fought several moves, but was stopped by Mochizuki.

After returning to Wangjian Gate, Yue Tiantian thought about it more and more, the more he felt bad, and later, he reported it to the elder on impulse!Reporting this matter was the most regrettable thing Yue Tiantian had ever done in his life.

After being reported, the elders grounded Mochizuki according to the door rules.Afterwards, Yuetian discovered that he did not get Mochizuki's heart as he thought.On the contrary, Mochizuki hated Yuetian more and more.

Yue Tiantian couldn't understand, he felt that he loved Mochizuki very much, no matter whether he reported it or practiced martial arts hard, it was all for Mochizuki, because he loved her.

Why, why Mochizuki can't understand him, why?
Just when Yue Tiantian was troubled by love, the Six Martial Arts Tournament was about to be held, and Mochizuki, because of his good strength on the side of female warriors, was also regarded as a contestant, ending the years of being banned.

And by coincidence, in the Six Schools of Martial Arts, Yue Tiantian's opponent turned out to be Lian Xing.Before the start of the game, Yue Tiantian and Lian Xing met in private and exchanged harsh words. Yue Tiantian even said that he wanted to beat Lian Xing to the crap on stage so that Mochizuki could see that Lian Xing was just a waste.

Their conversation was also heard by many passers-by, so at the Liumen Wushu, a gossip about "two rivals in love robbing women" quickly spread. Naturally, who is Yue Tiantian and Lian Xing? Who wins and loses has become a hot topic in this six martial arts competition.

After Mochizuki found out, she disliked Yue Tiantian even more, thinking he was naive and boring, and even scolded him face to face, not to go too far.

Yue Tiantian was in great pain at the time. Although his method was wrong, he really loved Mochizuki.

Although Yue Tiantian didn't know Lian Xing's true strength, Yue Tian Tian had enough confidence to defeat Lian Xing.

After all, practicing for so long is not for nothing.

However, the results of the Liumenhui martial arts competition gave Yue Tiantian a big blow. What he didn't expect was that Lian Xing was also a strong fighter at the peak of martial arts. He pretended to be weak before, but in fact he hid his true identity However, because Yue Tiantian was too confident, he underestimated the enemy. In the end, he was defeated by Lian Xing on the spot.

After Lian Xing defeated Yue Sky, he didn't humiliate Yue Sky on the spot. This was completely different from what Yue Sky had imagined. However, when Yue Sky fell on the stage and saw Mochizuki facing Lian Xing with a happy expression on his face.

At that moment, Yue Tiantian's heart truly died.

From then on, Yuetian couldn't recover from a setback, and drank his sorrows all day long.

After listening to Senior Brother Tian's past, it was dusk.At this time, Guo Mu remembered that his task of chopping firewood had not been completed, so he couldn't help feeling extremely anxious.Brother Sky saw his anxious expression, and after asking the reason, he readily joined the ranks of helping.

Brother Tian is worthy of being a strong fighter at the pinnacle of martial arts. For him, chopping firewood is like "killing a chicken with a bull's knife". With a random move, swish swish swish, all the tasks that caused Guo Mu a headache were completed.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Tian..." Guo Mu said gratefully.

Brother Sky waved his hand: "You're welcome, you chatted with me all afternoon, and it's only right to help you..." After finishing speaking, he smiled again, "However, I always forgot to ask you, little brother, what is your name? what is it call?"

Guo Mu grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth: "My name is Guo Mu."

Senior Brother Tian Tian nodded: "Well, Junior Brother Guo Mu, you should go back first, it's getting late, you have to do business."

Guo Mu nodded, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Senior Brother Tian, ​​is Senior Sister Wangyue still looking at the Sword Gate?"

Brother Tian suddenly fell into a daze when he heard this.Seeing this, Guo Mu thought he shouldn't ask these questions, so he said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, Senior Brother Tian, ​​I shouldn't ask more..."

His voice interrupted Senior Brother Tian's contemplation, Senior Brother Tian was stunned for a moment, and then smiled contemptuously: "It's okay, it's okay, Mochizuki has been away from Wangjianmen for a few months, it is said that she is on a mission..."

"Oh..." Hearing that Senior Brother Tian's tone was different, Guo Mu asked curiously, "Could it be that Senior Brother Tian doesn't hate Senior Sister Mochiyue?"

Senior Brother Sky laughed: "If it wasn't for my youth and arrogance, how could this matter evolve to such an extent? It's all my own fault. What reason do I have to hate her? She never, never loved I, it's just my own wishful thinking..."

Senior Brother Tian Tian said it easily, but Guo Mu could feel that the latter was still a little unwilling, and that's right, after all, it is impossible to let go of someone who loves so deeply.

Guo Mu shook his head, thinking, love is simply too complicated, and he doesn't want to touch it in the future.


It was late at night, full of stars.

Guo Mu sneaked out of the residence secretly. Recently every night, he came out at this time to find a secluded place to practice.

It has to be said that the inner alchemy of the ten thousand-legged water beast is indeed a treasure, it seems that it can only be grasped with a slap, but the aura contained in it is very shocking.These days, even if Guo Mu uses inefficient methods, he has absorbed a lot of spiritual energy from the inner alchemy.

So much, he can already clearly feel it.

(End of this chapter)

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