Chapter 190

Under the guidance of Lan Gui, Guo Mu has learned the method of transforming spiritual energy into spiritual power, and has succeeded many times.This also means that there will be two kinds of power coexisting in Guo Mu's body in the future, one is Yuan power and the other is spiritual power.

Guo Mu still doesn't quite understand the difference between spiritual power and primal power. In his opinion, the biggest difference is that the Soul Realm has no spiritual power, while the Wushuang Realm has no primal power.In fact, Guo Mu still doesn't know what the difference between the two forces is.

When he asked Blue Ghost this question, Blue Ghost told him mysteriously: "When you try to combine the two powers, you will know..."

Why fusion?

Guo Mu was really puzzled, but what Lan Gui told him was that if he wanted to become stronger, if he wanted to activate the mysterious exercise in his mind, then he had to fuse spiritual power and Yuan power to form Yuan Ling power .

Because, that exercise is based on Yuan Lingli.

Only by combining spiritual power and Yuan power can one practice that technique.

As for how powerful that mysterious unknown exercise is, Guo Mu has no idea at all. He just heard from Lan Gui that although that exercise is a bit weird, it can be considered top-notch even in the entire Wushuang Realm. Gongfa.

I really don't know what kind of shit luck I had to get such a practice.

Recalling the origin of the exercises, Guo Mu's mind once again recalled the strange thick-covered book he picked up after climbing the cliff that night when he escaped from the gold mine.Could it be... where did this exercise really come from?
It stands to reason that it is the closest to the gold mine, and someone should come to inspect it, but why, let me pick up that book?
This luck is too good to say.

In a few days, it will be time for the newcomers to officially end their woodcutter career and step into the path of martial arts training.In the past few days, Guo Mu wanted to try to integrate the spiritual power and Yuan power in his body.

And tonight is the time he plans to try to integrate.

Behind Wangjianmen's kitchen, there is a creek, which is usually used by cooks to wash vegetables.The sound of the water here is relatively turbulent, and Guo Mu intends to carry out the fusion here. In case of any movement, the sound of the water can also cover it up.

Lan Gui had repeatedly told Guo Mu the method of combining spiritual power and Yuan power, and Guo Mu also remembered it clearly.

The so-called fusion is carried out in the dantian.First of all, Guo Mu needs to mobilize the spiritual power from all parts of the body, then gather it to the dantian, and finally control the two kinds of power little by little to blend.

Guo Mu sat cross-legged by the stream, the moonlight shone on his face, illuminating his solemn and solemn face.His hands were pinching the special hand formulas as suggested by the blue ghost, and as his hand formulas changed, a warm feeling slowly emerged in his body.

Guo Mu was overjoyed, he knew that this was the feeling of gathering spiritual power.Speaking of control, Guo Mu discovered that spiritual power is much easier to control than Yuan power.He just had a thought in his mind, and as soon as the hand formula was changed, spiritual power would emerge in his body, and he could easily control the spiritual power to any part of his body.

In comparison, the control of Yuanli is much more difficult.

Yuanli is like a child lying on the bed, huddled in the dantian, no matter how much Guo Mu calls, he refuses to get out of bed. In the end, Guo Mu has no choice but to use more strength to drag the child off the bed.

Lingli is a child who likes to eat candies. As soon as Guo Mu shouted: "Candies are handed out!", Lingli will actively emerge from all parts of the body, and Guo Mu doesn't need to urge him hard.

In comparison, Guo Mu prefers to use spiritual power, that feeling is very handy.

It's just that I don't know what it will be like when the lively spiritual power is fused with the lifeless primordial power...

As time passed by, Guo Mu gradually gathered spiritual power in his dantian that was multiples of the total amount of Yuan power. As the spiritual power from all parts of the body gradually ceased to flow out, the tense moment when Yuan power and spiritual power merged, finally arrival!

Although Guo Mu has the foundation of practicing Taoism, he is still just starting out, and he cannot achieve the internal observation of changes in his own body like a master.

He couldn't see that the spiritual power in his dantian was crumpled into a white ball, and next to the white spiritual power was a handful of black primordial power.

In fact, Guo Mu didn't need to see it, because he could feel it, and he controlled Yuanli and Lingli to keep approaching.What he never imagined was that this process was not as easy as he imagined. Every time the Yuanli and Lingli moved half an inch, Guo Mu would feel exhausted and had to stop and take a rest.

Fortunately, when he was resting, the distance between the spiritual power and the original power did not return to the original state, but still maintained the distance after moving.

This made Guo Mu slightly relieved.

Two hours later, Guo Mu discovered that although the two forces in his dantian were much closer than before, they still couldn't really touch each other.

It seems... It is not as easy as he imagined to fuse Yuanli and Lingli into a new kind of power.

It's a long drudgery.

"That's it for today, I have to go to bed, and I have to get up early to chop wood tomorrow..." Guo Mu thought, wiped the sweat from his forehead, stood up, and went back to sleep.


For the next few days, Guo Mu was talking nonsense with Senior Brother Tian during the day, and trying to integrate spiritual power and Yuan power at night, which made him depressed for several days.

The fusion thing is simply too sad.

It's okay to talk nonsense with Senior Brother Tian during the day, because Senior Brother Tian will help him chop firewood, which makes Guo Mu very happy, so he is happy to continue drinking with Senior Brother Tian and chatting about feelings.

It's just that although they were talking about feelings, most of the time, it was Brother Tian who said it himself, and Guo Mu just pretended to listen carefully.

Brother Tian, ​​who had someone to confide in, chatted very excitedly, and his mouth was splashing. Of course, he did not forget to promise Guo Mu in the end that as long as Guo Mu was in Wangjian Gate, if he was bullied or needed help with other things, he would Look for him, he will definitely help.

Guo Mu was naturally very happy to have a backer casually like this.

On the last night, as usual, Guo Mu came to the creek again, sat cross-legged, and continued to start his new power fusion plan.

At this time, in his dantian, Yuanli and Lingli had already touched together.

At the moment of touching, Guo Mu only felt that his dantian seemed to be grabbed by an invisible big hand, and it was extremely painful.Fortunately, this painful feeling only lasted for a second or two before disappearing without a trace.

For a second or two, Guo Mu only felt that he was reincarnated between heaven and hell once.

After the excruciating pain disappeared, it was replaced by Guo Mu's dantian, which was hot and cold again and again.At first, Guo Mu could bear it, but as the alternation of cold and heat became more and more frequent, Guo Mu also began to be unbearable.

His head was full of big men, and his sweat beads were big and dripping continuously.

He gritted his teeth, his expression painful, as if he was enduring great suffering.

"Blue ghost, blue ghost!" Guo Mu couldn't help shouting the name of blue ghost in his heart at the moment when he was almost fainting from the pain.The latter once promised him that in the process of merging spiritual power and elemental power, if it is painful and the pain is unbearable, you can seek his help.

Blue Ghost and Guo Mu are in the same body, and their lives are connected. Naturally, Blue Ghost doesn't want Guo Mu to take risks.

The fusion of two forces is like the fusion of yin and yang, the alternation of life and death. The pain is really not something ordinary people can bear.

Guo Mu has been able to bear it until now, and he has been regarded as the kind of person with extremely strong perseverance among ordinary people.

Therefore, at this time, Guo Mu sought the help of the blue ghost, not only did he not show lack of perseverance and spine, but it also showed that Guo Mu knew how to choose.

If there is too much backbone, it becomes blind arrogance. When you should seek help from others, you should seek it. This is a wise person.

Facts have proved that Guo Mu's choice is really wise.

At the most critical moment, the blue ghost made a move, and he didn't know what he did.Guo Mu, who was originally trapped in a world of ice and fire, only felt a chill all over his body, and the feeling of hot and cold disappeared immediately.

"Quick, do as I taught you right now!"

The blue ghost's urging voice sounded in Guo Mu's heart. Guo Mu could hear his anxiety, and knew that the critical moment for the perfect fusion of the two forces must be now.

So Guo Mu calmed down, endured the nerves that had been tortured and exhausted just now, and concentrated his experience hard. His hands obviously had no strength, but they still slowly squeezed the hand.With the completion of this series of actions, in Guo Mu's dantian, the two kinds of power flowed rapidly as if melted by a raging fire, entwined and inseparable.

Gradually, there is white in black, and black in white, and the two forces blend together to produce a new force:
Gray Yuan Lingli!

It finally worked!The moment the Yuan Lingli was formed, Guo Mu was overjoyed, but immediately, he heard the voice of the blue ghost warning: "The new power has not stabilized, don't be careless, concentrate, and use the remaining Yuanli and Lingli It's all integrated!"

It was only then that Guo Mu came to his senses that he was too complacent just now. Fortunately, the blue ghost reminded him, otherwise, after suffering so much, if his success falls short, who would he cry to?
With the first successful experience, Guo Mu's next fusion seems to be a lot easier. When he slowly merged all the Yuanli and Lingli into Yuanlingli, when he opened his eyes, there was already a faint light in the sky. bright.

(End of this chapter)

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