Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 191 In order to survive

Chapter 191 In order to survive

His fusion actually took one night.

I haven't slept all day, but Guo Mu is not tired at the moment, but very energetic, which makes Guo Mu very curious.After hearing the blue ghost's explanation, he suddenly realized that this is the incidental effect of the new power.

At this moment, Guo Mu suddenly felt a humming in his head, as if something was slowly opening, and he felt his whole body was numb and unable to move.

When he regained consciousness, he found that there was something extra in his mind.

It was the mysterious technique mentioned by the blue ghost!

For this set of mysterious skills, Guo Mu can be said to be looking forward to it. After all, even Lan Gui, who has such an extraordinary background, is praised. This set of skills can be called top-notch skills, which means that, This set of exercises can really help Guo Mu become a strong man.

Guo Mu calmed down, mobilized Yuan Lingli, and entered the sea of ​​consciousness.That set of exercises looks like a huge "book", floating in the sky above Guo Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, slowly rotating.

The gray Yuan Lingli slowly wrapped around the cover of the "book", but was absorbed by the "book" in an instant. Guo Mu was shocked and quickly controlled the remaining Yuan Lingli to return.After a lot of fuss, he finally got back some Yuan Lingli, feeling the little Yuan Lingli left in his dantian, Guo Mu felt very distressed.

What kind of "book" is this, it can swallow his Yuan Lingli...

"Blue ghost, blue ghost, come out and explain to me what's going on. The Yuan Lingli that I managed to fuse is gone!" Guo Mu almost ran away.

The blue ghost's voice sounded leisurely: "Why are you so excited, the opening of this set of exercises requires constant 'feeding' of Yuan Lingli, and only when 'feeding' a certain amount can it be truly activated! Now it's 'eating' Your primordial spirit power, but he hasn't activated it yet, which means he hasn't 'eaten' enough!"

"Damn! You're kidding me! Blue Ghost!" Guo Mu felt his head was getting bigger because he was required to continuously fuse Yuanling power and feed this strange book.

The blue ghost's voice was unhurried, with a feeling of watching a show: "There is no way, if you want to learn, you can only do it this way. But... I don't know how big this guy's appetite is. , how much spiritual energy is needed to feed it..."

"Are you sure, this is really a peerless exercise? It's not easy to get my Yuan Lingli. I really feel wronged for wasting it like this!" Guo Mu asked Lan Gui.

Lan Gui replied affirmatively: "I'm sure, this is definitely a peerless exercise! But..."

"but what?"

"But, I don't know if it's suitable for you..."

"You!" Guo Mu really wanted to chop up the blue ghost to vent his anger.I don't know what it means to be suitable or not. If he has spent a lot of Yuan Lingli, and the exercises he finally opened can't be cultivated, won't this force him to jump off the cliff?

"I was just talking about a safe possibility...Actually, as long as it is a person whose brain is not as stupid as a pig, he should be able to practice...Don't worry, your brain is smarter than a pig, you can definitely do it!" Blue Ghost Seriously.

Isn't this calling yourself stupid in disguise!When Guo Mu heard this, he became very angry: "Lan Gui, one day, I will let you taste my strength!"

However, Guo Mu's declaration was exchanged for Lan Gui's disapproving ridicule: "With your aptitude, I think, in my life, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that day again..."

Guo Mu snorted coldly in his heart, and didn't want to say anything more to Lan Gui.

It's really troublesome. I thought everything would go smoothly after merging Yuan Lingli, but I didn't expect that I still encountered such and other troubles in the end.

Forget it, people are not as good as heaven, no matter how much you complain, it's useless.

Only accept.

Isn't it just that a lot of Yuan Lingli is needed to open it? What's so great about it, just continue to merge and feed it until the "strange book" is full.

Guo Mu made up his mind, now that he has reached this point, he can only continue to persevere.

Persevere, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope, but if you give up at this time, then all the previous investment will be in vain.

Guo Mu didn't want to waste it!Therefore, he must persevere until the exercises can be opened normally, and then he must practice hard to become a martial artist as soon as possible and join the Shuyang sect.

With a decision in mind, Guo Mu was no longer confused.

He withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness, opened his eyes, and walked back.


Today is the official apprenticeship day, and there is a grand master-apprentice handover ceremony.In the morning, in the main courtyard of Wangjianmen, all the disciples gathered here, more than 200 people, surrounded by crowds.

Guo Mu stood among the crowd, waiting for the formal start of the ceremony.

On the day he got started, he knew that his master's name was Guangwu.And this Guangwu is the highest level among all the masters who teach long swords.Therefore, Guo Mu is also looking forward to this. He hopes that under Guangwu's teaching, he can become a master of long sword.

Usually, when passing through the martial arts training ground, Guo Mu saw many brothers from the same school practicing long swords. The swordsmanship was extremely gorgeous, which made Guo Mu's heart itch.Occasionally, Guo Mu could still see people playing daggers, but the daggers were not so gorgeous, but had a fierce and murderous intent.

At that moment, Guo Mu suddenly fell in love with the feeling that the short sword brought him, but, helplessly, he had already chosen the long sword and could not change it.

But...it doesn't matter.

Guo Mu's ability to accept is very strong. Long swords are long swords. One day, he will use long swords to develop the feeling of short swords.

With the appearance of the old master, the handover ceremony officially began. First, the masters with apprentices came to the stage, and then they showed their special skills one by one.For a moment, the sword shadow on the stage flickered, which was extremely exciting, and the newcomers and even the old people in the audience cheered happily.

But Guo Mu noticed, except for one person.

That person was still standing quietly in the crowd, watching the changes on the stage calmly, but he didn't show any interest.He was like a dead man, not even breathing.The man sensed Guo Mu's gaze, turned his head, and looked at Guo Mu coldly.Guo Mu also looked at him calmly and did not avoid him.

He came over.

Guo Mu frowned, he didn't know what the other party wanted to do when he came over.

The man stopped in his tracks: "My name is Guo Huayu."

Guo Mu was surprised and nodded, "I know."

Guo Liyu's expression didn't change at all, and his eyes still didn't fluctuate in any way. From this person, Guo Mu seemed to feel a desolate atmosphere from hell.

Guo Huayu spoke slowly: "Who are you?"

"Guo Mu."

"Very good. Three months later, it will be the New Men's Martial Arts Competition. I hope that at that time, I can fight with you." Guo Wangyu calmly issued the challenge letter.

Guo Mu felt very incomprehensible. He wondered if this person was insane, and he hadn't provoked him, so why did he challenge himself?

"Why?" Feeling confused, Guo Mu naturally wanted to ask clearly, but he couldn't just accept other people's challenges for no reason.


Immediately, I heard Guo Liyu say a reason that made Guo Mu completely speechless: "Because...you always stare at me, which annoys me!"

After speaking to Guo Mu dumbfounded, Guo Huayu turned around and walked away. When he stood still, he regained his expression of calmly watching the performance.

What a weird person, Guo Mu thought in his heart.

But...it doesn't matter who you are or how deep you are, since you want to challenge me, then I will accompany you to the end.

At this moment, Guo Mu also regarded Guo Liyu as the target of competition.

Three months later, at the rookie martial arts competition, Guo Mu would not let himself lose to an inexplicable guy!
The master-student handover ceremony finally ended near lunch time, and from then on, Guo Mu's new life will begin.

Because, after that, he had to live in the same courtyard with his master Guangwu, the same courtyard, and his other senior brothers.

Following behind his master Guangwu, Guo Mu was also a little nervous.

I don't know, what kind of people will the future seniors be like?

I don't know, is it as good as Senior Brother Tian and Senior Brother Tietou...

Guo Mu didn't know, so... looking forward to it.

There are six courtyards in Wangjianmen, with a distance of 300 meters from each other. The six courtyards are scattered on the flat ground, and the surroundings are rolling mountains.To put it bluntly, Wangjian Gate is located in a huge valley.

The place where Guo Mu will live in the future is Guangwu Courtyard among the six courtyards.The name of the courtyard is generally represented by the name of the master.Guangwu has thirty apprentices under his command.Although there are quite a lot of people, Guangwuyuan can definitely live there.

There are seven or eight newcomers who became Guangwu apprentices with Guo Mu, and they were all arranged to live together in the big wing of Guangwu Academy.From now on, their main activity area will be in this Guangwu Academy. Guo Mu feels very troublesome about this, because it means that he will have fewer and fewer opportunities to practice alone in the future.

I don't know when I will be able to collect enough Yuan Lingli to activate the mysterious technique...

Hey...the road ahead is difficult.

But anyway, stick with it.

"Our Guangwu Academy has a rule. Newcomers don't have to do chores when they first come, just practice martial arts hard. But because after three months, the newcomers will be able to practice martial arts. If they fail the examination, they will wait to do the dirty work that they have never done before. , make it all up for me..."

(End of this chapter)

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