Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 198 The Contest of Champions 1

Chapter 198 The Contest of Champions 1
"That's right... Sky Warrior, it's not so easy to achieve, just relying on hard work, it's not enough..." The old master shook his head slowly.

Guangwu smiled slightly: "Master, I don't agree with you on this. I think everything is possible. Aptitude is given by God, and everything depends on human efforts."

After listening to Guangwu's words, the old head was noncommittal.

The conversation between the two was overheard by Guo Huayu, who was standing not far away. Guo Huayu smiled coldly: "It's just a cowardly opponent, can you prove your strength? I will choose another champion What should I say if I was defeated abruptly?"

Guo Liyu was very jealous, because he worked so hard, and almost displayed all the things that were under the box, and he felt that he was not as popular as Guo Mu.

He is really dissatisfied, why?
He didn't understand why the head and Guangwu would speak so highly of Guo Mu. He really didn't understand that he worked so hard, but the head and Guangwu didn't even look at him.

But when Guo Mu stepped down, the head and Guangwu smiled at the former.

what is this?
Guo Luyu's mood was knocked back to the bottom from the victory and excitement just now, he didn't understand, really didn't understand.

Since he was a child, he lived by begging. He worked hard and worked hard to survive. Almost every day, he worried about whether he would starve to death.In order not to starve to death, he had to work hard to find food.He has eaten the dirty things discarded by others, and he has secretly killed other people's chickens and ducks.

He stole money, rice, food, and food, because he knew that the world was indifferent, and if he didn't rob, he would starve to death.

He doesn't want to starve to death, he wants to live!He has to live a good life and trample all those who bullied him under his feet!

To this end, he worked very hard.

Once, he picked up half a book of martial arts cheats in the trash, and jumped up and down happily for more than an hour.Although he later found out that this martial arts secret book was actually a common basic martial art on the bad street, he was still very excited and practiced accordingly.

Because he knows that practicing boxing can protect himself, and if he practices well, he can also perform, and the onlookers will give him money.

Since childhood, Guo Luyu has always regarded money very seriously, no matter what he does, he always aims at getting money.

Martial arts were also regarded by him as a way to make money.

So he practiced hard, sometimes endured hunger, but also practiced, and often practiced until midnight, still profusely sweating.He didn't know how to practice correctly, and he didn't know any of the words on the cheat book, he just looked at the pictures and figured it out by himself.

Later, after practicing, he actually developed his own "boxing method", but it can't be called boxing method, it's just a random fight.

But he thinks it is "boxing", so he has great self-confidence.

When other gangsters bullied him, he began to resist, and because of his resistance, he provoked more gangsters.As a result, his actual combat experience has become more and more abundant.The so-called "boxing" has also been brought into full play by him, and the actual combat ability has also been enhanced.

But after all, it is not an orthodox martial arts, and it can only fight with gangsters. When it comes to real warriors, Guo Liyu will be beaten to death.

Therefore, Guo Liyu germinated the desire to become a warrior. Later, he passed Guanyin City, and knew that there was a Wangjianmen who happened to be accepting disciples, so he tried it once, unexpectedly, he really came in.

Because of his past experiences, Guo Liyu really wanted to be a strong man, but his mentality was not right, he wanted to be a strong man, in order to return all the bullying he had received before!
After returning it, he still wanted to bully other people and let everyone know that Guo Liyu is not someone to be trifled with!
Guo Liyu, he only wants to be the strongest!
He will fight for everything!

Therefore, when he discovered that there was a Guo Mu who seemed to be his opponent, his heart became less peaceful than before!

In his eyes, murderous intent began to flash.

After the first round of primary elections ended, it was already afternoon. There were twelve people who passed the primary elections. Among them, Guo Mu and Guo Huayu were the most promising candidates.The most outstanding performance in the whole competition was none other than the two of them.

Therefore, in the minds of everyone, the two were faintly listed as rivals.

"I beat 'Martial Arts Madman' to win!"

"I am optimistic about Guo Luyu, his dagger is very sharp and his attack speed is very fast!"

People whispered, and then set up large and small gambling games. As more and more people participated, most of the disciples of Wangjianmen also formed two distinct camps.One side has a large number of people, and they are optimistic about Guo Mu. Although the other side has a small number of people, but most of them are high-level disciples, they are optimistic about Guo Huayu.

Guo Mu mainly won the support of other senior brothers through his gorgeous movements, while Guo Liyu showed his decisive and precise judgment in the short confrontation with the fat boy.

"Senior Sister, who do you think... will win?"

A young girl looked excitedly at the temporary gambling games, and asked a woman in blue beside her.

The woman in blue is Liu Ying who met Guo Mu in the garden before.

Liuying is not interested in the game of gambling and other people's analysis of the outcome of the battle, but she still expresses her position on her junior sister's question: "I think Junior Brother Guo Mu will win..."

The girl stopped suddenly, turned her head, and looked at Liuying quietly: "Why? Senior Sister."

Liu Ying smiled slightly: "Instinct, and, I believe that Junior Brother Guo Mu has worked so hard for so long, and there will be no progress. No matter what, I support him!"

Hearing Liuying's words, the girl covered her mouth and smiled, and was about to open her mouth to say something, but Shui Lingling's big eyes glanced around, as if hesitating for something, suddenly stepped on tiptoe, and clung to Liuying's ear: "Senior sister, you You won't... you're in love with that reckless fool, right?"

Liuying's expression paused, and she immediately realized that she was actually teased by her junior sister, and said in embarrassment: "Junior sister! Don't talk nonsense, it's not like that at all, it's not good for others to hear about it!"

The girl chuckled and dodged Liu Ying's chasing action, and said in a low voice, "It seems to be true! No wonder, these days, he goes to take care of the flower garden, and you go to see the flowers every day!"

Seeing her little junior sister becoming more and more presumptuous, Liuying's expression turned cold: "Junior sister!"

Seeing that Liu Ying seemed to be really angry, the girl just covered her mouth with her hands and said, "I'm sorry, senior sister, I was joking... okay, okay, senior sister, I know, the one you like has always been Senior Brother Tian, I shouldn't have joked like that..."

Hearing the words "Senior Brother Sky" from the little junior sister's mouth, Liu Ying seemed to recall some sad past, and her expression gradually dimmed.

Seeing this, the girl in front of her knew that she had said the wrong thing again, she sighed, said nothing, walked directly to Liuying, and took the latter's hand.The latter didn't break free from her, but the sadness in his expression didn't decrease by half.

The two girls remained silent, quietly watching the newcomers with different expressions on the ring.


The second round of the rematch took the form of drawing lots.

Guo Mu and Guo Liyu still couldn't match up, and their opponents were relatively ordinary.The two shot casually, and they evened out their opponents, which was nothing to watch.After the second round of elimination, there were only six people left, and it was getting late, and everyone was quite tired, so the third round of competition was held until the next day.

On the second day, six people played against each other, and the top three were finally selected.

Sure enough, as most people expected, Guo Mu and Guo Liyu did enter the top three.The strength of the two is obvious to all, and it is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary rookies.

In the eyes of everyone, Guo Mu and Guo Liyu are about the same in speed, strength, and ability to react in all aspects.But in fact, both Guo Mu and Guo Luyu concealed their strength, and what they used was only about the same strength as the other party.

Guo Mu has experienced several moments of life and death, so he naturally knows that only by preserving his strength in front of the opponent can he win in one fell swoop at the last moment.And Guo Liyu, from childhood to adulthood, has survived the struggle with hooligans, so he understands this truth even more.

Although the two people are not very old, their thoughts are equally meticulous.

It was also destined that the two would become rivals.


The final decisive moment came, and the top three finally decided on the first and second candidates in the third day of the group arena. That's right, they were Guo Mu and Guo Liyu.

"Remember what I told you, I'm going to beat you at the rookie martial arts competition, and beat the shit out of you!"

Guo Liao said provocatively that he was trying to provoke Guo Mu and make the latter unstable.

But Guo Mu is not such a person who gets angry so easily. Besides, Guo Li's provocation sounds too much like a child's abuse during a fight, and it can't bring Guo Mu any emotional fluctuations at all.

"Don't you think you're boring?" Guo Mu frowned, looking at the young man whose eyes were about to burst into flames, he was very puzzled. When did he and the latter have such a big hatred?

Could it be... just because I looked at this guy a few more times?

After just a few glances, he was regarded as killing his father and enemy by this guy?
Guo Mu really couldn't figure out what was going on in Guo Liyu's heart.

"Don't say too much, I'll beat the shit out of you! Kneel down and admit defeat!" Guo Fuyu's tone was full of sternness.

Guo Mu was a bit annoyed. He paid attention to Guo Liyu at first, just because he was curious about Guo Liyu's silence. He always felt that this person was a bit like himself in the past. As for the similarity, he couldn't tell.

(End of this chapter)

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