Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 199 The Contest of Champions 2

Chapter 199 The Contest of Champions 2
But... I didn't expect that this silent young man was actually so impetuous in his heart, that he could easily make enemies with others...

Anyway, Guo Mu is not the kind of person who easily bows his head. Since the other party has come to provoke him, let him show some color!
Besides, Guo Mu has all kinds of cards in his hand, so it's impossible for him to be afraid of an ordinary boy.

"Newcomers judge martial arts, the final championship competition begins now!"

Following the order of a certain elder, the peak battle representing the fifth generation of rookies officially kicked off at this moment.


Guo Liyu took the lead. He spent a lot of thought and energy on practicing short swords. During the three-month intensive training period for the rookie, he also received special care from his master Bingtian, who taught him special mental methods in advance. Of course... this is something no one else knows.

Precisely because of being favored by his master Bingtian, Guo Fuyu received treatment that other newcomers could not get, and because of this, his strength steadily suppressed his peers.

This is why Guo Liyu has so much confidence and feels stronger than other newcomers.

But... Guo Liyu had missed a little point, although Guo Mu did not receive special care, nor did he have the same talent in martial arts as him.

However, he didn't know that Guo Mu came from the soul world, which was originally the world of practitioners.And after coming to Wushuang Realm, I have seen all kinds of people, I have heard of people who practice Taoism, I have also seen powerful martial artists and even more powerful celestial warriors.

Not to mention, in Guo Mu's body, there is also a soul body that is abnormally powerful, but extremely lethargic.

Although Guo Mu is not strong enough, his vision has been opened, and he has enough cultivation resources around him. Even if his aptitude is not favored by others, he can still absorb inner alchemy and accumulate Yuan Lingli to obtain his own strength. The desired technique.

Guo Mu is an ordinary person now, but as long as he is given enough time, he will surely soar into the sky.

Although Guo Liyu is a martial arts genius, it is only because of his limited experience that his vision is only at the level of ordinary people.He has never even come into contact with a martial artist, let alone a celestial warrior or a person who cultivates the Tao.

His goal is only to become a martial artist, while Guo Mu's goal has always been to advertise himself as a cultivator.


In an instant, Guo Luyu rushed to Guo Mu's side, and he used all his strength in this move.Under the ring, there was a burst of exclamation, and the newcomers were dumbfounded, this guy is really too fast.The distance of seven or eight steps only took a second!

In the crowd, Liuying's expression suddenly became tense, and when she grabbed Junior Sister's hand, she suddenly added a little more strength, her fingernails tightened into Junior Sister's flesh, the pain made Junior Sister quickly throw away her hand, and her eyes were full of suspicion stared at her.

Liuying didn't seem to realize it, her gaze was firmly fixed on the figure on the stage.

At the same time, on the other side, the old head suddenly turned his gaze to a person. This person was dressed in white and was about forty years old. He looked handsome, but there was a fierce look between his brows.This person is Guo Luyu's master, Bing Tian.

Bing Tian looked at his disciple's performance on the ring with no expression on his face, as if he didn't care at all, but the old master keenly caught the smug look in Bing Tian's eyes.

The old head frowned, obviously guessed that Bingtian taught Guo Wangyu the secret of mind.

But the old head didn't intend to tell the truth, because this kind of matter should not be brought up to the public, as it would affect the unity within Wangjianmen.

Besides... there is no evidence to prove that Bingtian really taught Guo Huayu a different way of thinking.Guo Liyu himself is a martial arts genius, which can be concealed by his talent, and the old head has no other way to tell whether Guo Liyu has learned the mind.

Just look at the speed?What does this mean...

Although I was unhappy with Bing Tian's behavior, at this moment, it was impossible to stop the two fighting in the arena, so I could only let nature take its course.

If Guo Mu was defeated by Guo Lianyu, that would be reasonable. At that time, the old head will also take care of Guo Mu.Because in the eyes of the old head, even a martial arts genius with a bad heart cannot become a great weapon.

And Guo Mu, although his aptitude is a bit clumsy, but he can step down a group of geniuses with his own diligence. This is the real talent that can be cultivated.

Of course, in order to look forward to the development of Jianmen, Guo Liyu, a martial arts genius, cannot be let go by the old head.

As a subsidiary sect of Shuyang Sect, Wangjianmen has gradually weakened. A rare martial arts genius like Guo Luyu must be cultivated, trained as a martial artist, and then sent to Shuyang Sect.

As for whether Guo Huayu's mind is upright or not after entering Shuyang Sect, that has nothing to do with Wangjianmen.

It has to be said that Guo Muyu's sudden speed was completely unexpected by Guo Mu.He was also stunned for a moment, but he quickly recovered and sneered.

Although Guo Liyu had practiced special mental techniques in advance, for Guo Mu whose five senses had been strengthened by Yuan Lingli, it was not worth exposing at all.

In Guo Mu's eyes, Guo Liyu's speed... is really too slow!
"Looking for death..." Guo Mu snorted coldly in his heart, and immediately shot out, grabbing Guo Liyu's hand that was reaching towards his waist.Guo Luyu originally wanted to quickly snatch the long wooden sword from Guo Mu's waist, but he didn't expect that Guo Mu's speed was actually faster than him.

Guo Luyu was startled and hurriedly flung it away, but he didn't expect Guo Mu's strength to be so strong, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake it off.

Gritting his teeth, Guo Luyu quickly drew out the short wooden sword with his other hand, and stabbed at Guo Mu's dantian in reverse rotation.However, Guo Mu's reaction was still extremely fast. The moment the short wooden sword stabbed, he turned sideways to avoid Guo Luyu's attack.

"This guy is not simple!" At this moment, Guo Luyu really realized clearly that Guo Mu was not as simple as he imagined, he underestimated the enemy too much!
Suddenly, Guo Wangyu felt a sense of crisis in his heart.He made a quick decision, bent down suddenly, and his body hit the ground, a little painful.However, it was precisely because of this subconscious behavior that he escaped Guo Mu's attack.

Guo Mu was a little surprised that the counterattack failed, but he didn't stop, but quickly raised his legs and knelt down on Guo Liyu.

Up until now, the competition between the two is no longer Wangjianmen's basic swordsmanship, but boxing skills.Guo Mu's speed was so fast that Guo Fuyu didn't even have time to react, he felt a violent blow to his back, and the internal organs in his body were in turmoil instantly.

At that moment, Guo Luyu seemed to have returned to his childhood when he was surrounded and beaten by many hooligans.Guo Liyu felt a strong sense of fear in his heart.

That feeling is like hovering between life and death.

Guo Liyu was afraid of this feeling, and also very disgusted with it.In an instant, he didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know where the power came from, which made him stand up suddenly, forcing Guo Mu to let go of the suppression.

After standing up unsteadily, Guo Liyu glared fiercely at Guo Mu in front of him.

From the eyes of the former, Guo Mu seemed to see another side of himself, stubborn, unwilling to admit defeat, desperate... He was silent for a while, hesitating for some reason, and did not take the opportunity to launch an attack.

Guo Huayu's breathing gradually stabilized, and the severe pain in his body gradually disappeared.


"Sure enough, it's very powerful..." Guo Liyu stretched out his thumb, pointed at Guo Mu and said, "As expected, he deserves to be a 'martial arts madman'..."

Guo Mu looked at him calmly and didn't answer.

"From now on, I really, will regard you as an opponent. One day, I will make you pay a painful price!"

Guo Mu seemed a little bored with Guo Luyu's threat: "Are you annoying? Why did I provoke you? Do you want to trouble me all day long?"

Guo falsely said: "You are very powerful, you are blocking my way."

Guo Mu heard the meaning of Guo Huayu's words, and couldn't help being slightly shocked by the latter's ambition.However, this does not mean that he will compromise. Besides, Guo Mu is not without ambition.

His ambition is aimed at the future path of cultivation.

But the ambition of this guy in front of him is excessively focused on power and force.

This guy only wants to be the strongest, and once someone stands in front of him and prevents him from moving forward, then he will get rid of this person.

From the current point of view, Guo Mu is the one who stands in the way of his future.

But the problem is, Guo Mu is not someone who backs down easily...

"Since you've made up your mind, don't talk too much, come on, let me see how good you are?"

Guo Mu put on a stance, ready to fight Guo Luyu again.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to Guo Mu... Guo Liyu suddenly turned around, faced the crowd, and said, "I lost."

Under the arena, everyone looked at each other, as if they didn't understand the situation.

"I lost..." Guo Luyu said again.

Even Guo Mu, who only realized it at this time, Guo Liyu actually conceded defeat!This guy, who looked fierce just now, immediately surrendered in the blink of an eye!
This city is really deep, and it can really bear it!

Guo Mu shuddered instantly.

He now completely believes what Guo Liyu said just now, if he is to be regarded as an opponent, and one day in the future, he will have to pay a painful price.

This person cannot be underestimated.

Guo Mu speculated that his kick just now must have temporarily made Guo Liyu lose his ability to attack, so he gave up decisively and took the initiative to admit defeat.This person is so decisive, in the future, he will be a strong enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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