Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 201 Mutation

Chapter 201 Mutation
The hierarchy system in the martial arts sect is so strict, if you have the strength and potential, then you can obtain the honorable status.You have no strength and no potential, so sorry, you can only become the bottom of the existence.

The existence of ordinary disciples is to collect resources for the core disciples, provide help, and deal with the sundries of the sect. Only the existence of core disciples can lead a sect to prosperity.

Guo Mu finally had time, and slowly watered the slightly decayed flower seedlings in the flower garden.Beside him, Liu Ying has been standing quietly, watching Guo Mu scoop water, water the flowers, every move.

"I've been meaning to ask you."

Guo Mu stopped his movements, tilted his ears, and said lightly, "What's wrong, Senior Sister Liuying?"

"Why, you practice martial arts so desperately? I didn't know before that you not only practiced martial arts during the day, but also practiced at night. You even took time out to look after these flowers..." Liuying said, her eyes sparkled.

Guo Mu smiled nonchalantly: "That's not considered desperate..." In terms of desperate, he was really desperate when he was fighting the myriad-legged water beast or climbing on the cliff.What's more, he didn't feel exhausted at all during his martial arts practice, and he really couldn't talk about desperately.

Liuying shook her head: "You are still young, so tired, it's not good for your health, hey, it's all my fault, if I had known earlier, I should have taken care of these flowers for you..."

For some reason, when he heard these words, Guo Mu's heart skipped a beat. He didn't understand what kind of feeling it was.In an instant, his face began to turn red.

He mumbled, "Uh...thank you, Senior Sister Liuying, but I really didn't work so hard..."

In an instant, Senior Sister Liuying raised her eyebrows, her gentle and calm expression suddenly changed, and she reprimanded unceremoniously: "What! You are still arguing, you can't do this in the future, you have to take care of your body, you can't succeed in martial arts just by working hard Yes, you must have a plan, take your time, hear me!"

Guo Mu was stunned, he didn't expect that Senior Sister Liuying would get angry because of this matter, although in fact, he really didn't go all out.

Although Liu Ying's words were a bit heavy, but for some reason, Guo Mu felt warm in his heart.

"Yes, Senior Sister Liuying, I will pay attention next time..." Guo Mu nodded.

When Liuying heard Guo Mu's response, she suddenly came back to her senses, and her pretty face turned red.She didn't know what happened to her just now, why she suddenly got angry, she was not like this before, she had never been like this before, what is going on?
The more Liuying thought about it, the more ashamed she became, but in an instant, another figure appeared in her mind, she was stunned for a moment, and immediately shook her head violently, throwing out the random thoughts just now.

"I... I'll go first..."

The warmth in Guo Mu's heart has not completely dissipated, but he heard Liu Ying say that he was going to leave, he came back to his senses, and was about to say something, but saw Liu Ying's back slowly going away.That back is really beautiful...

Guo Mu was stunned, thinking, what's wrong with him...why would he pay attention to these things?
Like a firefly, he shook his head violently, and put aside these disturbing thoughts, Guo Mucai turned around slowly, and continued to water the flowers in the garden.


Now that he has become a core disciple and has chosen the mind method, Guo Mu's main task in the next step is to comprehend the mind method and learn entry-level swordsmanship from Guangwu.

There is no rush to practice this kind of swordsmanship and mentality.During the three-month period for newcomers, the intensive training is mainly on the body.

As time passed day by day, Guo Mu gradually adapted to the slowing down of life.During the day, he practiced sword skills, and at night, he continued to absorb inner alchemy.In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, during which Guo Mu fused Yuan Lingli for the third time.

The result of feeding the "strange book" also made Guo Mu very happy. After the third Yuan Lingli was sucked out, Guo Mu found that the frequency of the "strange book" had indeed slowed down again.

After some more observation, Guo Mu came to a conclusion that as long as he fed such a large amount of Yuan Lingli for the third time, the rotation of the "strange book" would stop, and the mysterious cultivation technique he had always wanted would be ready to come out.

Thinking of this, Guo Mu was full of energy, and even during the day, he found time to absorb the inner alchemy.

Regarding the cultivation of the mind method, Guo Mu has never taken it to heart, but his master Guangwu seems to be very concerned about the progress of his mind method, and comes to ask him from time to time. Shaking his head, he sighed, "Aptitude is really important."

But after flipping through Guo Mu's elementary mind book, he said again: "Could it be that I chose the wrong mind book, no, I have to go and replace it for you."

Then Guangwu hurried to the Cangjing Pavilion, and came over with another idea, letting Guo Mu try it.Of course Guo Mu wouldn't try it, but he wouldn't tell Guangwu why he didn't try it.

However, Guangwu treated him so attentively, which made Guo Mu feel warm in his heart, just like last time when he was reprimanded by senior sister Liuying in front of the flower garden, his heart was full of warmth.

Is this feeling the so-called feeling of being cared for?
Since childhood, Guo Mu's heart has been like a desert. This desert was brought by his closest relatives.Guo Yinger is the only source of warmth in his heart.

And after coming to Wushuang Realm, the warmth in Guo Mu's heart also increased.For example, Third Young Master Feng, Guangwu, Senior Sister Liuying, and even Qingxin who didn't say a few words.

Although these people were not deeply engraved in Guo Mu's heart like Guo Yinger, they more or less made Guo Mu feel a different side of the world.

By the way, there is also the blue ghost, although this guy always talks nonsense and never shows up at critical moments.

But thanks to him, Guo Mu was able to get in touch with the cultivation methods of various powers, and he was also able to see the hope of his future life.

Although Guo Mu never said it, in his heart, he was actually very grateful to these people.

If he becomes strong, and these people encounter any danger, he can help them, and he will definitely take action to fulfill his wish.

Guo Mu is such a person.

Two months later, Guo Mu tried many sets of mental methods, but none of them worked. Guangwu had to give up looking for mental methods for Guo Mu.Regarding this point, Guangwu felt quite helpless, without the cooperation of the mind, no matter how skillful the sword technique was, it would not be able to exert its due lethality.

In the end, Guangwu could only comfort Guo Mu, that hard work can make up for one's weakness, no matter how hard one works, one day one day one day one's luck will come, one will suddenly be enlightened...

Although, this possibility is slim.


Day by day, Guo Mu has accumulated a sufficient amount of Yuan Lingli. He estimates that this time he will be able to open the mysterious exercise in the sea of ​​consciousness, so he plans to find a time to make a good impact.

But at this critical moment, Senior Brother Tian suddenly came back.

The way Senior Brother Tian came back shocked everyone in Wangjianmen.

Because he didn't walk back, nor did he come back by himself, but was carried back.Brother Tian who was carried back fell into a coma.There were scars all over his body, his clothes were in tatters, and he was still mumbling about something in a daze.

Brother Tian came back like this, which shocked everyone.The old master touched Senior Brother Tantian's forehead, only to find out that Senior Brother Tiantian was not only unconscious, but also had a high fever.

I don't know how long the burn lasted, but without further delay, the old head quickly ordered the elders in the door who knew medical skills to be responsible for the treatment.During the elder's treatment, the old head asked those who sent Senior Brother Tian back, but he didn't get any useful information at all.

It turned out that Senior Brother Tian was seriously injured and came to the vicinity of Guanyin City.

After that, he couldn't hold on anymore and fell unconscious on the side of the road. Fortunately, someone who knew him passed by and sent him back to Wangwangjianmen.It's not surprising that someone knows him, after all, Wangjianmen is also very famous in Guanyin City, and in the past, Brother Tian was also a very famous young genius in Wangjianmen.

Within a hundred miles, who doesn't know the proud genius Yue Tian, ​​who doesn't know that Yue Tian lives decadently for a woman.

What's more, Senior Brother Tian's father is also a wealthy local tyrant in Guanyin City, so it's not surprising that the locals of Guanyin City know Senior Brother Tian's appearance.

Since it was useless to ask, and they couldn't find any useful information, then the old head let those people go back.


And next, what the old head has to do is to hold an internal meeting immediately, discuss with the elders, and speculate on what may happen to Senior Brother Tian.

At the top and bottom of the Wangjian Gate, when people were panicking about Senior Brother Tian, ​​in a certain wing room, Liu Ying was sitting by the bed with red eyes, and the person lying on the bed was Senior Brother Tian who had been seriously injured.

Brother Sky's fever has been on the decline, but he still hasn't woken up.

At this moment, he was lying quietly on the bed, and Liuying was sitting next to him, silently guarding him, shedding sad tears from time to time.

"Brother Tian, ​​what happened to you outside, and how did you become like this?"

"Brother Tian, ​​why haven't you woke up..."

"Senior Brother Sky, have you found Senior Sister Mochizuki?"

Liuying's heart was in a state of confusion, she whispered, as if she was telling her long-standing lovesickness and affection.But the most important person in her heart is now lying in front of him like a dead body.

(End of this chapter)

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