Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 202 Heaven and Earth Art

Chapter 202 Heaven and Earth Art
Suddenly, a person entered the door.Liuying raised her head, hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, then quickly got up and forced a smile: "Junior Brother Guo Mu, you're here..."

Guo Mu silently watched the latter make a series of frantic movements, without interrupting or laughing, just nodded quietly.

"Are you OK?"

Liu Ying froze for a moment, then hurriedly shook her head, she turned her face away, not wanting Guo Mu to see her tears.In general, girls are like this, and they don't want to be seen as vulnerable.

Guo Mu said again: "Where's Senior Brother Tian, ​​hasn't he woke up yet?"

Liuying hummed, her voice choked with sobs.

Guo Mu was also a little sad. Originally, in the past few months, he thought of watering and raising flowers for Senior Brother Tian for nothing.Even if it doesn't do any good, it's fine to scold the latter well.

But... What he didn't expect was that Senior Brother Tian had indeed returned, but he couldn't even utter a single curse word.

When I left, how nice it was, alive and kicking.

Now that I am back, I have become like this, the world is making fun of people...

At this moment, what Guo Mu most wanted to know was what happened to Senior Brother Tian.However, Senior Brother Tian has not woken up yet, so it is impossible for anyone to know.

The moment he entered the door, seeing Senior Sister Liuying crying for Brother Tian, ​​Guo Mu finally understood why Senior Sister Liuying often appeared near that flower garden.

It turned out that Senior Sister Liuying actually liked Senior Brother Tian.Just like Third Young Master Feng, who likes Zhou Yaer, just like Senior Brother Tian, ​​who likes the legendary Senior Sister Mochizuki.

What is love?
Guo Mu felt like he couldn't figure it out at all, but in fact, he really couldn't figure it out.Because he has never experienced this feeling called love.

In his heart, there are three women, one is Guo Yinger, one is Qingxin, and the other is Liuying.

For Guo Yinger, he has the deepest feeling, because it is the feeling he has accumulated since he was a child, and he is very sincere.However, his love for Guo Yinger should not be the so-called love, but just want to take care of this sister and protect her.

Just treat it like... a sister.

As for Qingxin, it was a little weird, a weirdness that he couldn't understand.Because he and Qingxin are not familiar, just seeing each other for the first time, suddenly it was as if the door of his heart had been knocked open.That feeling was very wonderful. At that moment, Guo Mu felt that this woman he just met seemed as close as Guo Yinger.

Can this feeling be classified as love?

Guo Mu wasn't sure, he also thought, was it the unique attraction of Tianwu practitioners that captivated his mind?Guo Mu had heard similar sayings before, for example, when Yuanxiu reached the level of Yuanhun Emperor, the magnetic field around him would change naturally, making everyone around him feel comfortable and kind.

Is Qingxin such a strong person, has she been deceived?
As for the last sister Liuying, she definitely cannot be classified as love.If Guo Yinger feels to Guo Mu as a little sister, then Senior Sister Liuying feels to Guo Mu as a trustworthy older sister.

Guo Mu, who didn't have much family experience, thought he would never have this kind of feeling, but he didn't expect that he would experience it once in the end.

The moment Liu Ying shed tears for Senior Brother Tian, ​​Guo Mu didn't feel jealous because of it, but felt a little distressed.

But he doesn't say it.

She just stood quietly beside the bed, beside Liuying, looking at the face of Liuying's favorite person who was sleeping.

"Brother Sky will definitely get better, sister, you don't have to worry..."

"Mmm...thank you, Junior Brother." Liu Ying looked at Guo Mu gratefully.

Guo Mu shook his head: "You don't need to thank me, I didn't do anything... But, Senior Sister, you should go back to bed first, I heard that you have been here for a whole day, go and rest, don't be exhausted."

Liuying's face was a bit haggard, and Guo Mu couldn't bear it when he saw it.

Liuying smiled faintly and said, "No, I want to spend more time with Senior Brother Tian. I don't worry if he hasn't woken up."

Hearing what Liu Ying said, what could Guo Mu do?He nodded, no longer discouraged.

At this moment, the blue ghost's voice suddenly sounded in Guo Mu's body: "This guy, his soul has been damaged and he wants to wake up? Even if he starves to death, he may not be able to open his eyes..."

When Guo Mu heard this, he knew that the blue ghost must have a solution, otherwise he wouldn't have jumped out suddenly to show off his profound knowledge.

Guo Mu still has a good impression of Brother Sky, so if he can save the former, then Guo Mu is also willing to save him.

He hurriedly asked: "What is a damaged soul, and how can I revive him?"

Sure enough, the guess was right. After Guo Mu asked this question, Lan Gui's voice suddenly raised a tone, a bit arrogant.

"The soul is damaged, you should be very clear about this. You were under my suppression before, and you were regarded as a damaged soul by others... If the soul is damaged, it is easy to become an idiot, or lose some of your cultivation. Ability... Some people are born with a broken soul, and some people, like this friend of yours, were forcibly severed by other people..."

"If the soul is cut off, can a person still live?"

"In terms of severity, of course the serious ones will die on the spot, but the light ones can persist for a month or two. Your friend is relatively light, and he will not die immediately... However, judging from the current situation, he is also I won't live long! Unless..." Lan Gui said.

As soon as Guo Mu heard that there seemed to be some play, he hurriedly asked, "Unless what?"

"Unless someone can mend his soul..."

Guo Mu was silent, he was thinking about what Lan Gui's words meant.

The blue ghost continued: "At present, there is only one person who can do this!"

Guo Mu was puzzled: "You?"

The blue ghost shook his head and said, "It's not me, it's you!"

"Me?" Guo Mu was very surprised, "I don't know how to repair the soul, don't you know? You want to teach me?"

Blue Ghost shook his head again: "I don't know..."

At this time, Guo Mu really wanted to chop the blue ghost into pieces, because he felt that the latter seemed to be playing tricks on him deliberately.

"Then what are you talking about!" Guo Mu was very depressed.

The blue ghost said: "Why are you so impatient, let me finish my words first! I really don't know the specific method, but I guess, in the mysterious exercise in your consciousness, you can find a way to save you. A friend's way."

Guo Muchu was overjoyed when he heard it, but it didn't feel right when he thought about it again: "How did you guess it? What if you didn't guess right?"

"I can't do anything if I don't guess correctly, but if you want me to say, there is only one way to save your friend, and that is to open the mysterious exercise in your sea of ​​consciousness as soon as possible, because this exercise is based on Yuan Lingli. Basically, Yuan Lingli itself has the effect of nourishing the body and soul, and after opening that set of exercises, you can better control Yuan Lingli. Only in this way can it be possible to save your friend!"

That's it, Guo Mu nodded, and his soul returned to his body.

Liuying was still standing by the bed, looking at Senior Brother Tian with a sad face, Guo Mu saw it, and thought to himself, "I must activate the exercises as soon as possible, and then wake Senior Brother Tian!"

In order to wake up Senior Brother Tian, ​​Guo Mu decided to attack the mysterious "strange book" this evening.He has already healed enough Yuan Lingli, and everything is ready, the only thing he owes is Dongfeng.What is Dongfeng is the right time.

At night, the moon was dark and the wind was high. Looking up and down the Jianmen Gate, except for the gatekeepers who were patrolling and guarding, everyone else had already fallen asleep.

Guo Mu was sitting cross-legged in a woodshed or something.

In fact, he didn't know at all whether he could really wake up Senior Brother Tian with that set of so-called mysterious exercises.What the blue ghost said was ambiguous, maybe it could, maybe it couldn't.And senior brother Tian, ​​if he can't be rescued, then there is only one end, that is death!
Senior Sister Liuying's dejected expression appeared in Guo Mu's mind, and for some reason, he was inexplicably pulled.

He closed his eyes, and then circulated Yuan Lingli silently, his mind completely calm.Originally, he wanted to go to the creek to complete all this, but because of the injury of Senior Brother Tian, ​​the atmosphere at Wangjianmen suddenly became tense recently.The old head ordered that all disciples in the sect are not allowed to go out for the time being.

As for the location of the creek, doormen began to take turns guarding it.

There is no other way, Guo Mu can only choose to break through in the firewood room. Fortunately, since the firewood room has become his famous martial arts training place, the number of people who come to visit has gradually decreased. Now it is almost night, and no one will pay attention What did he do in the woodshed, because he was used to it.

Even Senior Brother Baihe, after the three-month training period for new recruits, gradually reduced the number of times he came to the firewood room to sneak attacks.

That's why Guo Mu chose to make a breakthrough in the firewood room. Of course, the more reason was that time was running out. In order to save Brother Tian, ​​he had to choose to make a breakthrough as soon as possible.

After confirming that the control was correct, Guo Mu shrank his soul in the sea of ​​consciousness again, and the huge "strange book" was spinning extremely slowly in front of him.Guo Mu took a deep breath. For this moment, he waited for a long time and spent nearly half a year, but now he is in a realm that can't even be called a warrior.

Many of his newcomers have already become warriors.

The boundary between warriors and ordinary people lies in whether they have enlightened their minds.

Guo Mu has never tried to comprehend the mind, so compared with many newcomers, there is already a big gap in his realm.Because he was once the champion of the rookie martial arts competition, Guo Mu has always received a lot of attention since then.

(End of this chapter)

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