Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 204 Brother Bai 1

Chapter 204 Brother Bai 1
Come fast, go fast.

Guo Mu opened his eyes, only to see the blue ghost floating on one side, with a calm expression on his face.And above the sea of ​​consciousness, the "strange book" is still open, but the third page, which was full of small print just now, has become completely blank.

What happened!Guo Mu's eyes widened in shock.

"Page four, page four!" Guo Mu thought, wanting to turn to the next page of the "strange book".But only then did he realize that the pages of this "strange book" could not be turned.Guo Mu was horrified, thinking what was going on, couldn't he open it just now...

Seeing his anxious appearance, the blue ghost thought it was funny, and said: "Enough is enough, what are you excited about, the fourth page needs to be fed with Yuan Lingli before it can be opened. Besides, your basic skills on the third page I haven’t even practiced the method, so what are you doing in a hurry to open the fourth page, you won’t be able to learn it if you open it, it’s useless at all!”

It turned out to be the case, Guo Mu heaved a sigh of relief, but... what the blue ghost said, what happened to the basic exercises on the third page? Didn’t there be words on the third page just now? Why did it turn blank again? up.

Just as he was thinking about it, a paragraph of words suddenly popped up in his mind, which was exactly the small font he had seen on the third page of the book.

Immediately, Guo Mu understood that those fonts had all been transferred to his soul.

what's going on……

Guo Mu felt extremely headache.

"What's going on, Blue Ghost?" Guo Mu asked Blue Ghost.

The blue ghost sneered: "Didn't you recognize the master with a drop of blood? Naturally, those exercises can only be owned by you alone. You only need to open one page, and all the exercises on that page will be drilled into your soul. In this world, apart from you, there will be no one else who can obtain this set of exercises."

Guo Mu's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed: "Really, that's good, I like it!"

The blue ghost still sneered: "Yes, it's very good, but from now on, you can only comprehend this set of exercises by yourself, and I can't help you. In this world, no one can help you. Any cultivator has experience in this area. Everything...you can only rely on yourself!"

Guo Mu was stunned, he was not stupid, of course he knew what Lan Gui's words meant.

What Lan Gui meant was that if he learns this set of exercises, no matter what doubts he may have in the future, no one will be able to answer them. The path he takes is completely different from that of the world.No one can know what difficulties will be encountered and what achievements will be achieved in the end.

If there is a dilemma, he can only solve it by himself.

No one can provide him with experience and help.

But Guo Mu is not afraid, since he has reached this point, he will persevere.His character was originally to break the south wall and not look back.

Even if there is no help from anyone, even if no one understands, even if it is the enemy of the whole world, as long as Guo Mu decides, as long as Guo Mu chooses.

He will go on unswervingly.

"I'm going to practice! I have to learn as soon as possible to save Senior Brother Tian!" Guo Mu said.

At this time, the blue ghost suddenly said: "Yeah, don't forget, you haven't answered my question yet!"

Guo Mu was surprised: "What's the problem?"

The blue ghost opened his eyes angrily: "You still pretend to say it! In this world, who else can be more stupid than you?"

Guo Mu chuckled: "So you care about this issue very much!"

"Stop talking nonsense, speak quickly!"

"It's you! Hahahaha..."


Guo Mu returned to his body, while the blue ghost was so angry that he jumped up and down in Guo Mu's sea of ​​consciousness.


When Guo Mu opened his eyes, it was actually not long before dawn, and there was already a faint light on the mountainside in the distance.He left the firewood room and returned to the wing room where he was resting.

In fact, Guo Mu's spirit is very good. Ever since he cultivated and fused a large amount of Yuan Lingli, Guo Mu's state has been very good.This kind of goodness is often reflected in not being tired from working, and not getting tired without sleeping all night.

Regarding this point, Guo Mu specifically asked Lan Gui, but Lan Gui told him that in fact, there is no need to care about this situation at all, because Yuan Lingli is originally a synthesis of heaven and earth spirit energy and human soul power, which can bring Human vitality is also normal.

In fact, after a practitioner reaches a certain level, bigu will also occur. This does not hurt the body, but represents a kind of improvement of the level.

This is a good thing, not a bad thing.

After figuring this out, Guo Mu stopped being entangled.

It's better not to be tired, and you can have more time to do more things.Now Guo Mu's fatigue cycle usually lasts for nearly half a month before taking half a day's rest.


Guo Mu's going to rest now is just a cover-up.

In the morning, Guo Mu visited Senior Brother Tian again.As expected, Senior Sister Liuying was still there, frowning and haggard, not like that beautiful and elegant woman that Guo Mu saw by the flower garden before.She didn't know how long she hadn't groomed herself, and her hair was a little disheveled.

Guo Mu said: "Senior Sister Liuying, you go to eat first, you look too haggard now, if Senior Brother Tian wakes up, he will feel very sad when he sees you doing this for him..."

Liuying had been staring at Senior Brother Tian's face before, and didn't notice Guo Mu coming in. When she heard Guo Mu's voice suddenly sounded, she woke up suddenly.

She let out an ah, then turned her eyes to Guo Mu, then hurriedly looked away, and said, "Then I'll clean it up, I don't want Senior Brother Tian to see me like this!"

After Liu Ying left, Guo Mu stood beside Senior Brother Tian's bed, looked at the latter, and slowly frowned: "Senior Brother Tian, ​​don't worry, I will definitely wake you up!"

Brother Tian was lying on the bed with a calm face. Although the high fever had subsided, he still did not open his eyes.Others thought that he was only in a temporary coma, but Guo Mu knew that Senior Brother Tian was not far from death.

For ordinary creatures, if the soul is damaged, it is basically equivalent to a death sentence.


Knowing that Senior Brother Tian might not last long, Guo Mu stepped up his cultivation these days.

The small exercises on the third page were turned into countless small characters, which kept turning back and forth in Guo Mu's heart.Guo Mu kept staring at each small character, trying to guess their meaning, and experience their functions at close range the moment they appeared.

Slowly, some fonts communicated with Guo Mu's soul, and after that, Guo Mu gradually understood the meaning of these fonts.

It turns out that these fonts are just the entry-level basic exercises of the first volume of the Heaven and Earth Jue, "Dust Delusion". They are mainly about the control of Yuan Lingli and the points that need to be paid attention to when practicing this exercise.

One of them is the most critical, which is that it mentions that "Yuan Lingli, because it is born between the soul and the heaven and the earth, so the Yuan Lingli can actually repair the soul!"

When he saw this message for the first time, Guo Mu suddenly became excited. It turned out that this is the case, then Brother Tian seems to be saved!Looking at it further, Guo Mu was even more convinced that as long as Yuan Lingli was well controlled, it could be used to repair the soul.

Next, Guo Mu couldn't wait to put himself into the practice of controlling Yuan Lingli.


In the main courtyard, the old head was walking side by side with a hunchbacked elder.

"Elder Zuo, what do you think their purpose is?" The old master glanced at the hunchbacked elder and asked softly.

The hunchbacked Elder Zuo shook his head slightly, and said, "I can't figure out why they wanted to save that man from Houshan... That man was personally ordered by the master of the Shuyang Sect to be imprisoned. What is his identity? The attention of the power?"

The old master sighed: "Our Wangjian Sect was not considered a powerful sect, but now being paid attention by all the sects, it is like a little lamb among tigers and wolves..."

"Lamb is too self-deprecating. After all, there is Shuyangzong behind us now. If they want to move us, they still have to weigh it..." Elder Zuo said calmly.

The old head nodded: "Then tell me, is it possible that those people did what happened to the sky this time?"

Elder Zuo heard the old master's question, bowed his head and thought for a moment, then said: "I suspect that they didn't do it... They are just some small sects, and they definitely can't use such weird tricks..."

"What trick?" The old head frowned. Although he was the head of a school, the elder Zuo in front of him had a bigger background. It was normal to know some things that the old head didn't.

Facing the old head's question, Elder Zuo sneered coldly: "Looking at the injury of that baby in the sky, I knew that he must have been hit by the Soul Eater technique!"

As soon as the words "Soul Devourer" came out, the old master's usually calm face changed instantly, and fear was written on his old face: "Elder Zuo..."

"did you mean……"

"The sky was not injured by ordinary people, but by the legendary..."

The old head took a deep breath and spit out two words: "Demon Sect?"

Elder Zuo watched him calmly and nodded.

"Only the legendary Demon Sect has such a strange skill as Soul Eater. I don't know how the sky provoked them..." Elder Zuo closed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

"Elder Zuo, you have seen a lot. Do you know that the Demon Sect was almost wiped out by the Righteous Sect 20 years ago. It is said that the remaining members of the Demon Sect have long fled to the Western Regions. This time, they reappeared. What are you doing?" the old master asked.

(End of this chapter)

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