Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 205 Brother Bai 2

Chapter 205 Brother Bai 2
"Hmph, people in the devil's way suddenly appeared, what can they do? Naturally, they want to stir up storms and disrupt our peaceful life..." Elder Zuo snorted coldly, looking at his posture, he didn't give the old master any face at all.

The old head didn't mind the former's tone, he just paused, and said again: "Create a storm? Now, although the war in the country has just ended and the people are in panic, there has never been any turmoil or conflict in the three major sects of our martial arts world. How can the people in the Demon Sect make trouble... The combination of the three major sects, even the Demon Sect, which was so powerful at the beginning, can only end up being burned, let alone the current Demon Sect, which has already declined. Not much more than Tianhe Gate..."

After hearing what the old sect master said, Elder Zuo just shook his head slowly: "That's wrong. The strength of a sect has never been reflected by the number of people. In the past, the number of demon sects was only five hundred. However, it takes the three major sects to unite to suppress it... You should understand what this means!"

The old master swallowed his saliva, and said: "The members of the Demon Sect, are they so powerful? The three sects, the lowest realm, are all martial artists!"

"Hmph... Even if there are only one or two people from the Demon Sect, they can destroy our Wangjian Sect, do you understand..." Elder Zuo said surprisingly.

The old master was dumbfounded.

Elder Zuo continued: "I'm very curious, why the sky met the people from the Demon Sect, and the people from the Demon Sect generally focus on killing. If the sky confronts them, they will definitely die. The people in the door want to let him live? But if it is said that the sky was not injured by the people in the magic door, it does not make sense, because only the people in the magic door can eat souls!"

After Elder Zuo finished speaking, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and he said suddenly: "By the way, I suddenly thought of why the magic gate suddenly appeared!"

The old master asked: "Why?"

"Have you heard, about the matter of Mu Yougu..." Elder Zuo's voice suddenly fell very low, as if he spoke carefully, for fear of being heard by other people, as if he were a thief.

The old head shook his head, he had never heard of the name Mu Yougu.Seeing him shaking his head, Elder Zuo suddenly came to his senses and slapped his head: "Almost forgot, you haven't been to that place, so naturally you don't know about the existence of Muyou Valley. Anyway, count me as a slip of the tongue, don't mention it."

After finishing speaking, Elder Zuo left with his hands behind his back.

The old master stared at the back of the former with a confused look on his face: "What is Muyou Valley, and where is it...why have I never heard of it?"

After thinking about it, the old master thought of the identity of Elder Zuo again, and immediately frowned, thinking, with the status of Elder Zuo, he can naturally come into contact with some mysterious and mysterious places, and it is really normal to know more than him .

Speaking of which, the old head doesn't know what the true identity of Elder Zuo is.When Elder Zuo came to Wangjianmen, he came down as a member of the Shuyang Sect, but in the later contacts, the old head always felt that Elder Zuo didn't look like a member of the Shuyang Sect, and his behavior style was weird everywhere. .And the others, who came down at the same time as Elder Zuo, also admitted frankly that they had never heard of such a number one figure as Elder Zuo in the Shuyang Sect.

Elder Zuo, who is it?

no one knows.

Of course, the old sect leader also doubted whether Elder Zuo belonged to the Shuyang Sect, and sent someone to ask above, and the answer he got was that Elder Zuo was indeed a member of the Shuyang Sect.Later, the old master thought that Wangjianmen was just a small sect, and there should be no place for it. It was worthwhile for someone like Elder Zuo to sneak in and pretend to be special.

Therefore, the old headmaster no longer doubted Elder Zuo anymore, and now that several years have passed, Elder Zuo's actions have not done any harm to Wangjianmen, so the old headmaster has gradually become less inquisitive.

However, just now, Elder Zuo suddenly mentioned a place he didn't know, that is, the "Valley of Mu".

The old master suddenly realized that he had never known Elder Zuo at all.

When Elder Zuo first came to Wangjian Gate, he was just a martial artist. Now that several years have passed, he seems to have become a celestial warrior.However, the old head always felt that Elder Zuo's strength was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

The old head is very confused, who is Elder Zuo?
And what he was even more curious about was... what exactly is the so-called "Muyou Valley" that Elder Zuo said, it sounds very mysterious.

Why do the people in the Demon Sect treat "Mu Yougu"


All in all, no one can answer.

The person who can answer has no idea where he went.


Another three days passed, and the tense atmosphere in Wangjianmen not only did not dissipate, but became more and more intense.The reason was that Senior Brother Tian still hadn't woken up, and he hadn't eaten rice for a few days, and Senior Sister Liuying was feeding the rice soup spoonful by spoonful.After all, rice soup is not a meal, and this is not a long-term solution.

If Senior Brother Tian didn't wake up again, he might starve to death due to coma.

Up and down Wangjianmen, more than 200 people were all concerned about Brother Tian's physical recovery and were very nervous.As for the high-level figures of Wangjianmen like the old master, what they pay attention to is the secrets about the people in the Demon Gate that Senior Brother Tian may tell after he wakes up.

However, no matter what, Senior Brother Tian was still in a coma, and there was no sign of recovery at all.

What happened to him, why he was covered in scars, and why he fell asleep.

Except for the few high-level members of Wangjianmen, no one else knew what might be hidden in it.

Everyone is concerned.


Waiting, I once hoped that the most outstanding and talented disciple of Jianmen would wake up... But they didn't know what to do to wake up Senior Brother Tian, ​​what exactly should I do?

In the room, Senior Brother Tian was still lying on the bed, like a dying person, breathing slowly, but never opening his eyes.Liu Ying sat in front of him, although her makeup was pretty, she couldn't hide the fatigue and worry on her face.

"Senior Brother Tian, ​​what will happen to wake you up..." Liuying sighed softly, then stretched out her hand, and pulled the quilt on Senior Brother Tian up.The simple movements revealed Liu Ying's deep-seated concern for Senior Brother Tian.

It's just Yi Ren's concern, but the man lying on the bed has never been known.

There were still some sword marks on his stern side face, and his eyebrows were tightly closed, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him.

Liu Ying quietly looked at Senior Brother Tian, ​​wondering if she was hurt by the scene, but actually shed tears.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from her ear: "Liu Ying, how is Brother Tian, ​​are you awake?"

Why did this voice sound a bit annoying, Liu Ying frowned, without looking back, she knew who had entered the room.Regarding Liuying's ignorance and indifference, the person who spoke seemed to not care at all.He just walked to the bed on his own, glanced at the face on the bed, he smiled coldly, and then turned to Senior Sister Liuying next to him, but he showed a kind and amiable smile.

"Liuying..." He mentioned something in his hand, "I heard that you haven't eaten well in the past few days, so I went out to hunt wild game, boiled soup for you, and brought it for you to eat, I hope you like it! "

Liuying ignored him, and his body remained motionless.

A trace of displeasure flashed across the man's face, but it disappeared quickly, and he said again: "Liu Ying..."

Liuying suddenly interrupted the man's words: "Brother Bai, please don't call me Liuying, just call me junior sister..."

Liuying didn't like this person calling him by his first name.

The man smiled apologetically: "Okay, Liuying, are you still angry about what happened last time? Okay, I was wrong, I apologize, I admit my mistake, it's okay...don't be angry!"

The man said with a hippie smile: "Eat something, you haven't had a good rest recently, if this continues, don't say you are a martial arts practitioner, even if you are a god, you can't handle it..."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Bai, but I really have no appetite."

Liu Ying's tone remained unchanged, flat and indifferent, the so-called Senior Brother Bai couldn't help being a little embarrassed about the former's performance: "This is my heart..."

Liuying stood up suddenly, staring at Senior Brother Bai calmly with big eyes: "Okay, Senior Brother Bai, you go back, since what happened last time, I think it is no longer suitable for you and me to meet again, I hope you can understand, I'm not such a casual woman..."

Senior Brother Bai's face was a little ugly: "Junior Sister Liuying, you are still angry. Last time, really, really, I didn't do it on purpose. It was all caused by drinking..."

Liuying looked at Senior Brother Bai without saying a word, but a scene of humiliation that made her feel more than ten days ago appeared in her mind: that night, she just wanted to go out for a walk and relax, because she had been thinking about Brother Tian was away from home, so she walked to a place where white-clothed disciples generally lived.

It was here that she met this so-called Senior Brother Bai.

Senior Brother Bai likes her very much, and has pursued her many times, but in Liu Ying's heart, only Senior Brother Tian is in her heart, so she avoids Senior Brother Bai's entanglement again and again.However, it was precisely because of her avoidance, precisely because of her kindness, that she refused decisively, so Senior Brother Bai had been entangled with her all the time.

That night, Senior Brother Bai drank some wine.

(End of this chapter)

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