Chapter 224

And the aura between heaven and earth is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Guo Mu must obtain that method, so that he will not need to have the inner alchemy to maintain his cultivation in the future.


When Guo Mu thought of this, the mysterious prisoner suddenly spoke.

"Hehe, don't mind too much, boy, in fact, you don't have to worry. I'm not interested in your inner alchemy at all. Although the quality is good, this inner alchemy is also a low-level inner alchemy. It's useless to me. I won't I stole it from you..."

"Even if you rob me, can you get it?" Guo Mu suddenly remembered that the so-called mysterious prisoner was a prisoner no matter what.Guo Mu even heard the sound of the iron chain shaking on his body, which meant that although this mysterious prisoner could talk to him, he couldn't move at all.Thinking of this, Guo Mu felt that there was nothing to fear.

His mood was relieved, and he said: "Since you are not interested, then what are you doing with my business..."

The mysterious prisoner didn't seem to be angry at Guo Mu's sarcasm. He just smiled and said, "Don't worry, you really don't need to worry. Let me tell you, boy, as long as I think about it, the iron chain on me will You can't lock me up at all!"

Guo Mu rolled his eyes: "I'll believe it, you said you can't lock it, but isn't it locked now?"


The laughter of the mysterious prisoner came from next door: "Boy, do you really think that this broken lock can lock me? Let me tell you, I can get out anytime I want, not even the two dogs guarding the door." trying to stop me."

"It's not ashamed to speak out, so why don't you go out, but why are you locked here?"

Guo Mu took a look at the surrounding environment. This "small black room" was really dark enough without any light. Whether it was day or night, it was pitch black.Especially in these special cells, it was extremely dark.

After staying here for four or five days, Guo Mucai gradually got used to the environment here.But... when eating, Guo Mu still felt unbearable, because even if he put his eyes very close, he couldn't see the rice and dishes clearly, so he just stuffed them into his mouth casually.

"Because... I don't want to leave." The mysterious prisoner said loudly, snorting softly, as if he wanted to show how much he disdains him.

When he said this, Guo Mu became curious instead.

Sure enough, Guo Mu didn't want to leave this place all the time, but he couldn't leave for the time being, so he could only accept it.But... according to the mysterious prisoner, the mysterious prisoner has the ability to go out at any time, so... why doesn't he go out?

"Why don't you want to leave?" Guo Mu asked curiously.

The mysterious prisoner snorted, and said, "Hey... boy, why don't you tell me, I don't want to leave because I can't leave..."

Guo Mu shook his head: "Since you can pass through a wall and accurately tell what I'm doing here, then I believe you... because I also have the ability to go out, but I don't want to, and I can't feel it. When it comes to what you are doing...Of course, I don't believe it, you really have clairvoyance...I wouldn't believe it even if you were killed."

Guo Mu glanced at the iron fence and thought, if he used the golden gloves, he might squeeze the so-called fine iron and it would be distorted immediately.It's really not difficult for him to escape.

Based on this, he also believed that it would not be difficult for the guy opposite to escape.

After all, the mysterious prisoner could not only guess that he was holding the inner alchemy through the wall, but also the grade of the inner alchemy.

This shows that this mysterious prisoner is also a monk.

And... the realm is not high.


Guo Mu came from the Soul Realm and had seen many practitioners, so his first reaction was to understand that the mysterious prisoner was a cultivator.If Young Master Feng was in the current environment, he might think that he really saw a ghost...

Guo Mu doesn't believe that there are any ghosts in this world. Even ghosts are just another form of practitioners in the Heaven and Earth Art.

The mysterious prisoner seemed very satisfied with Guo Mu's answer.

He said: "That's right, kid, you're right, I really don't have clairvoyant eyes, I can feel your inner alchemy, it's all about spiritual perception."

"What is spiritual perception?"

"You'll find out later."


"Hehe, by the way, there is one more thing you said wrong, that is, even if you can get out of this cell, you will definitely not be able to beat the two dogs outside!"

Guo Mu opened his eyes wide: "Why?"

The mysterious prisoner continued: "Because you are able to absorb inner alchemy and practice cultivation, and you can be regarded as half a cultivator. But... the realm is too low, and the actual combat ability is too weak. The two old dogs outside, since I deal with it It's a bit tricky...Of course, they can't be my opponents...But, if you come, you must not be their opponents, you know, they are under that bitch, and they have experienced many battles..."

"That bitch?" Guo Mu was very puzzled.

Guo Mu admits that he has no actual combat experience, and he has been working hard to change his disadvantage, but he doesn't have much actual combat experience to talk about in Wangjianmen all day long.Guo Mu wondered if he should take this opportunity to leave Wangjian Gate completely, and then go out on his own.But...he didn't want to give up joining Shuyang Sect.

How to do it……

Guo Mu hesitated for a while, but soon realized that no matter whether he chose to leave or stay, it would be a month later.He should adjust his mentality now and get more information about cultivation from the mysterious prisoner next door.After all, this mysterious prisoner is also a cultivator, and it seems that he is still a person who has cultivated to a certain level, otherwise, the air would not be so big.

Regarding Guo Mu's doubts, the mysterious prisoner just snorted coldly: "It's that bitch who imprisoned me here. She thought that without me, she would be able to dominate the Shuyang Sect, but there is always someone One day, she will have to pay for her actions. The elders have always been on my side. She can hide it for a while, but not for a lifetime. When I really go out, I will definitely make her pay for her actions deserved price!"

"Didn't you just say that you can go out if you want? Why do you change your mind now?"

"Boy, you don't understand, now is not the time for me to go out, and that bitch also understands that I can't go out..."

After hearing the answer from the mysterious prisoner, this time it was Guo Mu's turn to be even more puzzled: "Why?"

But the mysterious prisoner didn't seem to want to explain anymore, but asked with great interest: "Hey, boy, I think your strength is mediocre, how could you get a monster inner alchemy? Do you know that this inner alchemy can give You bring benefits, but at the same time, will it bring you much danger?"

Guo Mu was stunned for a moment. He vaguely knew that the inner alchemy of the Myriad-Footed Water Beast was not something cheap, but he didn't know the specific dangers it would bring. At this moment, if someone enlightened him, he naturally wanted it.

Guo Mudao: "I picked it up by luck, what danger do you think... will it bring?"

"Picked it? Then you are really lucky. In Wushuang Continent, it is extremely difficult to get even the lowest quality monster inner pill, but you actually picked it up... You let those who are eager for the monster pill die How can you be so embarrassing guys?"

The mysterious prisoner sighed, and said: "As for the risk of obtaining the demon core, in addition to easily arousing others' covetousness, if you absorb it in an improper way, you may also damage yourself... After all, demons and humans are not the same. Spiritual energy, when it enters the body, will mutate and then form the inner alchemy...We cannot directly absorb the monster inner alchemy..."

Hearing this, Guo Mu was shocked: "Then tell me, what will be the consequences if you absorb it directly?"

The mysterious prisoner chuckled: "I will be a monster..."

Guo Mu frowned: "What do you mean?"

The mysterious prisoner explained: "The inner alchemy of monsters is refined by monsters after all. The aura inside has been mixed with the essence of monsters. It is deeply rooted and difficult to remove. Ordinary cultivators absorb the inner alchemy of monsters. If you don’t pay attention to the method, there may not be any problems at the beginning, but after a long time, it will affect the mind..."

"In the end, when your character is affected by the essence of the monster, you are likely to fall into the devil's way..."

"After all, shemale has been a different way since ancient times."

Guo Mu slowly sat on the bed and fell into deep thought. He didn't quite understand what the mysterious prisoner said about "the difference between monsters and monsters". "Descent into Magic" is much more interesting.

He didn't know what the so-called "magic way" meant or what it represented, but hearing the tone of the mysterious prisoner, it didn't seem to be a good thing.

"Do you know of a way to save it?"

"Hmph, from the moment you start absorbing, the essence of the monster has been integrated into your soul. As time goes by, these essences will only gather more and more. The only solution is to Quickly adjust and switch back to the normal absorption method... But you don't want to completely eradicate the part of the monster essence that has been fused in the soul, it is impossible... Unless you have soul-type cultivation methods, but ...Don't think about it, I have lived for so long, and I have never heard of any kind of cultivation method for the soul...A while ago, there was a magic door, which was a gimmick for cultivating the soul, but I guess, it must be It is borrowed from other heretical ways, in fact, it is not a real cultivation method of the soul..."

(End of this chapter)

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