Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 225 Bai Qiufeng

Chapter 225 Bai Qiufeng

Hearing what the mysterious prisoner said, Guo Mu was stunned. He suddenly thought of the "Golden Origin Jue" that he had. He wondered if "Golden Origin Jue" could be regarded as a real cultivation method for the soul?
The mysterious prisoner said again: "Boy, you see that you are still young in cultivation, it is best to change the way of absorbing the inner alchemy as soon as possible, and do not absorb it directly... You know, the younger the age, the weaker the toughness of the soul, then, The degree of impact will be heavier..."

Mysteriously said seriously, obviously did not intend to deceive Guo Mu, but Guo Mu did not fully believe that he had his own thoughts and judgments.

Although the mysterious prisoner said that he might be affected, Guo Mu knew that his soul power was not so strong now, at least, it was many times stronger than many people he met in the Wushuang Realm, even the sky warrior Luo Huagongzi.

If it is said that the tougher the soul, the less affected it is, Guo Mu feels that the possibility of being affected is almost negligible.

But... don't be too careless. In the future, if there is a chance, I'd better change the way of absorption.

Then, Guo Mu asked some questions about what is the correct way to absorb. The mysterious prisoner showed off a lot, but the content was probably the same as what the blue ghost said, and it was not even what the blue ghost said. Said in detail.

Now, Guo Mu also confirmed that the mysterious prisoner must not have the advanced level of the blue ghost.


The correct absorption method is to combine special medicinal materials.But...with Guo Mu's current conditions, he can't do this at all, so he decided to use this method for the time being and absorb it directly.In the future, when conditions permit, we will talk about other things.

Time passed day by day. On this day, the white-clothed disciple who was in charge of investigating Guo Mu's past had returned. He immediately reported what he had found to the higher-ups.

At this time, it has been one month and eight days since Guo Mu was imprisoned in the Houshan cell. Generally speaking, the speed of this investigation is quite fast.

In the past month or so, Guo Mu had accumulated a large amount of Yuan Lingli, and his dantian was basically full of Yuan Lingli.This speed of absorbing spiritual energy and merging elemental spiritual energy was never expected by Guo Mu before.

In the past, he always fused a certain amount of primordial spirit power, and then hurriedly fed it to Tiandi Jue, or used it for other purposes, such as the practice of Shattering God Fist.

But I have never tried it. I don’t use anything for a month, just accumulating yuan spiritual power.

He hadn't thought before that the Yuan Lingli he had accumulated in a month could actually support his entire dantian.Guo Mu didn't know how long the primordial spirit power in his dantian could last him, but... He also had some confidence to face the results of the investigation and the difficulties he might face.

In the worst case, use the God of Destruction Fist, or use the golden gloves to fight your way out.

As for being exposed, the big deal is that after going out, hide his name, keep a low profile, and mix into the lives of ordinary people, then who can find him.

Even if he finds it, he may have opened the fourth page of Heaven and Earth Art, or the fifth page, and his life-saving ability has been improved to a higher level.

Guo Mu's only headache is that he doesn't know the strength of those peak martial artists and sky warriors in Wangjianmen. Now he is considered a half cultivator. Who wins.

It's just that no matter what Guo Mu thinks, what should come will always come.

One day, Brother Tian and two other disciples in white came in and took Guo Mu out of the cave. The moment he walked out of the cave, Guo Mu suddenly felt the sun was glaring, and he quickly closed his eyes.

After a while, he squinted his eyes and saw the complex expression of Senior Brother Tian, ​​and then his heart skipped a beat, knowing something was wrong: It seems that the results of this investigation are not very good...

When he was taken to the courtyard where the old head was, Guo Mu found that not only the old head was there, but also his master Guangwu was there, even Bing Tian and that nasty Guo Huayu were there.Guo Fuyu's expression was very calm, but Guo Mu could tell that there was a look of gloating in the former's brow, but it was very subtle.

So obscure, his expression, it seemed, turned out to be worried.

Those who didn't know thought Guo Liyu was worried about Guo Mu's situation.

Guo Mu glanced at him coldly, thinking, if there is a chance, Guo Liyu must be eradicated.

In addition to these people, there were also some people in strange clothes in the courtyard, which Guo Mu didn't know, so he guessed that they shouldn't be people from Wangjianmen.

One of them, who was dressed in a strange suit, stood beside the old head, with a calm expression on his face. There was a hint of arrogance, but it was not very obvious.

From his body, Guo Mu seemed to see the shadow of his half-brother, Guo Tianyang.

Of course, this person is not Guo Tianyang, and Guo Mu doesn't know where Guo Tianyang is now, maybe he is still fighting guerrillas with the Supreme Elder in the Soul Realm.

After all, the Guo family is gone, isn't it?

The weird person in front of him, the same as Guo Tianyang, is the special temperament that can only be obtained by coming from a famous family and receiving the best education and training.

The temperament of a noble man.

However, he believes that his soul is so powerful, so it shouldn't be affected...

The aristocrat looked at Guo Mu curiously, and Guo Mu met his gaze without avoiding it or showing any timidity.For Guo Mu's performance, the nobleman seemed very satisfied, and even nodded to Guo Mu with a smile.Guo Mu was stunned, not knowing what the other party meant, so he couldn't help being suspicious.

He thought to himself, isn't it because he was called out because he was going to be dealt with?

If it's about dealing with him, there's no need for that noble son to be so polite to him.

Guo Mu was thinking about it, but he heard the old master suddenly say: "Bai Shangshi, he is what I told you...Guo Mu."

"Oh?" Your son didn't even look at the old head, but smiled and said to Guo Mu: "Little brother, hello..."

Now, Guo Mu is even more confused. From the beginning to now, he is full of doubts, always feeling that something is wrong.With a quick turn of his mind, he knew that if someone looked into his past, they would definitely not be able to find out anything, because he was not from this world in the first place.

And the so-called famous post was originally secretly hidden by Feng Wen and left to his son Feng Lei, who then passed it on to himself.In the middle, there is no fourth person who knows.

Even if Wangjianmen used all the power of the whole school, they might not be able to find out any clues.

The final conclusion is that Guo Mu obtained this famous post through unknown means.

Guo Mu... It is very likely that he is an undercover agent sent by other sects that are enemies with Wangjianmen!
It can be said that from the very beginning of this incident, from the very beginning of the initial exposure, Guo Mu knew that he would not be able to escape after all, and he dragged on for the next month just to accumulate more cards for himself.

He guessed that there would eventually be a battle between himself and Wangjianmen.

This battle may be staged today.

But...why, this person in front of him, who seemed to be trying to please the old head, would actually smile at him, and in terms of words, he seemed to have a good attitude.

What exactly is this for?
Guo Mu couldn't figure it out, so he decided to take one step at a time and see what kind of tricks this so-called white envoy was trying to pull off.

Then, he cracked them one by one.

"You are?" Guo Mu asked neither humble nor overbearing.

The envoy in Bai smiled, and said, "My name is Bai Qiufeng, you should remember it well, little brother."

The moment Bai Shangshi finished speaking, Guo Huayu suddenly exclaimed: "You...you are Bai Qiufeng...that...that was at the Shaowu Conference..."

Bai Qiufeng nodded, and didn't care about Guo Lianyu's abruptness, but Bing Tian, ​​who was beside Guo Lianyu, gave Guo Lianyu a hard look, and then smiled apologetically at Bai Qiufeng.

Bai Qiufeng seems to have a good temper, he always looks gentle and refined, quite like a nobleman.

When he set his eyes on Guo Mu's face, he was taken aback by Guo Mu's calm and composed expression, but he quickly realized and asked calmly, "Why... little brother, isn't there Have you heard my name..."

Guo Mu shook his head: "Are you famous, should I know your name?"

As soon as Guo Mu finished speaking, Guo Liyu laughed loudly: "The guy who is about to die has never even heard of the name Bai Shangshi... Hahaha... It's so funny... It's so stupid!"

He laughed loudly, but Guo Mu turned his head and looked at him calmly, without replying.He didn't need to argue with the dog, and he really didn't know who Bai Qiufeng was...

Who is Bai Qiufeng? Should he know?

A thought suddenly came to Guo Mu's mind, that is, this so-called white envoy is very important to him, and the status of this white envoy will definitely help him solve the immediate crisis.

As he was thinking about it, some information that he had ignored in the past suddenly appeared in Guo Mu's heart. It was some rumors that the elders had said when they mentioned the "Shaowu Conference" when they were giving lectures to newcomers not long after they had just started. According to the rumors, there seems to be such a person named "Bai Qiufeng".

Guo Mu's heart suddenly brightened.

Is it...

Sure enough, Guo Luyu said loudly: "Bai Shangshi, that is the person who has won the championship of the Shaowu Championship twice in a row! Where did you come from, and you don't even know what I know... Or, are you deliberately pretending not to know in front of Bai Shangshi?"

(End of this chapter)

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