Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 232 The sound of the piano

Chapter 232 The sound of the piano
The two walked through the valley to the foot of the mountain on the other side, and then continued to walk up the mountain.

"This is the place where only the high-ranking members of our sect live. The one I'm taking you to meet now is the suzerain." Bai Qiufeng said slowly.

Guo Mu snorted.

Bai Qiufeng said again: "Do you know that in the past, there was no disciple who could meet the suzerain when he entered the gate, and he was alone."

Guo Mu didn't know what he meant.

Bai Qiufeng turned his head and looked at him with a smile.

"You are special."

"Special?" Guo Mu was stunned when he heard Bai Qiufeng's words.It was the first time anyone had said that about him, and, it seemed, it wasn't derogatory.

Could it be that Bai Qiufeng rescued him from the turmoil of Wangjianmen's "name post suspicion" and brought him directly to Shuyangzong just because he was special?

Could it be that his specialness is enough for him to break through the restrictions, let the Shuyang Sect lower the threshold and accept him into the sect?

Guo Mu looked at Bai Qiufeng suspiciously, and Bai Qiufeng said lightly: "I trust my intuition. I was at Wangjianmen before, and I was curious after hearing what the headmaster said about you. At that time, it was just curiosity, but later, When I really saw you, I really affirmed my thoughts..."

"what idea?"

"You are... a rare genius in the world!"

As soon as Bai Qiufeng said these words, Guo Mu was completely stunned.genius?Some people actually say that he is a genius, or a rare genius in the world...

If it was said by ordinary people, Guo Mu might have dismissed it completely, but this was said by a genius in the eyes of the world.

What does this mean?
Guo Mu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, which had never happened before. The feeling in his heart suddenly became excited for some reason. This feeling was due to being recognized by others.

Even Lan Gui never praised his physique, and Guo Yinger, regardless of whether Guo Mu was a genius or not, would always be by his side, while Feng Sanshao always regarded Guo Mu as a genius.From the three of them, what Guo Mu got was help, affection and friendship.

But he never got the kind of recognition that Guo Mu thought in his heart.

Guo Mu longs to be recognized, he doesn't want to be a waste, and what he has been doing all the time, from leaving the soul world to the Wushuang world, from enduring the pain and constantly fusing Yuanling power, from following Bai Qiufeng to the Shuyang sect without hesitation, he All you are looking for is recognition.

He wants to be recognized.

He hopes that one day, others will regard him as a genius.

Today, Bai Qiufeng's sentence "You are a rare genius in the world" is exactly the compliment Guo Mu longs for.In particular, this compliment is said by a genius in the eyes of others, and its credibility is even higher.

Could it be that I am really a rare genius in the world?Guo Mu had to admit that at this moment, his mood was exceptionally good, all because of Bai Qiufeng's words.

"Thank you." Regardless of whether Bai Qiufeng was flattering or really thought Guo Mu was a genius, Guo Mu's words of thanks came from the bottom of his heart.

Bai Qiufeng knew what Guo Mu was thinking, nodded with a smile, and then continued to walk up the mountain. Guo Mu thought that he would meet the suzerain of the Shuyang Sect soon, and this meeting would also mean whether he could become the master of Shuyang Sect. A member of Zong.Thinking of this, Guo Mu took a deep breath and continued to follow Bai Qiufeng towards the mountain.


The place where the suzerain lived was completely different from the resplendent and magnificent place Guo Mu had imagined.

This is just a very simple and ordinary thatched cottage.Guo Mu couldn't figure out why the suzerains of the three major sects of Xiaqiu Kingdom had such high power and prestige, not to mention wealth.Why, his residence is so simple.

In front of the thatched hut, there was an old man with a pile of gray and long beard, standing in front of a stone, and on the stone, a chess game was placed upright.The old man walked back and forth, constantly moving the pieces on the chessboard.Looking at him, it seems that he is playing chess with himself.

Bai Qiufeng led Guo Mu and stood aside, silent.Although Guo Mu was curious as to why Bai Qiufeng didn't make any moves, he was very sensible and didn't say much.

In front of the chessboard, the old man played with himself, applauded from time to time, and laughed like crazy.Guo Mu looked very suspicious, but Bai Qiufeng beside him had an expression he was used to.

After half an hour, the old man ended the chess game.

Bai Qiufeng spoke in a timely manner: "The villain Bai Qiufeng, I have met the suzerain."

This old man turned out to be the third largest sect in Xiaqiu Kingdom, and also the head of the most mysterious sect.Following Bai Qiufeng's voice, Guo Mu raised his eyes and looked at the old man curiously.I saw that the old man's appearance and Qingxin had one or two imaginations, his eyes were piercing, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through the hearts of others at a glance.Guo Mu looked at the old man curiously, while the old man looked at him calmly.

"You're back, how are things going?" The suzerain asked Bai Qiufeng, but his eyes kept falling on Guo Mu.

"Repay the suzerain, everything has been done according to your instructions." Bai Qiufeng said.

The suzerain nodded, and did not ask any more detailed questions, but shifted the topic to Guo Mu: "This little friend, it seems, is not from our Shuyang sect."

"No." Bai Qiufeng replied frankly.

The suzerain let out a groan, glanced at Bai Qiufeng, and Bai Qiufeng continued: "But, he will be there soon..."

After hearing this sentence, the suzerain's face suddenly became serious. Guo Mu saw it and thought that the suzerain was angry and didn't want him to join the Shuyang sect.Thinking of this, Guo Mu felt a little nervous.

Bai Qiufeng has always maintained a calm smile.

After a while, the suzerain suddenly laughed: "Well done, Qiufeng, you did another beautiful thing!"

Bai Qiufeng smiled slightly, not surprised by favor or humiliation: "Thank you, Sect Master, this is what I should do."

The suzerain nodded, then shifted his gaze to Guo Mu's face: "Not bad, boy, what's your name?"

Guo Mu replied honestly: "Repay the suzerain, my name is Guo Mu."

"Hmm... would you like to join my Shuyang Sect?" the suzerain said suddenly.

Guo Mu originally thought that the suzerain would ask a lot of questions, but he didn't expect that the suzerain wanted to recruit him to join the Shuyang sect just after seeing him.This made Guo Mu have to start to doubt, could it be that he is really a rare martial arts genius?

"Yes." Guo Mu naturally couldn't let go of this kind of opportunity.

Hearing that Guo Mu agreed to come down, the old man smiled slightly and nodded: "Qiufeng, take him down to settle down first, and by the way, tell Elder Ye to come up for me."

"Yes." Bai Qiufeng said.

Then Bai Qiufeng looked at Guo Mu: "Let's go."

Guo Mu was still in a daze, unable to recover.Before, he had been worried for so long on the road, for fear that he would be rejected by Shuyangzong.After all, the Shuyang Sect's requirement for recruiting people is the lowest level of a martial artist, but Guo Mu is just a martial artist, so he is not qualified at all.

The suzerain of the Shuyang sect let him pass the test so easily.Except for half an hour of waiting, the time it took to actually deal with this matter was less than 5 minutes at all.In such a short period of time, it was confirmed that a martial artist was admitted to the sect, but he didn't even come up to touch his bones.

This efficiency is really too fast.

But it also seemed too hasty.

Therefore, Guo Mu still couldn't react.


"Do you know why the suzerain let you pass so easily?" Bai Qiufeng asked Guo Mudao on the way.

Guo Mu nodded very honestly.

"That's because the suzerain can see through your aptitude at a glance. He knows that you are an absolute genius, just like I know." Bai Qiufeng emphasized Guo Mu's genius for the second time.

Guo Mu really didn't understand this time: "Why...you think I'm a genius? When I was looking at Jianmen, I couldn't even comprehend ordinary mental methods..."

"What? You can't even comprehend ordinary mental techniques?" Bai Qiufeng was taken aback for a moment, but recovered in an instant, and said, "That's okay, because your genius is not reflected in ordinary martial arts."

Guo Mu was taken aback: "What aspect is that?"

Bai Qiufeng stopped suddenly, and Guo Mu also stopped hastily.Bai Qiufeng looked into Guo Mu's eyes seriously, and said, "My suzerain and I discovered your aptitude, not just ordinary martial arts, but..."

His voice suddenly became low: "The art of cultivation!"


Not long after Guo Mu and Bai Qiufeng left, another person walked slowly up the mountain.This person is wearing a light Luoman garment, with a graceful posture, a plain suit, and a delicate face, like a flying fairy from the sky.If Guo Mu could see her, he would definitely recognize her.Because this person is the woman Guo Mu once met in White Lake City, and who has been obsessed with her until now, and has been pursuing her goal: Qingxin.

Qingxin frowned slightly, and walked up the mountain, but she didn't know that there was a young man named Guo Mu who had just come down from the mountain.


Guo Mu followed Bai Qiufeng, and Bai Qiufeng arranged a place for him to stay.To Guo Mu's surprise, he didn't see many Shuyangzong disciples in the place where he stayed.This made Guo Mu a little surprised. When he thought about it, the Shuyang sect had a large number of people. Even if it occupied a large area, the dormitory could not be wasted like this.Could it be that Bai Qiufeng arranged for him a separate residence?

(End of this chapter)

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