Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 233 News

Chapter 233 News
Guo Mu didn't ask in detail, but after Bai Qiufeng brought him to his residence, he told him not to walk around casually, and left.

In the room, only Guo Mu was left alone.

Guo Mu walked out and walked around the yard. There were various flowers blooming in the yard, and the air was full of fragrance.Guo Mu thought to himself, Shuyangzong is really a good place, so he walked again, of course, he kept Bai Qiufeng's words in mind, and he didn't go too far.

"Is this the Shuyang sect?"

Guo Mu stroked the unique pattern on the wooden building, thinking about the scene when he joined Wangjianmen a year ago, as if in a dream, he came to Shuyangzong in a blink of an eye.Shaking his head, Guo Mu shook off the boring emotion, and if it comes, he will be at ease, and take every step counting.

He raised his head and saw a group of wild geese flying across the sky in single file.

For a moment, Guo Mu's heart was as quiet as a lake.


Suddenly, a zither sound came from nowhere, piercing the silence of the air, like a stone flying out from a certain direction and falling into Guo Mu's heart lake.

The sound of the piano was beautiful, with a hint of resentment, Guo Mu pricked up his ears, almost fascinated by it.

After a while, when the song ended and the piano sound stopped, Guo Mucai felt that he was lost and his heart was no longer peaceful.

"Who is playing the piano, why is it so beautiful."

Guo Mu had a strong desire to find out.

The beautiful sound of the piano was like a spell, attracting Guo Mu's mind.Guo Mu moved involuntarily, looking for one courtyard after another.These courtyards are all round arched gates, and there is no shelter. Guo Mu doesn't need to go in. He only needs to look at the gates to find out what's going on inside.

The piano sound only played one song, and then it stopped ringing.

Guo Mu searched several nearby courtyards based on his feeling, but he couldn't find the person playing the piano, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Just when he was about to return to the courtyard that Bai Qiufeng had brought him to before, he found that he was lost.It turned out that just now, in order to find the person playing the piano, he didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation at all, and turned left and right. When he wanted to turn around again, he found that he didn't know the way.

Guo Mu was stunned.

There was no way, he could only slowly grope away based on memory.

As he was walking, a voice suddenly sounded behind him. It sounded like it should be a young girl: "Hey, stop, who are you and why are you sneaking around!"

sneaking?Guo Mu felt like he was about to vomit blood. Since when did he sneak around, he was obviously very upright... Perhaps, in order to find the way, he looked around, so he was regarded as a sneaky person.

"I told you to stop, did you hear me, which courtyard do you belong to?"

Anyway, I have a clear conscience, stop and stop.Thinking about it, Guo Mu stopped decisively.He turned around and saw the person speaking. It turned out to be a girl about his age.The girl tied her ponytail, blinked her big eyes, and looked at him curiously.Guo Mu just looked at the girl like this, and suddenly felt that the latter looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.The two stared at each other, and just stood there in a daze.

"Huh..." The girl suddenly made a sound.

Guo Mu responded, "Huh?"

"Huh..." the girl said again.

Guo Mu's head was full of black lines: "Huh?"

"Who are you?" The girl narrowed her eyes: "New here? Impossible, why didn't you wear martial arts training clothes, didn't wear the badge of a formal disciple, and...why do you look so clumsy, as if..."

"Clumsy?" Guo Mu felt dumbfounded, did he really look clumsy?It was this girl who was teasing him on purpose.

"Do you dare to say that you don't look clumsy? You look stupid." The girl pouted at first, but she didn't know what she thought of after she said it, and she was teased by her own words, and even laughed.

The young girl's appearance was a little immature, but she was also a standard beauty embryo. Guazi's delicate lips were bright, and her eyes were squinted with a smile, like a beautiful crescent moon.She wears a ponytail on the back of her head, which also adds some innocent points to her image.

Guo Mu looked at the girl, but he didn't lose his mind, but because he looked at the girl too intently, the girl blushed slightly, and besides blushing, she was also a little annoyed: "Why are you so frivolous, what are you looking at, what are you looking at? Too beautiful!"

Flirty... Guo Mu's face was embarrassed. He had no thoughts about this at all. He just thought the girl looked familiar, so he took a few more glances, but he didn't expect that the girl would treat him as frivolous. It was simply...too domineering.

"I am..." As soon as he opened his mouth, Guo Mu didn't know how to explain his identity. He had just entered the Shuyang Sect, and he hadn't figured out what was going on. He was just taken to a courtyard by Bai Qiufeng in a daze.As for the fact that the suzerain had opened his mouth to accept him into the sect, Guo Mu still didn't know what kind of status he was in the Shuyang sect.

Gatekeeper?It seems a bit early... But if it is not a disciple, then how could it be in the Shuyang Sect.

This also doesn't make sense.

Seeing Guo Mu's dilemma, the girl felt that Guo Mu was even more suspicious, so she said unhappily: "If you don't say it, if you don't say it, I will arrest you to see the law enforcement elder!" , and took out a slender leather whip, as if he planned to wait for Guo Mu to say something that dissatisfied her, and immediately start to tie the latter up.

The realms between warriors and martial masters are actually hard to distinguish from the outside, unless they are sky warriors, they can be judged by the strength of the spiritual power emanating from the two realms.But... if the martial artist and the martial artist stand together without making a move, ordinary people will not be able to tell the difference.

The realm of the girl is beyond the sky, and she is only a martial artist, Guo Mu thought in his heart, because there was a saying that the Shuyang Sect only accepts martial arts and above.Like him, he was hired exceptionally because of his special ability in cultivating Taoism.

Guo Mu thought to himself, if he used the Yuanling Shield to be immune to all attacks, and cast the Destroyer Fist, it is estimated that the girl in front of him would disappear immediately, and the golden gloves were too ostentatious. However, Guo Mu still does not intend to use it.

But Guo Mu also set up a posture. If the girl really wanted to do something to him, he wouldn't let it.Lianxiangxiyu?Let's put this term aside, Guo Mu is still worried about being bullied by this girl, after all, he doesn't dare to kill.This is the headquarters of the Shuyang Sect, and the girl has no enmity with him.

The girl saw that Guo Mu not only didn't explain her background seriously, but actually put on a posture to fight her, she couldn't help becoming even more annoyed: "Wow, you actually want to fight me, don't you know who I am?"

Guo Mu shook his head, the caution in his eyes still remained.

"I'm Qingxuan!" the girl pouted, her tone was very calm, as if she thought that Guo Mu should have heard of her name.

However, she was wrong, Guo Mu had never heard of "Qingxuan" at all, but Guo Mu had heard of another person's name, that is "Qingxin".Qingxin and Qingxuan, both of them have the surname "Qing", why? Could it be that they are sisters.Guo Mu's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered that when Young Master Luohua was talking to Qingxin, he had mentioned a little girl who was said to be Qingxin's younger sister.

Young Master Luo Hua seemed to be very interested in Qing Xin's younger sister, and it was precisely because of this that Qing Xin was enraged and fought with Young Master Luo Hua.

Could it be that the person Luo Huazi likes is this little loli in front of him?
Guo Mu was stunned. He had to say that this girl named Qingxuan looked quite cute.It's no wonder that the romantic and suave young man would like it, but Guo Mu might not like it.In Guo Mu's heart, what he likes is a woman like Qingxin, like a goddess, who looks cold but takes good care of others.Perhaps it was because he was too lonely, so Guo Mu could feel that Qingxin was also lonely in her heart.

It was this loneliness that brought the two of them closer together.

Just like the piece Guo Mu heard, although it is beautiful, it seems so unique, with a touch of sadness in it.Therefore, when Guo Mu heard the melody, he would be fascinated by it, and would go everywhere to find the person who played the melody.

However, the little loli named Qingxuan in front of her exudes a kind of eccentric aura of a young girl. Maybe ordinary people will like her type, but Guo Mu will definitely not like her.

Guo Mu felt that such a little girl didn't understand anything and was loved so much that she didn't even know what it was like to be lonely.

Guo Mu has been living in loneliness, not to mention that he doesn't want a woman now, even if he really needs a woman, it will be someone who can really understand him, not a little girl who just looks good.

Hearing that the little girl's name was "Qingxuan", how clever Guo Mu was, he immediately guessed that Qingxuan might be Qingxin's younger sister.Thinking of this, he immediately became excited, and he opened his mouth and asked, "Your name is Qingxuan, so, is Qingxin your sister?"

He had just finished asking, but unexpectedly, the girl named Qingxuan's face suddenly turned cold: "My sister's name is taboo, you can call it nonsense?" After saying that, she threw the whip at Guo Mu, There was no room for mercy, she watched Guo Mu jump and dodge the attack, and said: "I see you are sneaky, you must be from that place again, you are a follower, don't hide, pick me up if you have the ability Try two tricks?"

Guo Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, since Qingxuan was really Qingxin's younger sister, it would be difficult for him to fight, so he could only avoid it.Unexpectedly, this little girl's tricks were also quite ruthless. An ordinary whip danced vigorously in her hand, and it didn't show any water. Guo Mu secretly complained.

(End of this chapter)

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