Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 234 Qingxuan

Chapter 234 Qingxuan
He just wanted to explain how he and Qingxin met.But what Qingxuan said next made him stunned: "I just know how to hide. With such a little ability, she also claims to be from that place, and even wants to marry my sister away. It's just a dream!"

Qingxin is going to be married away?

How is this going.

In Guo Mu's mind, the holy woman who was as cold as a snow mountain flashed into his mind, remembering that he joined Wangjianmen for her, and worked hard until now, and finally entered Shuyangzong.Originally, I thought we could meet each other, but I didn't expect that the result would be that the woman who made Guo Mu's mind turbulent was about to marry?
It has to be said that Guo Mu's mood is very complicated now.

Did he fall in love with Qingxin? Why, he was so sad when he heard the news that someone was going to marry Qingxin.

Guo Mu didn't know, all his feelings were subconscious.

He didn't know what this meant.However, when he heard the news that Qingxin might be getting married, his mood really became uneasy.

Speaking of which, Guo Mu is only 16 years old now, and Qing Xin should be two or three years older than him.Maybe, in Qingxin's heart, she just treats him as a little brother, or a passerby.However, this does not prevent Guo Mu from liking Qingxin.

Guo Mu stood still, and Qingxuan's whip hit his eyes. Qingxuan didn't mean it, but when she saw this scene, she hurriedly withdrew her strength and hit the whip to the other side, thus avoiding the tragedy.

However, when Qingxuan turned her head angrily and saw Guo Mu, her expression was still calm and motionless.

"Hey, you are not only frivolous, but also desperate!" Qing Xuan said angrily.

Guo Mudao: "Aren't you going to kill me?"

"I'm joking." Of course Qingxuan was joking, she wasn't that stupid, even if the boy in front of her really came from that place and came to marry her sister, she wouldn't really call him disabled.

After all, that place... even compared with Shuyangzong, it is not much better.

Qingxuan had been informed a long time ago that she should not easily offend people from that place. She is not too young now, she is also 15 years old, so she naturally understands some things. Come a lot of trouble.

Even with a behemoth like Shuyangzong, he must be polite to the visitors of that place.

Qingxuan looked at Guo Mu, wishing she could tie this frivolous boy into rice dumplings and throw it into the river, but she held back.Guo Mu didn't pay attention to Qingxuan's expression, he was thinking about his own affairs, he was thinking about how he felt towards Qingxin.

Say I like it, but I always feel a little abrupt, and I also have the feeling of wanting to see, but it is not so strong.He just subconsciously wants to get closer to where this woman is, and at the same time, he also wants to become stronger.

After thinking for a long time, Guo Mu didn't get a result, which is normal, because he was not good at dealing with such things.

When he came back to his senses, seeing Qingxuan was still looking at him curiously, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed, then thought of something, and said: "By the way, I'm not what you think, in fact, I just joined the Shuyang Sect..."

Qingxuan looked at him in disbelief: "Are you a newcomer?"

"Yeah." Guo Mu nodded.

Qingxuan said again: "Impossible, why did the newcomers come here!"

"Huh? Why is it impossible?"

"Because this is the place where senior disciples live, don't you know that only people above the realm of sky warriors are allowed to enter here." Qingxuan said with wide-eyed eyes, looking very cute.

Guo Mu asked in a daze, "Then what about you, are you a Sky Warrior?"

"I'm not." Qingxuan shook her head.

"Then how did you come in?" Guo Mu retorted.

Seeing that Guo Mu doubted her, Qingxuan said angrily, "I can come in if I want, are you not convinced? You don't care how I come in and what I do, do I need to explain to you?"

Guo Mu shook his head helplessly: "You don't need to explain to me, but you can't control me. I come in as soon as I come in."

"Newcomers will be punished for confinement if they come here, don't you know?" Qingxuan asked curiously.

"I don't know." Guo Mu shook his head. He really didn't know that there was such a rule.In fact, he simply didn't have time to know.

Qingxuan covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Returning to being a martial artist, no matter how you look at it, you look like an idiot. But... Hey, you are about the same age as me, yet you have reached the level of a martial artist! So fierce... so perverted?"

Guo Mu rolled his eyes and wanted to say in his heart that you are the pervert, but he still held back his words.Because he knew that once he uttered these words, then, next, he would really fall into a state of immortality.


Guo Mu caught something sensitively and asked, "Why, aren't you a martial artist?"

Qingxuan snorted, turned her face away, with a displeasure on her face, which confirmed Guo Mu's judgment even more.After affirming it, Guo Mu became even more curious. Could it be that the girl Qingxuan in front of him is not a martial artist.Then how did she join Shuyang Sect?

"Could it be that you were also admitted with an exception?" Guo Mu asked.

Qingxuan turned her head curiously, her big eyes flickering: "Hey, you were admitted with an exception? Could it be that you were admitted with an exception?"

Guo Mu nodded.

Qingxuan suddenly covered her mouth: "Wow, besides those two seniors, now there is another genius who has been admitted with an exception? But..." She approached, looked left and right at Guo Mu: "But no matter how I look at it , you don't even look like a genius, but you're more or less a dumb pig."

Stupid pig!

Guo Mu almost vomited blood on the spot, and he was actually called a dumb pig.

Guo Mu couldn't be bothered to pay attention to this young girl with active thoughts, so he grabbed the key question just now and said, "What did you just say, Qingxin... Uh, what happened to Senior Sister Qingxin? Who wants to marry her?"

After hearing Guo Mu's question, Qingxuan gave him a strange look and said, "Why do you care so much about my sister..."

Guo Mu blushed and said in embarrassment: "Didn't you just say that, so I just asked casually, don't think too much about it."

Qingxuan rolled her eyes at him, and said: "That's good, but even if you have ideas, you have to rot in my stomach. I don't want my sister to have something to do with a stupid pig like you... Huh, you Not good enough for her."

If it is said that Qingxuan's previous remarks were innocent and innocent, the current words have some very obvious contempt, which can be regarded as contempt in personality.Guo Mu's face, which was still smiling just now, became stiff instantly, and his favorability towards Qingxuan also instantly decreased in his heart.

Seeing that his complexion suddenly became ugly, Qingxuan was as smart as her, so she naturally guessed that Guo Mu was angry.She said this casually, and she didn't really want to belittle Guo Mu or anything. She usually joked with other people, and other people knew her character, so they usually just smiled and let it go.However, it was the first time that Qingxuan saw someone's self-esteem being hurt by what she said.

"I'm sorry, I was joking just now." Qingxuan looked at Guo Mu nervously, showing the pure side of an innocent girl.

She cared so much about other people's opinions. Once she found that what she said would affect other people's emotions, she quickly took it back and apologized.As expected, she was just an ignorant girl, Guo Mu looked better, shook his head, and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm used to it."

"Get used to it?" What does this mean, Qingxuan looked at Guo Mu's sideways figure, a little puzzled.

"Now can you tell me who is going to marry Senior Sister Qingxin?"

Although Qingxuan didn't know why Guo Mu paid so much attention to this question, but after thinking about it, the answer to this question was not a secret among the sect.She nodded and said to Guo Mu: "I don't know who is going to marry my sister, but half a year ago, someone came to our sect and asked for marriage. My sister has been unwilling, so the matter It's been dragging on for so long. Hmph, I don't want my sister to marry, and it will be even more difficult for me to see my sister."

"So, I always go to persuade my sister not to marry..."

Guo Mu couldn't help but laugh, this girl is so cute.

"It's just that a few days ago, I don't know what happened. My sister suddenly showed signs of agreeing. I persuaded her for a long time, but it didn't work. I don't know what my sister thinks..." Qingxuan was talking, but she fell. tendency to tear.

Guo Mu hurriedly stopped her, and changed the subject, "Don't cry, don't cry, tell me first, who is it that wants to marry your sister."

Qingxuan blinked her big eyes, her eye sockets were moist: "They seem to come from...a place called 'Muyou Valley'..."


Shepherd Valley!
The moment Qingxuan said these three words, Guo Mu's pupils shrank suddenly, and in his mind, the group of men in black robes who attacked him and Senior Brother Bai Qiufeng suddenly appeared in his mind.Those people in black robes claimed to be from "Muyou Valley".

Muyou Valley, what kind of place is this? Why are there traces of their activities everywhere.

Guo Mu narrowed his eyes and began to sort out all the information about Mu Yougu in his mind.

The man in black seems to be a messenger who came out of the mysterious place Muyou Valley and walked around.When it first appeared, Guo Mu was still in Wangjianmen. At that time, Senior Brother Tian went out to find the whereabouts of Senior Sister Mochizuki, but was hurt by Senior Sister Mochizuki whose personality had changed drastically.The second time, Guo Mu was able to directly see the true faces of these black-robed people, and even heard the word "Mu Yougu".The third time that Mu Yougu appeared was in Shuyang Sect, the third largest sect in Xiaqiu Kingdom, Shuyang Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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