Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 242 The Demon Beast Appears Part 2

Chapter 242 The Demon Beast Appears Part 2
It turned out that even Qingxin herself didn't know much about Muyougu. The main reason she agreed was because of what her father, the head of the Shuyang Sect, said: "Although Muyougu's reputation is not obvious, but his background of strength But it is terrifyingly powerful. I suspect that there are monks in it. The activities in Muyou Valley have been too frequent recently. It is said that even some high-level people in the Eastern Zen Sect have been controlled by them. I don’t know if the rumors are true or not. The first time they want to marry you, it is obviously not as simple as marriage."

What the suzerain meant was that he did not approve of Qingxin getting married. He originally wanted to invite the people from Muyougu back, but Qingxin himself became interested in this mysterious place, especially what the suzerain said, "there is a lot of people behind Muyougu". There are monks."

Qingxin's purpose was to sneak in and obtain the secrets of Taoism!
When Guo Mu learned of Qingxin's initial thoughts, he couldn't help secretly thinking that Qingxin was so stupid that she planned to sacrifice her lifelong happiness for a set of cultivation methods.Is cultivating the Tao really that important? Guo Muruo would never embark on such a path of cultivating the Tao if it was not for survival.In fact, Guo Mu's character is more inclined to live a simple life.Although cultivating the Tao sounds like a detached act, only those who have experienced it know that the road of cultivating the Tao is full of various risks.

Looking at Qingxin's determined expression, but his eyes showed a little unwillingness, Guo Mu couldn't help thinking of teaching Qingxin the Heaven and Earth Art, but he knew that the Heaven and Earth Art was not suitable for Qingxin to practice, and she couldn't practice it either. .

But apart from the Heaven and Earth Art, Guo Mu only has a set of Golden Soul Art for cultivating the soul, which is not suitable for ordinary people to practice.Apart from these two books, he has no other cultivation methods to use.

Guo Mu knew that Qingxin wanted to obtain the Taoist cultivation skills, but in the final analysis, she still wanted to use them for the people in the Taoist group to strengthen the Shuyang Sect.I have to say that she is indeed quite great, even sacrificing her own happiness in exchange for the strength of the Shuyang Sect.

If it weren't for this chat today, Guo Mu would have no idea why Qingxin wanted to marry, just like the other members of the Shuyang Sect.

It is precisely because of knowing the reason that Guo Mu doesn't want Qingxin to marry into Muyougu, he doesn't want to see Qingxin sacrifice his life's happiness.Moreover, in Guo Mu's heart, he didn't have any good impression of this so-called Muyou Valley. Perhaps, it was because the people in this place always hid themselves behind black robes, looking like they were hiding their heads and showing their tails. Showing people their true colors made Guo Mu feel that this Muyou Valley is not a good place.

But right now, Guo Mu hasn't thought of any way to help Qingxin, so he has no choice but to keep silent and wait until the opportunity comes.


A few days later, other team members arrived one after another. Guo Mu and the others breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that they were just delayed on the road and nothing happened.It's fine if nothing happens, that's the most important thing.A few days later, Bai Qiufeng also arrived, and with his arrival, the members of the cultivation group were almost all present.

As soon as Bai Qiufeng arrived, he organized personnel and assigned tasks.Several members of the cultivating group who were in the realm of Tianwu, followed the Shuyang Zongmen who had stayed behind, and went to Tianxiang Forest to investigate, while the others stayed in place and waited.

Half a day later, the personnel who went to investigate returned, claiming to have found a suspicious location where monsters appeared, and described the local scene in detail.Based on their feedback, Bai Qiufeng formulated a new plan according to local conditions.

The next day, they divided into several groups and approached the Tianxiang Forest.People from Muyougu also appeared here, which made Bai Qiufeng feel a little crisis, but he couldn't tell what kind of crisis it was.However, as the champion of the Shaowu Tournament, Bai Qiufeng has never been afraid.In his opinion, as long as the white-robed man from Muyou Valley doesn't show up, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

But it's just a small monster, so it shouldn't be worth letting a white-robed expert of the Muyougu Sect out of the valley. Therefore, Bai Qiufeng thought to himself that the skilled person was bold, and it didn't happen because a black-robed person appeared in Tianxiang Forest. change plan.

In the Tianxiang Forest, a group of people rushed towards the place where the monsters appeared, which was twenty or thirty miles away from the edge of the forest, but even so, it was still less than one-third of the distance from the Tianxiang Forest, which is enough to show that , Tianxiang forest is huge.

Everyone was walking without talking, they were all walking cautiously, observing the surrounding environment.

Of course, the defense is not the enemy's sneak attack, but the sudden appearance of monsters.

Fortunately, along the way, without any surprises or dangers, they finally reached the area where the monsters were.


This is a lake, a lake that suddenly popped up in the forest, just like White Lake, the water source of this lake comes from an underground river at the bottom of the lake.However, this lake is much larger than the White Lake, and there are some particularly old and sturdy trees that grow directly in the middle of the lake, mixed with the white fog rising from the lake, the whole picture is full of a strange and inexplicable a feeling of.

It is said that the monster has appeared in this lake several times.

Looking at the lake, Guo Mu seemed to have returned to the moment when he was chased by the black-clothed warriors sent by the Zhang family, and he had no choice but to jump into the white lake, and finally attracted the myriad-legged water beast.In his fight with the ten thousand-foot water beast, he almost died in the white lake, but later, by luck, he actually defeated the ten thousand-foot water beast, and successfully captured the ten thousand-foot water beast's inner alchemy.

Now, more than a year has passed, he is standing by another bigger lake, and the people around him have also been replaced by sky warriors, and the lowest level is also a martial artist.And what they have to face is still a water beast hidden at the bottom of the lake.

At this moment, it seems that time flows.

"It's probably sleeping now." Koshihikari joked as he glanced at the calm lake.

"Maybe." Bai Qiufeng glanced at him, then looked at the other people beside him, and said, "Are you ready? Don't let me lose the chain at the critical moment."

Those people raised the weapons in their hands, most of them were swords, and there were also some hidden weapons such as darts. These weapons were all poisoned, and they were used to attack that monster at that time.No one has ever seen the true face of the monster, including the disciples who discovered the monster at the beginning, they only saw the back of the monster.Generally speaking, even the most low-level monsters have attack power comparable to those of sky warriors.

"Team Leader Bai, I found the footprints of a monster!" Suddenly, a team member shouted at Bai Qiufeng from more than ten meters away.

Bai Qiufeng raised his eyebrows and walked towards that team member.At this time, the lake was still quiet without any ripples, and in the forest, there were occasional birdsong and insects, making it quite quiet.Bai Qiufeng wanted to go over to check the monster footprints that team member found, but suddenly, a warning signal rose in his heart, Bai Qiufeng suddenly turned his head to look at the other team members, but found that everyone's expressions were They are all a little nervous.

Bai Qiufeng cast his eyes on the lake again, only to see that waves on the lake suddenly began to oscillate and spread rapidly.

The monster is about to show up!


As expected of the champion of the Shaowu Tournament who has experienced hundreds of battles, Bai Qiufeng realized it in an instant, and immediately gave an order in a deep voice.And the other members of the cultivation group were not vegetarians either. The moment he gave the order, some members of the group had already taken action in advance.All the team members dispersed one after another, and the weapons in their hands also showed up. They formed a formation and carefully observed the movement of the lake.

The ripples on the surface of the lake suddenly became more intense, everyone's breathing became more rapid, and their expressions became more and more tense.

Although they are high-ranking sky warriors in the eyes of ordinary people, when facing monsters, they are just slightly stronger humans. If they are not careful, then monsters will easily kill them .

The world represented by the monster is a brand new and mysterious world.

In the world of cultivating Taoism, Tianwu practitioners are just the bottom ones.

Even ordinary cultivators might not dare to fight with monsters, let alone in the cultivating group, only a few sky warriors headed by Bai Qiufeng are quite strong, and the others are equivalent to babies in terms of cultivating Dao.

Compared with the others, Guo Mu's reaction was a little slower. After all the team members were ready to face the battle, Guo Mu could react.Just as he pulled out the sword at his waist and put his posture in place, a hand was put on his shoulder suddenly, and immediately Guo Mu felt that he was being pulled forcefully and pulled to the back.

He staggered a few times and almost fell, looking up, it was Koshihikari who was pulling him.Koshihikari looked at him with a serious expression: "Why are you so dazed? This is a battle with monsters. If you distract yourself for a moment, you might die! Little boy, go to the back."

Although Yue Guang's words were rough, Guo Mu knew that the former just didn't want him to be in danger.Thinking of this, Guo Mu felt moved.At this critical moment of life and death, if Guo Mu stood in front of Yue Hikari, he might be able to become Yue Hikari's human shield and protect him, but Yue Hikari pulled Guo Mu behind him without hesitation. He took the initiative to become Guo Mu's meat shield.

How could Guo Mu not be moved by this.

From the very beginning, Guo Mu was like a group of people. He followed the team members to capture monsters. In fact, at the beginning, both Koshihikari and Qingxin raised objections, but they were all rejected by Bai Qiufeng.The reason is that Guo Mu's current level of controlling spiritual power can be regarded as the second in the group. Although his own strength is indeed relatively weak, no one can guarantee that Guo Mu may really come in handy at a critical moment.

In fact, Guo Mu really wanted to participate in this operation.Of course, what he is doing is not the inner alchemy of the monster. The original purpose of this operation is to capture the monster. If the inner alchemy is taken, the monster will surely die.Furthermore, even if the inner alchemy is taken, the owner will not be Guo Mu.Guo Mu now has the inner alchemy of the ten thousand-legged water beast, and he has only taken in about one-fifth of the spiritual power, which is still very abundant, so why bother to make trouble for himself by adding more.

(End of this chapter)

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